Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Saito: 6
    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 2
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    Going along the Runenberg path was the choice. Camp was packed up and everyone got ready for another day of trekking through the jungle.

    The predictive path that the research team most likely moved across was much easier than anything they'd done before. No thick brush, no steep grades, or difficult terrain. It was like a hike along a maintained trail. The distant sounds of Buzzers, Wasps, and explosions from either artillery or missiles reminded everyone that this was still a hostile place.

    Eddie Observation D1 (TN12, FOC2): 12, 19
    Re-rolling 19 do to Sharp Senses: 16
    1 Success. 0 Momentum

    The team was making good time and had covered a lot of ground. As they passed by a giant boulder sticking out of the ground Eddie caught of glint of something at its base. His first reaction was that it was a hostile or some surveillance remote... after a few brief seconds and Saito sneaking up to check it out the all clear was given. It wasn't anything harmful.

    It was just a backpack with a metal pin on it causing the glint. The pin was the symbol of the University of Medina. A stitched in name to the pack revealed it to be Jasem al-Damji's bag. The disturbing part was that it was drenched in dried blood. There were no contents left in it... someone or something had removed everything.
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  2. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All let's do a quick search of the area, something clearly happened here even if they just stopped for a moment to repack supplies, so we may find something.

    Ric Teamwork Observation D2 (TN13 FOC1): 2#1d20 4 9. 3 Successes with Super AWA.

    Xo assisting Observation (TN15 FOC1): 2#1d20 18 13. 1 Success.

    4 Successes. 2 Momentum pending assistance from the rest of the team.
    #202 inane.imp, May 29, 2020
    Last edited: May 29, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  3. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Roll for Observation Assistance:

    HAHA, i fail you again
    Observation: 1d20 20 [1d20=20]
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    I'll add to that test.
    TN 11. Roll is 2. One success.

    After the brief scare from Eddie. Saito agreed with the search and combed through the area looking for anything out of the ordinary.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Same on my end.
    Kenn Ta'al's Observation roll come out to be: 9. Igor's Observation roll was: 4. Both successes for the duo.

    Seeing how everyone was suddenly getting on the searching action Kenn Ta'al decide it was wise for him to do the same.He sent Igor to a separate location from himself to see if the beast could locate anything useful. It was a better plan than to let the Chaksa stand around and be nothing of use. Tools were meant to be used & a tool not in use was a wasted one according to Kenn's logic.
    #205 Golem2God, May 30, 2020
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  6. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Saito: 6
    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    The team set up in an old school line search and began their slow march over the area looking for clues.

    It was Ric, with some sensor help from Xo, that spotted the bones sticking up from the ground. Around them were very worn pieces of equipment and rations wrappers torn apart by an animal. That must of been the gear from Jasem's bag.

    The bones were scattered around a small clearing inside a thicket. Kenn, Igor, Ric, and Saito came in and started to find more and assemble a mostly complete skeleton. The bones were worn and marked up by teeth and claw marks.

    However, Kenn's medically tuned eyes spotted deep broad cuts in the bones that didn't match the other animal marks. The skull is also missing its cube...

    Running a DNA scan on the bones they come back up as Jasem al-Damji.

    While this was going on Eddie, Konrad, Pappy, and Waremart kept on combing.

    Konrad was making his way through a slightly thorny thicket. He kept on pressing through as it didn't look that bad. He didn't notice the deeper he went in the thorny bushes narrowed in his path. It wasn't until it was too late and he tried to back track that he realized what happened. The spacer had gotten himself truly stuck.

    [For Konrad's complication: Konrad is stuck in a Bloodbriar thicket. If he tries to move out of it he'll need to make a Acrobatic D2. If he fails he's still stuck and takes damage (1+3d6, Bleeding).]
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  7. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    While his team is looking throug the stuff they found they start to hear some curses coming from Konrads direction.
    Cursing his, luck, the Combined Army and nearly everything in the Human Sphere that got him unto this planet with his critters, plants and anything trying to get him killed or worse.
    After being exhausted by his hand he looks at the rest of the team.

