Yeah, one of my fav HB Charakters, but he is squishy like the other fiday, thinking about of an Fiday with 2 w or 1 w and NWI and 3 Armor
The Mutafawiq is the "regular" Haqq Intelligence service, if she's in HB, perhaps an Al Hawwa-type who was seconded to HB as a liaison officer?
What if shujae is like forward deploy 8", albedo, msv1. Idk how exactly he can fit in without stepping on others toes. Fidays are already out impersonation cc assassin and with some decent area denial. Farzans are great camo inf specialists, and fair gunfighters/ area denial for what they are. We have long range assasins, assault units, gun fighters, link units, warbands-ish, hacker assassin, now a tag too. What could we use that appears to be a LI or Skirmisher. Or for a stretch, could be a warband or MI. As for Yara, it didnt show an HB symbol on her dossier, or say Hassasin like all the others did, hers just says haqq. So maybe shes only vanilla or is in all factions. Also like said earlier, she could be al-hawwa based. Qk does need some love, and a new character would be nice.
Like I said before somewhere, my bet it's going to be some Kiiutan knock-off. At this point I don't expect CB to do anything finicky or unique, it looks like they will just add every tool to every army's arsenal until there are no HB, VIRD or IA, but rather "national" reskins of Generic Infinity Army. And occasionally power-creep things.
This is by far one of the worst and saddest takes on this game ive seen, but also is on trend to become true if we look at a lot of evidence thats been seen recently. It may take quite a while for things to be homogeneous and cb can change things for the better, but it does seem like things are moving that way at least a little bit. Idk how i fully feel on this topic yet, but i have been both let down by lack of uniqness from cb but also impressed by plenty of unit designs still. I guess only time will tell.
My guess is a new infiltrator, just from the type of uniform and the lack of long range weapons. I'm also assuming its going to be specialist oriented from the D-Charges. What I'm guessing on now is the 'glowing' cape. Are they going some sort of revamped Holoporjectors. If I was to draw it as a gear it would look something like that. From a game play perspective I'm never sure of HoloPorjector L1 on infiltrators just because there are only so many option to disguise as. In HB (N3) there are no decent ones. In vanilla I liked to disguise as Halqas. If it is a Holoprojector then they need to add some decent disguise options. Or allow the HoloEchos to be fake camo markers.
FWIW, that image going around has him hiding on a bridge ready to leap out at someone. Which doesn't really square with either Impersonation or Holo. More like infiltration and maybe camo. (In the image he's not camouflaged, he's just ducked down behind a railing. But I suppose they can't draw him in actual camo unless they just show an empty bridge.)
Camo HI feels like it would creep to much into YJ's territory, but I like the idea of him being a non-camo infiltrator. I think those are going to be significantly better in N4, especially if they give him mimetism.
An infiltrator with mimetism starting in suppressive fire could be a nice option?! Gesendet von meinem ASUS_I01WD mit Tapatalk
A Ńøkkěñ style ODD/Mimetism -6 with deployment skills to act as an alpha strike or first turn Suppfire roadblock? That would certainly differentiate it from the Tuareg and other camo infiltrators Haqq has.
That's pretty much what I was thinking. The big downside of non-marker infiltrators is that, if you go second, they're just sitting out there exposed to get killed. In N4, you can start them in suppressive fire to protect themselves and/or hinder your opponent's first turn. That would also be a very interesting option.
What would be the point of having new unit with the same skills for presumably the same costs? But I may have misunderstood your post Gesendet von meinem ASUS_I01WD mit Tapatalk
It is almost clear to us that the new unit has some kind of special deployment (with the Hassassins it is a bit difficult, since the hood and jacket could also have "normal" units). If this is the case, however, he has to stand out from the farzan somehow. Personally, I might hope for one of the new opportunities. Hidden deployment with normal camo or without camo, for example. But what I see in many factions and in N4 in general is that armor is becoming stronger and more important. So I believe that a lot of armies will get more punch. See our AP rifle and the AP Spitfire of the new nomad unit. Both absolutely new things for the respective sector.
@KedzioR_vo : Earlier in this thread you said the HB Shujae was "lurking in the trailer video" "and was called Fiday-Ayyar lovechild." Who made the Fiday-Ayyar lovechild comment? Someone from CB or otherwise in the know, or was it some third party speculation? I'm cautiously excited about HB in N4 and the potential for this new guy is one of the reasons why. If he is indeed some sort of mix of Fiday and Ayyar, I can see it going one of three ways more or less: 1. Most likely: Our version of YJ's Kanren: FD 2 or maybe Infiltration combined with Holo 2, plus an option for AP Mines (instead of Madtraps) and another for a Specialist Operative with D-Charges (instead of an FO or Hacker.) 2. Less likely: An MI or maybe HI trooper (as has been pointed out, he doesn't look like he's wearing HI armor) with Impersonation and the other options mentioned above. If he's an MI, then to make him more HI-like maybe he'll have NWI. 3. Least likely: Someone with both Impersonation and Holo 2, along with FD 2 or whatever. I think this kind of mashup is technically possible in N3 and might be moreso in N4, would be wildly expensive and also a hell of a lot of fun to play - which is why I think it has a snowball's chance, even if it's fun to think about.
I don't remember who named Shujae that way - except me ;) I think I saw that in some Facebook group. Still it was definitely a comment from some player, not something officially stated by CB. PozdRawiam / Greetings
I made a joke about it in the Hassassin TAG thread! Anyways, as for the Shujae, he's got a lot of similarities to the Fiday now that I've looked at the Fiday profile again. Similar chest armor, shoulder pads and tubing. Leg and arm pieces look the same as well. I think the Shujae is going to be an inferior impersonator with a more gun focused specialist role, compared to the Fiday's melee focused loadout. It's also possible the Fidays will be succeeded by the Shujaes similar to how the Father Knights got succeeded by the Knights of Justice. It's possible considering the 5 year timeline advancement, although that would make the Fiday in the beyond Red Veil and thus the upcoming Haqqislam action pack useless. So probably not I guess.
An impersonator who is also a Specialist would be quite nice, but on the other hand I guess it would be a bit too strong wouldn't it? Depending on terrain density it would capture objectives like a boss or do it get something wrong? Gesendet von meinem ASUS_I01WD mit Tapatalk
Is the armor design such a crucial factor in the capabilities of the unit? I mean, it's true, the armor looks a lot like fiday. Still, I am almost certain that the fiday will not be replaced How about a hot and cold game where it's all about the shujae :D