It's official JSA are NA2 and no longer Yu Jing

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Triumph, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Do people actually use Yanhuo tinbot? To me it seems like a way more expensive TR remote for the exact same vulnerabilities.
  2. mittenninja

    mittenninja Invincibles NCO

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Ranged template? Sure, that is something that will be missed at that point cost, but saying we don't have any other long range ARO pieces is just not true.

    In all honesty, Raiden are too cheap for what they are, so it makes sense that they would go away.
  3. mittenninja

    mittenninja Invincibles NCO

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Absolutely. It's way more survivable, way more dangerous, and can actually go prone/dodge. Throw a doctor yaozao nearby and the thing can be a huge pain.
    krossaks and meikyoushisui like this.
  4. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    On top of all of the other things, the Raiden loses some of the benefits of Limited Camo if it's not used for an active turn attack. In Vanilla, it's inferior to Lunah, Knauf and the Guilang as an ARO option.

    It definitely has a role in JSA (recently I learned from others here that it's a good pairing with the Karakuri Haris to clear out long range AROs for them, and it's natural match because of how Karakuri lists tend to be low on SWC) but I don't think it has the same punch in vanilla.
    Golem2God and mittenninja like this.
  5. mittenninja

    mittenninja Invincibles NCO

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Oh and let's not forget about the often passed over Tiger Sniper.
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I don't think any Japanese troopers or citizens will remain loyal. It's an all or nothing move for the JSA. If you stay during/after secession and YJ punishes you even if you remain loyal. YJ government takes more rights away, keeps you under very close surveillance, and the population despises you; JSA despises you as well for betraying, and inevitably fighting against them in the battles to come.....and that's if you haven't been turned to a Kuang Shi.

    So fluff wise I dont think any will stay. And I think CB will follow the fluff in this event (for the army lists)
  7. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I belive it's quite the opposite.
    As far as I know, in every major-scale rebellion / secession / revolution in history, there were always both rebels/ freedom fighters and loyalists / collaborators (depending on who was doing the name-calling), or at least people too afraid of the struggle and thus remaining conformist ("well, the status quo is certainly not perfect, but it is something. Not going to risk losing what I have by getting involved in some violent revolution"). I see no reason for it to be any different in case of JSA rebellion.

    I'm pretty interested, however, what territories are the Japanese going to take with them - while the historical Japan on Earth is a given (and may even be successful), there were, if memory serves me, significant territories (a whole continent?) on either Shentang or Yutang. And I sincerely doubt the State-Empire would let that one fly. Not in their cradle of power.
  8. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Errhile Not going to risk losing what they have might be a good reason if JSA troopers had much to lose. Sure not ALL will join, but I don't think there will be enough Japanese presence to give them their own units anymore (except maybe Shikami and Ninjas), and will be assimilated into existing YJ units.

    Me too! YJ still owns those territories on earth I think. Even still pretty exciting stuff!
  9. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    *sigh* Great...

    [Sorry....Rant incoming...]

    Seriously, was it REALLY necessary to start "progressing the story" with yet another kick in the nuts for Yu Jing Playerbase? When I started this game Yu Jing was presented to me as "The Asian faction that tries to surpass its rival PanO in its own ways...some of which aren't quite as nice, but neither are any of the other factions, and there's a lot of good things about Yu Jing as well"...basically just another country that eternally struggled to compete for first place, with the typical propaganda that goes along with it from its competition...

    Over the course of the following years, Yu Jing has become more and more a comic super villain, constantly having to flaunt its arrogant superiority, only to get beaten up anyways, no matter how hard they actually struggled, and for random reasons as well....

    Even when the player base itself tries to steer away from that comic villain role, Corvus Belli keeps pushing them back into it with official fluff pieces before and during campaigns, making it almost impossible to NOT be hated and attacked by every other faction out there...

    And now THIS? Now we get a rebellion by second class members of Yu Jing, and it actually succeeds for some oddball reason? Leaving Yu Jing not only once again the bad guys, but now with less troops, AND a good chunk of its playerbase (the pure JSA players) ripped away from them?

    I am a very active campaign player, and I have to say.....I am quite annoyed by this in so many this point we are already once again set up to be the bad guys before the campaign even started! And its not like adding JSA to the NA2 actually does anything for the setting either, other than screwing Yu Jing over, it literally has no effect on any of the other factions at all! (other than making their lives easier as Yu Jing might be missing some competitive choices now..)

    At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised it Corvus Belli's next "big surprise" would be bloody Yu Jing joining the Combined Army out of pure evilness because JSA left them and the rest of the galaxy supported them instead of Yu Jing.....turning the already comic super villain Yu Jing into a stupid lacky of an even bigger comic super villain like bloody Team Rocket!

    [End of Rant...]