    "I would apreciate a helping hand and please." looking down at his feet.
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  8. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Kenn after noticing the unusual cut marks and remarking on them asked if anyone knew how they were afflicted. Saito, who was just doing a mix of patrolling and searching came over to see if he could take a stab at identifying anything of note. He had his giest assemble the skeleton's final resting place and mixed it in with what he could see of the geography of the area to try to draw a reenactment of the fight.

    Int+CC test. Spending two momentum on D20. TN is 12. Roll is 13,2,12,4. Three successes. Spending one more to increase the quality of success. (Mostly because i have a huge bank and should spend some.) 3 momentum spent.

    His giest finishes compiling the data and begins to run a simulation while Saito examines the bones themselves to tell how the blades hit based on experience.
    inane.imp, Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  9. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    The cuts were located towards the C2 and C5 along the spine, the collarbone, and on the ribs. No deep cuts on the arms indicating defensive action. Whoever got at Jasem got the jump on him or he wasn't expecting to be attacked.

    The width and depth or the cuts as well indicated a heavy weapon. Something like a hatchet but these cuts were incredibly deep even for a heavy weapon like that. It would be safe to assume it was also made of teseum. A teseum hatchet...

    Saito's geist gets back to him with the simulation. It's a rough guess and the error range was around 40%. It showed figure 1 making a surprise attack on Jasem. The haqqislamite had no way to defend himself and figure 1 didn't let up in its attack until Jasem was down. Interesting enough his geist also has a note that after this attack getting at the cube would of been easy as Jasem was partially decapitated.

    As Saito played CSI Ric tossed one of his ardarsana grenades into the bloodbriar Konrad was stuck in. The grenade hissed as it sprayed out its nanobot payload. The bloodbriar began to sag in places and eventually the hard outer shell of the bush begins to bubble and turn into a grey goo. It take a few minutes but eventually Konrad was freed... though he was partially covered in disintegrated plant goo.

    Good thing there was no environmentalists on this side of the front.

    [Konrad is free with the use of 1 ardarsana grenade.]
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  10. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Teseum Hatchet... That sounds like something that new Ariadnan dog-warrior Aristo uses.

    @All Do we know if one of our wanderers had spent any time on Ariadna?

    If not, then it looks like there's a new player involved.

    Maybe the same ones who chased off the last set of Mercs who went searching for this lot.

    Gabo can attempt a test if you need me to?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito goes back through his case files to find out if the weapon would match with any of people on the expedition, citing all that prep time he went through to prep for this hell hole adventure.

    I want to see if any of the equipment was logged with the expedition when they left and if there is a match anywhere.
    Golem2God, inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  12. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad trying to get rid of the plants leftovers mutters some thanks into Rics direction.
    He isnt quite happy with the outcome but it could get worse.
    His teammates hear some light coursing as Konrad tries to get himself clean from the plant goo.
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al attempts to discover more information about the murder weapon.
    Education D2 test results: 2 & 10. Good to know that the Tohaa's brain is firing on all cylinders today.

    A Teseum Hatchet? That is what was used as the murder weapon? What would those famous human detectives like Nick Bounty do in this situation?
    Kenn Ta'al: "Check and see if the weapon was a part of the group's armory? Sounds reasonable to give it a try." Taking a que from Saito's lead, Kenn also looks over the equipment listed in the expedition's tools & armory. When going over Pedro's dossier a Tesuem Hatchet did show up among his gear. However, the info shown on dossier gave the Tohaa some pause.

    1. Pedro's dossier stated that he was a native of Paradiso & grew up around the town of Strelsau. He continues to reside there despite the Combined Army waring nearby.
    2. There was no indication that he ever left the planet. Therefore the Hatchet had to be given or gotten on the planet.
    3. One possibility of obtaining this kind of Hatchet would be the Ariadna Expeditionary Force that was stationed nearby his hometown. Some form of contact with the group or thievery of their belongings, Wether by him or another party, had to have occurred sometime in order for Pedro to have this on him.
    4. Both Kenn and the Humans had no firm ideas on why Pedro did it. Only that it seemed that he did it.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Insanity. I'm going on the assumption that the murder is insane. How else would you explain someone willingly staying on this planet when he could have lived elsewhere. The fumes and micro-organisms finally got to him and he snapped. Yep. I think that is very plausible in this situation."

