the intersectional SJW pro-socialist, who is quick to call people nazis and bootlickers wants censorship and cancellation of people he doesn’t like... colour me surprised..
And yet another of the cadre of regular trolls comes out from under their bridge to lambast those who would dare to want actual moderation on a company's Forum, lest their unmoderated toxic behaviour would be curtailed. Calls it "censorship" and refers to the other posters political and social alignments, which amount to speaking up for the downtrodden and calling out white power supremacist emblems and themse, unsubtly hinting at them being in effect "a pinko commie". Absolute zero surprise there.
Who is trolling? I am literally summarizing your beliefs and attitude. Moderation on forums means you ban people for saying "kill yourself" and direct verbal abuse, it doesn't mean shutting down people you don't like. Besides, most people are just sick of you derailing every thread and then turn around and go "but muh autism". Bro, as others have pointed out multiple times; there's an ignore function, use it. Also, and I don't mean to be a dick about this, but you would probably be one of the first people to get banned if moderation got more strict. PS: I have no fucking idea what this is supposed to mean, it sounds like ramblings of a mad person. Stay frosty kiddo, and I hope you'll actually listen for once. As for @Dragonstriker : was this thread really necessary? :(
Can we please shut this thread or at least move it over to some more appropriate section of this forum?
But will they try and cancel the cake? I mean, don’t even humorless zealots want cake? Or do they prefer pie? If they prefer pie, then we’ve got troubles... because, well, pie is a bridge too far. Maybe a nice cream puff or as @Yinsania suggested, a nice brownie. I can bring cookies, with chocolate chip and snickerdoodles being personal specialities.
Those poor souls kept with out cake and forced to eat pie instead, who need others to speak up against the atrocity.
I'm suffering from the absence of 'stay logged in' button since everytime I pop up the forum, it keeps showing me unwanted posts from Ignored users...
jeez guys. there has to be something better to do with your weekend. go outside. paint a mini. call grandma. this is not something of which to be proud.
Oh my heavens... is is is is is it the nightmare scenario? IS IT PIE?!?! Tell us straight, we have our champions here in the thread, we can handle it.
In seriousness, very much this. Better an even hands off approach than a possibly uneven overreaction.
Generally speaking, I’d agree with you, but I realize it brings some unpleasant consequences. For one thing, a grandstanding provocateur with a penchant for hyperbolic alarmism gets to post an insane amount of bullshit over and over again, all the while getting to play the abused martyr should anyone react. I think that manipulation of truth and repeatedly crying “wolf” for the sole aim of getting a reaction is more toxic to civilized debate than any good old insult. There are times I feel this forum is used by Russian hackers in training... Its insidious, it hogs the spotlight, and I don’t think it should have a place here. Just my 2 cents.
Not wrong, but perhaps the overwhelming vitriol they receive for their trash behavior and the general ability to recognize that behavior as trash is a net good?
On one hand, you are completely right: it reassures me that most people, at heart, have common sense. If provocateurs on political fora had the same welcome, we might not have the issues with misinformation we have now. On the other, it really bothers me that a CB designer was basically labeled a white supremacist - or at least he would be one if he did not come and explain himself, and as he didn’t... I mean, the bar is pretty high when you can get away with something like that.
True, very true. And if we fail to differentiate between “guilty silence” and “not deigning to respond to a ridiculous, spurious, and utterly asinine accusation and demand for public contrition”, then we’re in trouble. I, personally, would see it as “not responding to a known and deliberate bad actor”, but I can see how others (especially the self righteous bad actors) could interpret it otherwise.