    I guess Yu Jing might at least keep the Ninja, otherwise the Red Veil Box will become way less interesting for Yu Jing players..."Oh look, I get a extremely sexy and cool ninja! Wait..what? I don't get to actually use it while you get to use your giant gun wielding thingy? Wtf?" what to do with my story....maybe its time to go back to the roots and join the Ghost in the Shell side, you know, the one that will be considered "the good guys compared to Yu Jing" from now on...

    There definitely is a high chance that if JSA completely splits off from Yu Jing with no or very little troops remaining in Yu Jing, I'll be playing JSA next campaign O.o as much as that pains my pride somehow...
  10. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    OTOH, if they keep only the ninja, it's gonna look like a heartlessly profit-oriented move. "Don't antagonize the recent big box buyers, because they might stop buying stuff. As for mixed Chinese/Japanese Yu Jing players, screw them, we've already bled them dry."
  11. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh ya, it's a total loose loose no mater what for CB. Someone group will be upset. While fluff wise I'd be more happy for a complete split if it's not I won't be upset as I don't want people to loose stuff from their faction. But from a discussion on facebook that a Warcor was in it sounds like it a complete split and not just hitting JSA and YJ though other faction pain will probably come after next week's announcement.
  12. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Yasashii Fuyu honestly, I never saw then as comic book villain. Japanese were treated as second class citizens as a reaction to their terrorism. Also the story can be told is different perspectivea. And of course the new JSA army pack is going to display them as the good guys rebelling against tyranny.

    It does suck that YJ is getting shat on for the 2nd time, but I'm curious to see how CB will make up for the loss
    Errhile likes this.
  13. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Judging by how they handled the Exrah, they won't. We'll lose one sectorial and its units, fill the space with another (most of which we already have in vanilla), and we'll be told to be happy because we got 1 more sectorial.
    Robock, Aldo and Hecaton like this.
  14. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If no compensatory units are offered, this is going to be annoying because it is objectively going to affect the balance and performance of the faction as a whole. It will depend on how close the IA release is and what it brings if no direct compensatory units are released.
    Most annoying since it's downgrading a faction that's not exactly over-performing as it is.
  15. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I think this is a totally different case. Exrah were discontinued because the products were difficult to produce for little return. For YJ we've already seen art with new AD troops.

    But yeah, I'd be pretty pissed if they dont get new stuff
  16. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I don't think Yu Jing as an army is under performing, maybe as a faction in role campaing. Anyway i expect IA or WB to come fast, if Pano or Ariadna get his 4th sectorial before we recover the 3rd i will be a bit pissed xd.
    I don't find annoying not being able to use my JSA miniatures ( i suspect that like me most Yu Jing players will buy JSA to play with both factions).
    What i dislike by the moment is the lose of keitsosus on vanilla, mostly beacuse i don't like at all kuang shis and now to make a decend list of 14-15 orders with 2 attack models from +45 points without KS will be very difficult if you don't spam remotes...

    But let's give CB a chance, i suposo they have all more or less all planned. ( And in theory withoutleaks today should have been the first day we here from an independent JSA)
    emperorsaistone likes this.
  17. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There is a power curve in Infinity with regards to factions, it's generally fairly tight, but there is one and Yu Jing is not at the top of it. ITS ranking is no longer listing people's played factions, but back when they did my memory tells me the following stood out; several variations of Pan-O, vanilla Combined, Contact Force, variations of Aleph, and JSA. JSA stands out because I didn't expect it, not because they were common. I should also note that these were factions people in top 20-ish have played at tournaments, and does not reflect which factions those people used to climb in ELO.

    Yeah, Ariadna and Pan-O really should stop getting sectorials for the good of the game. I also somewhat detect a resignment when people who play those factions talk about their sectorial options kind of being 50 Shades of Camo and 50 Shades of TO Camo respectively.
    xagroth likes this.
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Assume YJ will fall from the top 3 most played factions, and NA2 will rise. At least on the BoW campaign, and probably even on the ITS challenges.
  19. Hjiryon

    Hjiryon Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2017
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    So the real question here is: If YJ is falling apart as a faction, and it seems like we are... How do the ultrasmurfs in disguise not simply win, in-setting? Seems like Pan-O and YJ kept each other in check before, but with what essentially amounts to a civil war going on in Yu Jing's core, that doesn't sound like it'll keep being a thing.
    Hecaton, themadcelt and Shiwen like this.
  20. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    @Mathamori, @xagroth

    Since i started infinity on 2016 ( i'm from red veil generation) i never feeled Yu Jing was close to be the 2on or 3rd most played faction ( and on wotan i saw how other more "little" factions like haqquis just past us).

    In terms of power I think vanilla is strong (but not than popular as for exemple nomad or ariadna Vanilla) and IS is one of the most competitive sectorials, but out of ITS stadistic and my expirience with Barcelona and near community i can't prove it. We have some strong combos, two very good warbands and good multirole options ( thats what i like more from Yu Jing). JSA units wheren't very played, losing them will hurt in term of power but let's see how these 5 new units promised to IA work in vanilla ( now yes, we deserve a IP ODD DA xD)
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