Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Seems like Konrad is a kindred spirit with Kenn when it comes to this planet. Both hate it with a passion and want to get off alive at the earliest possibility.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Igor..if anything jumps out from the foliage and straight towards me, I expect you to dive head long into it. Oh and you are face-checking any bushes, shrubs or greeny we come across. At least for the time being. You never can be too sure about my safety. Plus seeing how this mission has played out so far, Providence will make anything you come up against simply bounce off of your torso. Rendering you perfectly fine in the end and me no where near the..what? I'm not salty that you remained healthy all the time I was suffering with the Sweats. Just disappointed.."
  2. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    Saito goes about using some quick and dirty deductive work seeing where future camp sites might be. It was mainly based upon distances between the camps. With less people they were probably going to push farther than before and if they didn't move during the night which they never did previously. So the next camp site would be about 25 Km away from their current position. Pedro didn't veer far off the path he set out on so if they kept following the predicted path they should hit the next camp site.

    There were to many ambush areas and landing zone ahead of them to keep track of. The hope was that the Morats from earlier got pulled away for something more important.

    The suns were starting to pull down closer to the horizon as the team moved through the jungle. They should hit that camp site just before nigh fall...

    Well that was until everyone heard a noise that didn't belong in the jungle. The high pitched whine of electrical engines and the rumbling of off road tires.

    Then a figure peeled itself away from a tree. Their face covered by goggles, camouflage paint, and chameleonware light armor that shifted its shapes as they moved. He spotted the team. All he did was put a finger to his lips and pressed onward into the jungle. 3 more of them appeared with 3 scout remotes following them. There was also an additional figure among them that didn't match them in look and equipment.

    Those off road vehicles were going to be here any second.

    [Anyone can give me a Tech D3 to identify these guys based on their equipment or an Education D1. They are not hostile to you. They seem much more interested in the approaching vehicles.]
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  3. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Education D1 TN is 10. Foc 1, with re rolls for talent. Roll is 6, 7. Two successes. (Will fill in IC text tomorrow. Busy tonight.)
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  4. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    @Daemon of Razgriz
    Unit identification in the field was a lost art with quantronic computing, geists, and a constant connection to a datasphere. However, there were some that knew technology was a crutch and there was no substitute for the knowledge already held in the human mind. The Yu Jing military hammered that into him and then his training as a ninja is where they made recall of knowledge a vital skill.

    He knew what he was looking at by heart. These were all Aleph troops. 4 Nagas, 3 Daleth remotes, and that odd person out was a Proxy Mk.5 i-Lhost. A vessel for a posthuman. That meant there was 1 to 2 more Proxy i-Lhosts around.
  5. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito's ninja reflexes went into overdrive for a second as he went to half crouch and draw. Stopping at the sight of the soldier giving the universal hush sign. He began to recognise familiar signs, equipment and noticed that they were all L-hosts. A moment longer and the ex ninja knew exactly who they were dealing with.

    Wonderful gentlemen. We're dealing with OSS agents. Four nagas, 3 Daleth and we've got a proxy Mk-5. Means there's more proxies out there. Ric. Double check the strength of the Tacnet. I don't want any breaches. My suspicions is that they're here for that sound. And that there's more ALEPH out there too.

    Re sheathing his half drawn blade. Saito nods an affirmative and signs for his team to crouch and find cover. Mostly because he didn't want to betray the tacnet. He also made sure his giest double checked his safeguards on his comlog. And to routinely re check the firewall's strength.
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric immediately fingers the mechanical safety on his Fulgor's LFT.

    Seeing the Naga's arrogant direction to stay quiet he acknowledges the message, appropriately: forming an upraised fist with his non-master hand and then slowly raising a single digit.

    @All: R.
    Ric@Gabo: Gabo...
    Gabo@Ric: On it!

    Data starts cascading down Ric's AR view as he starts reviewing the nearby Quantronic Zone for threats, but also - sticking to his principles - for vulnerabilities in the toaster's network. If there was an opportunity to subtly stick it to Aleph, he was going to take it.

    [Ric is going to (if permitted) Trigger a Trait, pay 1 Momentum and take an Exploit action using Analysis:
    Exploit vs Nagas (TN11 Untrained): 2#1d20 3 20. 2 Successes and 1 Complication. Generates 1 Momentum.

