Your favorite faction not in C1? Try the unofficial Code One Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

Discussion in 'News' started by meikyoushisui, May 2, 2020.

  1. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    The folks over at the Infinity Discord have put together Army lists for every army in the game, based on estimates of unit costs. It does add some skills and weapons to make things work, but it tries to keep them as simple as possible.

    I didn't make this, but I was asked to throw this up here. (Please let me know if there is a better area of the forums to post this in -- there's no general discussion section for C1).

    Disclaimer: This is an unofficial fan project.
  2. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I took a look at it and it's great. A big thanks to Rin and everyone who contributed to it. I'm going to share it to the French community as much as possible. Lot of people are asking for this.
    Urobros likes this.
  3. vicen85

    vicen85 Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    This is perfect for veteran players. Thanks a lot.
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Looks like heavy scope creeping. Just looking over the list of weapons and I can see why they initially chose to include only the most recent factions. E.g. I don't think anything with Viral, T2, Vorpal or Plasma should either not be included or be downgraded to closest approximate ammo, e.g. the one profile with plasma was omitted in official CodeOne

    Also noting on design of existing factions is that they chose to omit several profiles with Forward Observer completely instead of introducing a profile with "Specialist Operative", and that includes the extremely widely played Guilang FO (a.k.a. The Yu Jing Crutch)

    I also think that limiting to one group only is an important design decision
    prophet of doom likes this.
  5. bloodw4ke

    bloodw4ke Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Limited AVA for functional categories too, number of infiltrators, etc.
  6. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Just theorising, but I don't think Viral or T2 Snipers will remain B2 if the changes to Multi Snipers make it to N4. Now, if that means they'll go down to B1 or if they get select-ammo mode... equally possible is that Viral ammo drops down to being Shock ammo that targets BTS rather than ARM.
    In either case, it does seem like they want to keep the number of units with B2+ doing 2+ potential wounds per hit to an absolute minimum in C1

    Yeah... looking at Yu Jing there's certainly more sane AVA than vanilla has, but Yu Jing is special in that it takes what anyone else would call "elite" or "veteran" and says "you're line infantry, have AVA 5".
    toadchild likes this.
  7. Ghiacciolo

    Ghiacciolo New Member

    Jul 17, 2018
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    Logged in just to drop a big Like to this...sad times when community has better inventive than game/product designers,lol!
  8. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    To be fair, community does not have to rebrand all the boxes and sell them to someone either. ;-)
    prophet of doom likes this.
  9. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    It's an odd jab anyway, since CB obviously COULD do it, if they wanted to. They've stated it's a choice to minimize the core skus and direct new players down a specific path.
    Contrast it with N4, all active sectorials (not just core armies) at launch and inactive sectorials at launch or within a few months. N4 will probably require a bit more tweaking of profiles than N3 to C1 also.
    Mahtamori likes this.
  10. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    but not all active sectorials will be at N4 launch (even if they insisted at the beggining, that they would be). Most of them will, but some will be next year. CB said that we will get an schedule, but we all know that CB has changed their "schedules" before (just with that same topic). They could bring all core armies to c1? I also think so. Why could'nt they? They have the hability at least for putting rules in the army, but chosed to not. There might be a lot of reasons, we will not know the true one. So, why bother anyway?
  11. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    It's rather interesting to know CB is, like, the 3rd most relevant miniature maker worldwide when there are so many people that could obviously be running more succesful businesses.

    Or maybe it isn't that easy, who knows.
  12. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Last statement we got from the kurfuffle was that all active would be available at release. There are some forces added to the inactive list, so maybe that's the difference from what you're saying. When they get added to the Army, they will be listed as inactive though, just like Tohaa or the others.

    There can be many reasons, but they HAVE said why they're focusing on specific armies with a specific roll out plan for products and not adding armies to the CodeOne until it's their turn to reduce confusion.
  13. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Don't make sense. These are the forums, panic and overreaction only, please.
  14. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    while that might be true, we all know that CB has changed their reasons and plans in other occasions. Maybe when we get N4 they say "yay, we can deliver all armies!" or "well, we couldn't even all we thought, so this, this and this other will have to wait too". After so much time, we all should know that CB declarations should be taken with a bit of salt as if they were rumours

    Or maybe is because at some point they started doing some things that reminded of other "high success companies" that in the end failed, like Rackham did. Some people don't want to see that happening again to a company they like their products. Also, Why is the 3rd more relevant? After which ones? in which terms is based that "relevancy"? time in the market? impact on customers? sales? Because depending which of those we value, that possition might vary
  15. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    And maybe the seas will boil and the dead will rise, but for now, their statements and actions in regards to CodeOne are accurate. They said they want to focus on specific product release path and reduce confusion with armies in the app that aren't on that path. So they did that. The point was the other poster saying the community was doing something they couldn't.

    In regards to them having all active armies in the app for N4 when N4 launches, you can't criticize their ability to do it in May, you need to wait until August.

    It's entirely possible they've bitten off more than they can chew and maybe doing CodeOne, N4 and Defiance at the same time is too much for them. Certainly I feel that the Operation Kaldstrom book is noticeably worse than the WildFire one, layout/editing wise. A giant step back for them. Whether that's because of the pandemic & lockdown or them overstretching, or possibly a combination of a lot of factors, dunno, but I don't assume the future based on it.
  16. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    As far as I know, at the beggining they said that C1 would have for all vainilla armies, but I don't know if they said that they would be in day 1 or not, but it will not matter in the end. The reasons seems ok, until you think that, when all the other vainilla hit, those reasons will loose some of its meaning: there would be more armies and will create exactly the same confusion for the newcomers when that time come. The same as if all those armies were released at once at the beggining. The practical and economial reasons are logical. The number of armies and its selection is a more arbitrary one in my opinion..

