Fan-made expansion - 4 new characters

Discussion in 'News' started by drydius123, May 9, 2020.

  1. drydius123

    drydius123 Member

    May 5, 2020
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    Hi, I created 4 new characters somewhat based on overwatch characters. They are truly different from all exsiting heroes and each have their own way to be played. Please let me know your feedbacks! *English is my second language. I'm new to this forum!*
    mystic _ v3-1.jpg crack-o_v1-1.jpg hive queen _ v1-1.jpg mecha-1_v1-1.jpg mecha-1_v1-2.jpg
    Wizzy, Teleute, Ealthril and 2 others like this.
  2. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Interesting ideas. Though I think Mystic is the really unique character with the Mimic action (I think you named it wrong on the cards). Card 3 is maybe too strong for some characters but this could be tested. This is my favorite of all of your ideas. Would really like to test this character.

    The grenade guy seems too op to me with no vision up to 9-9 range + AOE (especially since I don't understand how the other Aristos can roll for defense) + Burning + Ini 6 + green+blue defense.

    Kerrigan ;) seems op as well with the nest tokens. She could just score all the time if she places the tokens on the right spots. Think of Capture the flag or Ziggurat missions. The idea is interesting but feels a bit like Gaia without restrictions to not be able to jump to scoring zones.

    Mecha... don't know. His blue side attack seems way too strong if you look at the general switch. Imagine with Hannibal or adding blue dice to the roll. You will kill almost every target. I like the Sentry mode though.
    #2 HarlequinOfDeath, May 9, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
    AdmiralJCJF and der_narr like this.
  3. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Really dove deep into that Mystic idea. However, that character might cause many many troubles with player questions like:

    What happens, if Mystic deploys minions? To me she needs to wait then for the next activation to use Fiddler's Remote Activation. And is she allowed to remove minions from the Hexadome since she isn't a Controller?

    If I impose +2 Initiative with Hippolyta's abilites what happens if Mystic goes to the Infirmary?

    And so on... I am not sure if such things are good for a boardgame.

    But what about making her a mind controller?

    So she doesn't copy the ability but takes over the character for one attack/action like fluff-wise Cube hacking?
  4. drydius123

    drydius123 Member

    May 5, 2020
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    Hey! I'm happy you like it, obviously I'm not a develloper but just a fan :) I tought these guys offered new interaction and new ways of thinking into the hexadome.

    I built CRACK-O a little bit like the "HORSE" in the game of chess, I tought it would be fun to have a character where you have to really think about his movement and positionning. He is really hard to position well since his movement are super restricted. the 9-9 didn't seem OP to me because it is hard to place yourself "Exactly" 9 hexes away from a target. Plus: The idea of a grenade in that game is really appealing to me. Aristeia is missing some good "AOE" sometimes. Actually, my first concept was a weapon that bounce on obstacles to reach covered target. I created a way of bouncing 4hex-3hex-2hex-1hex. But it was super complicated. I really like the idea of a grenade launcher. With all my characters I tried to explore the air and tunnels in the haxadome. Like you could fly or throw things over obstacles.

    For Mystic. My initial concept was copy-tokens. At the beggining of the game, you would place 2 or 3 tokens on ennemy characters to build your own versatile character (Just like the "SILENCED" token targetted at one specific ability). And mystic had a card and an ability to move these tokens but it was not elegant at all, and not "fun", it killed her spirit.

    I'll be honest, I didn't think of every single interaction, and I saw fiddler and GAIA like "out of reach" because you don't meet the requirement "being a controller". It would be easy to put a small list of abilities not targetable by her. You don't own enough minions to spawn your own jackbot anyway, this is a problem.

    I'll dig into your idea of "controlling" or "becoming" a character, this is indeed super interesting.

    For Mecha. He is strong. But he almost spend a complete turn sieging himself, and then CANNOT move (which is extremely restrictive in Aristeia), and when he wants to move again, he loses his entire turn doing so (3 action points). I likes the idea of positionning a character in a place where the ennemy has to find a way around him to reach his targets.

    Thanks for the feedback! It's really apreciated.
    krotos likes this.
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