    At least I assume Analysis is the correct skill, Hacking would be MUCH better. :) ]

    Gabo meanwhile starts further securing their network zone from quantronic attack.

    [Secure Zone (Hacking TN10, FOC1): 2#1d20 20 6

    Tricks of the trade reroll: 1d20 2

    2 Successes. Which will be +4 Firewall, making the Team's TACNET Firewall 10]
    #226 inane.imp, Jun 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
  7. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Both those tests were D2 so Ric passed on both.]


    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    Ric got a read on the quantronic landscape around the team. He finds the Aleph tacnet and a hacker not apart of that initial force they ran across. However in his rush he went the sloppy route and actively pinged out to locate these threats and targets. That meant whoever the Aleph hacker was knew about Ric and about the team's own tacnet.

    A external text message shows up to the team's tacnet. It's gated to be scanned and vetted. No executables or hidden viruses from Gabo's scans of it. Just a message.

    @Uninvited Guests Stay out of the way. The Ikari mercenaries we are intercepting are the shoot first ask questions never types.
  8. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Over the Tacnet
    Yes, lets do what this overmilitarized AI sexpuppets suggest.

    Yes, Konrad isnt really fond of Aleph, too.
    Solodice, inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al, being the cautious artichoke he is, ducked behind Igor upon noticing that the grouped was being watched. The imagery of the jungle cats victims was fresh in his mind. After the realization that the possible enemies were Aleph soldiers he calmed down slightly considering these mechanical things were supposed to be an ally to Humanity. Caution was not thrown into the wind evidenced by the Tohaa sticking close to his Chaska in case of friendly-fire.

    Opening up the secure Tacnet line:
    Kenn Ta'al: "Is this an inside coordinated attempt between the group to try and unnerve me or do have personal experience with these things to warrant calling them sex puppets?"
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  10. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito smiles at the thought of those aspects consigned to sex work. Mostly because of his weird sense of humour. But also because he's sure that it would be another hit like Myrmidon wars, but for the more depraved kind of audience. Also, because he's met some of the phalanx members in the past. And they wouldn't take kindly to the idea. It's just funny to him.
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All That's an insult to hard working sex-puppets!

    Ric tosses up somehow tipping the Ikari Mercs off, but the risk of blowback was too high.

    @All Best we get a move on then. This place will get hot if we stay around.
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  12. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Agreed. I'd say flag their command structure and ask where their area of operations is, so we can steer clear of their OZ.

    Saito does consider having his spotbot covertly hang around so the paranoid ninja can look at the action unfold.
  13. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrads answer is directed at Kenn:

    Luckily no personel experience. I doubt normal people would survive such an encounter.
    But you can expect, that those Aleph creations not only go to war here.
    Where i live there had been more than one illegal transport companies destroyed by one. One of them came as the exact dreamwoman of the CEO into his favorit bar. He tried to get into her pants and then, well lets say there wasnt enough left to put it into prison. Hacked is data and started tacking out all of his employees. Seems in there last job, one of there Hackers tried to earn some extra cash on the side and nicked something precious from a data core. At least thats what have been told. So i am trying to stay clear of them when ever i can.
  14. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Tacnet line reply to Konrad:

    Kenn Ta'al: "So that is why they are called sex puppets. Doesn't O-12 or Coliseum deal with these machines directly? Watching over them and such? I can't imagine letting your slave..client race/creation run loose to do as it wants without a tight leash. That is a disaster waiting to happen. Hence why the Tohaa prevent species from transcending too far but no body is supposed to know that. It is our little secret."
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Solodice like this.
  15. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Small repley to Kenn:
    Its a bit of slang for Aleph after that story where grew up. Noone could ever confirm that those Aleph Agents were official or something else.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  16. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    Saito gets his answer on Aleph's current area of operation. It's one that no one is going to like. It's pretty big and the research team's path goes right through it. One could could around it but it would take time to get back on track and that didn't guarantee they wouldn't be engaged by the Ikari mercs.

    The crunch of tires and whir of motors was getting closer and closer. Those seconds to arrival were getting lower and lower. It was now or never to decide on what the team was going to do.

