I'd also like some lore tying Antipodes to Triumvirate, the trinity+Tri's having access to Dawn makes it's pretty coincidental. It'd also be neat if they had an Antipode trinary with a Kerail Preceptor as a handler, or just no handler... I kind of want them to do a (totally useless) Ko Dali human figure resculpt just to have it, but can't see them doing it.
There *kind* of is that lore. N2 C:P had an encounter between some Briscards and Druze, and a rock slide exposed a buried ship/facility with a "three leafed symbol" that the Briscard in question was 1) sworn to secrecy about and 2) recognized when they deployed to Paradiso and met the Tohaa.
There’s never been anything beyond fan speculation linking antipode packs to tohaa manipulation / uplifting. Are non-captive antipodes even limited to three members in a pack, or can they go larger?
They're limited to three to form a single mind. N2 C:P Page 91 has the story of the Briscard seeing the Tohaa ship encased in ice after a micro-quake, which was then buried further in a second quake.
to be fair, it's not a wildly absurd theory though. remember the blurb from the Paradiso book where a ship raises from the ice during the Merovingian/Druze conflict?
And considering the whole saga of the Aurora, which was deliberately diverted to Paradiso by the Triumvirate, based on the experiments they conducted on humans found on Ariadna, the antipodes being their creation is well within expectations. Again, N2 C:P has the info all laid out.
Yeah, there's definitely plot stuff about the Triumvirate being active on Dawn and Paradiso. I think they were the ones that sabotaged the wormhole as well? So it's certainly not impossible that they were mucking about with the local ecology while they were at it, but it's also quite possible that the antipodes naturally evolved to their level of consciousness rather than having been uplifted by an outside force.
Yup, from the Prelude Mission(s) to Campaign: Paradiso. The triple nature of the consciousness seems to lean more towards uplift, I would think, though.
They're based on the aliens in A Fire Upon the Deep, wherein the whole point of them is that they evolved from alien wolf packs, which is a cool concept IMHO. I'd be disappointed if it was "the Tohaa made them" as opposed to "what would happen if pack animals evolved sentience?" Either way they're kind of wasted as mind-controlled slaves to Ariadna. Would like to see them as somebody's voluntary, sentient allies.
I can't think of any realistic situation in which humanity as a whole is in danger but individual nations and it's members continue to squabble and eek out every advantage they can over their peers while downplaying the threat and exacerbating the problem. Oh wait...
I lack C:P, but do have Daedalus and the RPG books. The Triumvirate was active on Dawn, but the experiments were on the Aurora crew on Paradiso.
That we *know* about definitively. They were already present on Dawn, there were ships buried in the ice/mountains, the cuckoo virus seems awfully similar to what they cooked up on Paradiso, and the Antipodes run in threes... that’s not definitive, no, but a decent amount of circum and happenstance...
I always took 3 to be a minimum, not a specific requirement. The 2nd edition book talks about Ariadnans controlling packs of 3 or 4 members (page 161, under the Antipode skill), but there’s no text talking about how packs form in their natural society. It definitely reads like a Fire Upon the Deep reference, in which there’s a balance to be struck between too few members (not enough total intelligence) and too many members (too chaotic for a single driving will to form).
New information on Ko Dali for Code on the blog section of the Infinity Website: https://www.infinitythegame.com/blog/item/815-who-is-ko-dali Some N4 information: New deployment options (Advanced Deployment and Mimetism can replace Airborne Deployment) Fireteam Linkability in OCF "Soft" confirmation of keeping Assault Pistols Looking forward to Betrayal!
Yep, I just realized that. I wonder if she will be a wildcard in OCF? Adding MSV to a variety of link teams could be useful.
Mimetism, FD2 and a Multirifle are 3 points less than AD4? Also what I gather from the text, she might downgrade to MSV1 and Schock Immunity.