    After this exquisite brain blast occurred Kenn decided to share his new found info with the Aliens in his presence. Over their secure communications.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Hey guys, I figured it out! Turns out Pee'd'er'ro lives here on Par'ra'dice'so near an Ari'ad'din'na Exploring Force! He could have obtained the Hatchet from them by legal or illegal means! And the reason for his murderous escapade was due to the planet's environment breaking down his mind through micro-organisms! Driving him mad like a crazy cultist! Therefore as a medical expert I suggest we find the corpses, destroy anything that gets in our way & get the hell out of Dodge to never come back!"
    #213 Golem2God, Jun 12, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    It was time to move on. They pieced together another part of the puzzle but the whole picture wasn't done yet.

    So it was back to trekking through the jungle. The energy and easy pathing carried over into the middle of the day and they breezed along the research team's predicted path.

    This predicated path started to become much more of a trail as Ric spotted a knife at head height buried in a tree. It was pinning a plastic bag with a notebook inside. Another one of TT's journals.

    He rips it down and takes a look.

    Jasem is dead. We stopped for a break and do a quick inventory of our supplies. Jasem and Pedro moved off into the brush to talk about something. It was only for a few minutes but then there was gunfire and Pedro came running back with Jasem's pack ripped to shred and covered in blood. He said Erica and I had to move quickly or the cauchemare cat would come for us. We didn't have time to argue about cube or body recovery we just ran.

    Now our project lead is dead deep in the jungle with no chance of recovery. May Allah accept him with open arms.

    - TT
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  15. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Hmm." What have you got there Ric?" Saito says as he comes up from pulling rearguard duty.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All: found another breadcrumb. Looks like Pedro framed a poor innocent neko for Jasem's murder.

    As Ric looked through the notebook his eyes automatically recorded each page, Gabo packages them up and pushes them to the group.

    Ric hands Saito the book and puts the knife in his pack before continuing the search along the trail.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al: "Well.. There goes my insanity theory." Then he mental chides himself, "And any chance to convince them of the urgency to leave this place." After this mental mumbling he returns to the group's secure connection. "Guess I need to read more detective fiction. I'm not private eye material just yet. Wait..what is a Ne'ko? Is it some diseased riddle creature that will give you the Sweats if you get scratched by it?"
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Gabo pushes the Nav Suite "wiki" article on the cauchemare cat to Kenn, making certain that the link opens a cascade of photos of the aftermath of an attack.

    There's a distinct "let me google that for you" vibe: he's supposed to do these sorts of things for Ric not virtual strangers who have their own Geists.

    Ric smiles to himself, and continues searching along the trail.
    stevenart74, Solodice and Golem2God like this.
  19. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito takes the note and reads it. He then has his giest record the note as evidence before placing the note in his pack. As they start up moving again, Saito falls back into the rearguard position. He can't take his mind off wondering where those morats are. He knows from experience that they wouldn't have given up the hunt that easily.

    So to quell his fears, he's taken the rearguard position to keep an eye out. A thought suddenly occurs to him. Saito brings up the nav suite AR display and has his giest overlay all his info gathered onto the virtual map. He then connects all the points that the research were at and marks the death spots. Using all this info to plot the most probable route taken, combined with his studied map overlay of the terrain.

    Basically I'm both looking at the terrain map with the past locations of camp sites and paths taken to preemptively locate future camp sites that Pedro might go to for food/ water or rest. And trying to see where there might be any good ambush sites and landing zones on the road ahead, because Saito's not convinced that those morats have given up just yet.
  20. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad increases in his curses in a low voice. The only thing for the team to pick up is something like: not only poisones insects, and aliens with guns, no there must be man hunting monster critters too. Frack it! That jungle should have been scorched from afar like from a space ship.
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