    [Time to decide if it's worth getting involved or try to circumvent the fight. No guarantees the Ikari won't attack the team anyways if they spot them.]
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  17. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    The team moves. The bulk head northward further into the tree thicket they are in. Saito along with his spotbot move off westward into a large rock formation. It would provide amble cover and concealment. His spektr suit with built in climbing plus pads comes in handy to navigate the harsh terrain.

    Saito got to a vantage point looking south. He can see an opening between tree thickets where the Aleph group looked to moving towards. Beyond that further west was another tree thicket. Engine noises and crunching of foliage was resonating from it. Then they came bursting through the treeline The Ikari were mounted on Rackham buggies. 5 of them in total. 2 of the buggies in the middle were towing heavily modified offroad trailers. They were heading right towards where the Aleph team should be set up.

    [Tests that can be done by anyone thanks to the tacnet feed.

    Observation D3 to get a proper fix on positions taken up by the Aleph team.
    Tech D2 to ID Ikari vehicle mods and armament.
    Education D1 to ID Ikari composition.]
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The team has a brief discussion to plan: Saito and Xo will push forward to get eyes on the approaching Ikari while the rest of the team will hold in the dense cover of their present zone. Perhaps they'll have an opportunity to slip past unnoticed in the confusion?

    Xo climbs easily into the foliage of the next layer up; it scampers, stealthily and spider-like across the branches, pacing Saito to provide overwatch and another set of eyes on the coming Firefight.

    Meanwhile, Ric bunkers down in the thicket with the others, pulling up the sensor feeds from both REMs.

    Gabo also accesses the REM's sensor feeds: it tags identifying features and modifications on the Ikari Merc's equipment, making it easier for someone else to tell what's going on.


    Xo will climb up a layer and the Move to Long distance in the same zone as Saito. It'll use 2 of Ric's Momentum to make this a Silent action if required (the priority is staying Hidden, so I don't want to provoke Observation reactions). It'll then Assist Ric on an Observation test to spot the Aleph team.

    Observation (TN15, FOC1): 2#1d20 9 14. 2 Successes.


    Observing vs Aleph team (TN13 FOC1): 2#1d20 18 2. 2 Successes + 2 from the Assist = 4, so +1 Momentum.

    Observation to assist whoever does the Tech test.

    Observation test to assist whoever does Tech (TN8, FOC1): 1d20 3. So +1 Success.]
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  19. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito observes the incoming Ikari with surprisingly professional calm. Keeping himself against the terrain where possible he begins to mentally nudge his spotbot over to the far left of his rocky outcropping and try to tag the Ikari to figure out what the recovery team is up against. And try, futilely to tag the ALEPTH.

    SA:Observation roll Ikari troops. TN 11, roll is 6,9. Two successes

    SA: Spotbot observation roll detect hidden troops. TN 14, roll is 1,6. Focus 2, Three successes.

    The ex ninja zooms his visor magnification on the Ikari columm and relays what he can over the tacnet to his team while the spotbot acting on it's own takes up position further along and starts to trace the area for hidden threats.

    The spotbots setection roll is aimed at the yellow zone the Ikari and last known positions of the ALEPTH troops are thought to be in.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Tech D2 to ID Ikari vehicle mods and armament

    Ok, target number is 12 with Foc 1 and Natural Engineer as Talent

    I us the 1 point Momentum
    ID Ikari Vegicles: 3d20 31 [3d20=12, 2, 17

    I reroll the 17 for Natural Engineer
    ID reroll: 1d20 14 1d20=14]

    Still missed but better than before.

    2 Successes for me + 1 Success for the assist roll from Gabo

    Konrad over the Tacnet:

    Ok, from the pictures i have some bad news and some even badder news.

    The bad news are, all of that all of the Buggys are armed. A heavy Shotgun probably for the driver and a Spitfire which will be operated by a passenger.

    The badder news are those 3 (Konrad send s pic with 3 mercs in a Samurai styled heavy armour).
    Those are some renegade Domaru. I have seen vids of that 3 back home. You know Ikari is willing to shot and ask no questions? Those 3 dont even come of the idea to ask question, they tend to kill everyone and their dog, so that there are no witnesses left.
    I have seen a vid where they killed a small settlement and when all was left there was a small dog barking at them. They tied up that puppy to a wall and shot it with 3 chainrifles.

    Not really people i want to met alive.

    Konrad arms his grenade launcher as a precaution with an em grenade.
    #240 DrunkCorsair, Jul 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
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