Saito, hunzakuts, bashis, Cordelia, Valerya, another box of remotes probably, my ABHs... All the specialists and skirmishers.
It's been a while and with COVID things were put on hold a bit. With that said, I did some of my specialists and support last week! Hunzakut (Husam), Bashi with BSG Cordelia, Bounty Hunter (Cube Jaeger), Hunzakut (Chasseur)
I love how the colours, especially the green on the 'wings' of the Bashi Bazouk turned out! Also a great job on the contrasts in the more regular scheme!
Thank you. I've been working in a more sketch like method to get through some models in a relatively quick timeframe. The goal is full faction by N4 release, and hopefully they will get some nice price adjustments to the light TAGs and MI.
Well, it's been a while. I've been working on some Corregidor stuff lately that's taken my focus away from DBS. Luckily here's a crossover piece! My Wolfgang proxy.
I'm working on some models for a buddy's RTF/Vanilla Haqq. I'm most of the way through this Al'fasid but I want to add some color and I am just blanking on what to add to it. Maybe some standard Haqq green? Some red? I'm also planning to add some graffiti in Farsi just to cover some of the big open spots. C+C welcome, also ideas for accent colors.
I had the same problem with mine (even more as I missed some metal/black parts and get them with the main colour) and since I've learned that marking is helping a lot. They could be basic and simple to do but still break a lot a uniform look. A single strip on the torso part is a start. A number or letter or similar on one side of the "neck" if not on both will help too. Maybe something on the back like a simple panel access marking or do not remove sign like a rectangle crossed via its diagonals....
My other question, what is it standing on? EDIT: After a lot of searching images, it appears to be the back plate of an old Squalo.
Well, it's done. First model completed in this commission. Ended up keeping a muted palette for the Al'Fasid itself. Really pleased, and most importantly the client is excited. They gave me pretty much free reign.
How do you achieve the clean-yet-detailed look on the cargo pants? I have been trying to paint my Druze, but their pants end up looking grimy if I use a wash.
For those I paint them about a shade lighter than that. Then I used Army Painter Military Shader. It's a dark green/black tinted wash. Fantastic stuff.
Do you need to do anything special with the application technique to avoid an uneven coat on the flat areas? I'm aiming for a gray tone on the pants, so I'm not sure if a greenish tone would be too strong. Never used the army painter washes, but maybe I'll pick some up.
AP washes are great products. Some consider them as the best on the market. I'm not the one able to back such statements by I can tell I love them. About your staining issue, I would suggest to avoid a global wash and use it more specifically at desired places. Also you don't need to put much of it as a simple pass of your brush will be enough to taint it. I'm far from being an expert in wash use but by following those two easy steps, I've made great progress.
One quick cheat for washes is to gloss varnish before applying the wash. Washes have shine by default so you'll need amatte varnish anyway when you finish and the gloss helps prevent pooling on large surfaces.
In order to get myself back to work on painting my Infinity pile I am going to finish up my Druze and QK since they have so much overlap. The Druze sadly remain in basically the same condition they have been, mostly painted but in need of some details, and a few one off miniatures not painted at all. QK is "new" in a sense that I just assembled it, and will be done from the ground up so to speak. I need to order the matching bases so they fit in with my DBS and pin all of their feet, truly the worst on the old models with their tiny baby feet. To add a little motivation, behold the QK pile of shame.
Nothing exciting yet. Assembled a 4th Azra'il and some more one off units. Bases came in from Warsenal so they will match my Druze ( a lot of crossover units). I plan to get them base coated and the bases painted this week, and get the bases painted up and firing arcs applied in time for this weekend's games. Have run the sectorial a couple times now, the Azra'ils are MVP most games. Nobody likes a B4 Feuerbach with continuous damage and +1 damage.