    For N4 instead, they have changed some of the things they sayd. At the beggining, they said that "all armies" will be on day 1, but now is not "all armies" but " most of them". That is something that has happened before the pandemic, and after they knowing that they would release C1 and defiance
  17. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Fans can do things that companies can not do at all, or do not want to do except as last resort. This seems to be a one person or small group show, so no office politics, just start pumping spreadsheets (based in all the PDFs of past, CB seems move data by hand to the pretty print version... slooow). And done for fun and free, so no need of checking with the bean counters what gives more ROI, or being scared by sunk costs.

    Completly different constraints and aims.
    miguelbarbo84 and wes-o-matic like this.
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Just to be clear we all understand, Infinity CodeOne is designed for new players and for creating an essential line of products retailers can stock minimizing the SKU bloat, hence why it is only the main factions and no sectorials and why there will be a rolling release of the other factions.

    While it would be nice to release everything at once other factions do not have models designed in the superb new easy to build models newer releases have and this can have a big impact on new players Infinity CodeOne is designed for.

    I am delighted veterans like Infinity CodeOne, but I would assume they will migrate to N4 later this year when it is released.
  19. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    I'm definitely going to try to arrange some socially distant games with a friend who wants to play Infinity but was so put off by N3's complexity that he started playing an indy game using Infinity models instead. He's expressed interest in C1 as a lighter way to play, but wants to run Nomads, so we'll probably use these rules.

    That said, something that confuses me is the lack of a rule in the second tab for fireteams, and the inclusion of sectorial lists. If you're playing without fireteams, the only advantage of a sectorial over vanilla is trading selective gains in AVA for wide loss of unit choices.

    We may try something like this:


    At the end of Deployment, each player may designate fireteam assignments. (Profiles have same Fireteam Special Skills as N3. Limits of one Core, one Haris still apply.) Each fireteam has to have a designated Fireteam Leader and must respect coherency (all members within ZoC of designated leader). A trooper may only be in one fireteam at a time, and troopers in the Camouflaged state may not be members of a fireteam.

    During subsequent turns, each player may spend their Lieutenant Special Order at the beginning of the Orders Phase to declare new fireteam assignments. This may include any combination of adding or removing members from an existing fireteam, changing the designated Fireteam Leader, dissolving or re-forming fireteams, etc. as long as the basic rules for fireteam composition and coherency are respected.

    Fireteams and Orders:
    • Members of any fireteam are Activated with a single Order, and grant only a single ARO per Order from any unit able to declare ARO against any or all members.
    • During step 1.1 of the Order Expenditure Sequence, the controlling player may choose to reassign the role of Fireteam Leader.
    • At the end of step 1.1 of the OES, any fireteam member that is outside the ZoC of the designated Fireteam Leader is immediately removed from the fireteam and does not Activate.
    • Each member Activates in sequence, but every member must execute the same declared combination of skills. Only one member is considered the Active Trooper at a time. Each member must complete steps 1.2 - 5.1 of the Order Expenditure Sequence before any other member does.
    • In the active turn, only the designated Fireteam Leader performs BS Attack, CC Attack, or Hacking skills; other members of the fireteam perform an Idle instead.
    • In the reactive turn, any time one or more members of the fireteam become eligible to declare an ARO, all members that do so must declare the same short skill.
    • At the end of step 5.1 of the OES, any fireteam member that is outside the ZoC of the designated Fireteam Leader is immediately removed from the fireteam. If the Fireteam Leader is in a null state, all surviving members are immediately removed from the fireteam and the fireteam ceases to exist.

    Fireteam bonuses:
    • 2 members - Basic fireteam benefits (order economy, limit AROs)
    • 3 members - All members get +1B; in the reactive turn this is subject to limitations per N3 rules
    • 4 members - Fireteam Awareness benefits (when determining whether a fireteam member can declare Alert, that member may consider all other members of the fireteam to be within its ZoC even if they are more than 8" away; AND when declaring a Dodge ARO, as long as at least one member of the fireteam has LoF to the attacker, every member is considered to have LoF when determining what PH MODs apply to the Dodge roll)
    • 5 members - Leader gets +3 MOD when executing a BS Attack, CC Attack, or Hacking skill roll during the active turn

    • Switching to the LT order and permitting players to freely re-assign fireteams makes sense in terms of the LT's attention on the ground, and simplifies gameplay by letting players selectively reset their fireteam assignments at the start of their turn.
    • The smaller list format for C1 and the streamlined rules, plus the prevalence of high-powered models in 30 point games, make the N3 fireteam bonuses potentially much more impactful, especially during the reactive turn.
    • Sixth Sense is hilariously complicated, but "for Alert, all members share a ZoC" and "for Dodge, all members share LoF when determining PH MODs" is relatively straightforward and makes fireteams quite difficult to surprise. An efficient killer with good positioning should still be able to take them out one at a time, since killing a member drops them from the team and may deny Alerts.
    • Limiting the offensive +3 bonus for a full Core to the active turn re-emphasizes the role of a Core as an offensive tool, and pushes the Core to rely on the +1B and leaving more troopers up for ARO when operating defensively during the reactive turn.
  20. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    So what you're saying is, they can't allow ALEPH, because if someone new tried to assemble a ProBot, they'd just quit the game and never look back. :)
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