Archangeleong's Army Log: Nomads

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by archangeleong, May 10, 2020.

  1. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Hi Nomads. I thought I'd share my journey into the rebellious heart of the sphere with you.

    INFINITY NOMADS TUNGUSKA: Sectorial Starter Pack

    So we are all in the grip of a global pandemic and forced into social isolation. Being in lockdown at home isn't the worst thing to endure for a hobbyist as there is plenty more time on one's hands (I am lucky to be still employed and able to work online). Tunguska are my lockdown army and the starter set I was able to knock out in just under ten days! That's a pretty mean feat for a slow painter like me.

    Nomad colours are essentially red, black and white. There is a different emphasis on each color within the three Nomad Sectorials. I tried to keep my Tunguska Sectorial Army colour palette limited to mostly black, with a splash of red (Corrigor has more red and Bakunin more white). The only other colour I added was blue/green lighting.

    Happy to have got all these guys done in such as short space of time but I think I'm losing my mind a bit. I think I need to get out more...
    LeGweg, HotFreshTofu, ev0k and 9 others like this.
  2. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Securitate are the line troopers that I like best for Nomads. That's one reason why I chose the Tunguska Sectorial. Love the little details like the cops badges, handcuffs, earpieces and shades. Overall I'm sticking to mostly black and red as per the standard nomad colours (I have a mad plan to collect a little bit of each army one day, so no crazy colour deviations in each faction). However I do like to put my own spin on things.

    It was hard to come up with a different way to do the Securitate, but after a bit of research I found inspiration from Star Trek TNG Red shirts! Which is perfect for this trooper profile, being cannon fodder (OS Red Shirts anyway). Because I painted the red shoulders I ended up doing away with most of the glowy bits. I did the remaining glowy bits in blue green, which differs from the studio army also, but more so because I wanted to further differentiate this army from my JSA who have pure blue glowy bits (There is a grand scheme going here you see!). The text on their backs was tricky to do and I had play around a lot with the font before I was satisfied. Speed painted these guys in just one weekend (which is pretty good for me to squeeze in between vacuuming and other weekly chores my mistress wifey demands). Now just need some donuts...

    Securitate (Combi Rifle 1)
    She's my poster girl for this group, the mini I like most and drew me to painting them. Love her quizzical expression

    Securitate (Combi Rifle 2)
    Happy to add a little ethnic diversity to my infinity armies with this lil' lady. Have to say however that darker skin tones are much harder to do than lighter as they don't stand out as easily on a small surface area.

    Securitate (Combi Rifle 3)
    Painted brown hair cos this guy reminds me so much of Arnold. Hasta la vista, baby!
    I'll be back.

    Link Team
  3. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Heckler Hacker
    This guy looks kinda sinister with his enclosed helm and dark coat. It was Ugin's Nomads on the Infinity forums that inspired me to start a Nomad army, and his Heckler was one of the first I admired. I was very impressed by how he was able to paint numerous tones of black on the same model. With this in mind I tried to emulate Ugin's skilfull application of black by painting black differently on various parts of my Tunguska forces.

    The Heckler was my first main attempt at putting this into practice. On the clothing and trenchcoat I applied a stippling technique to give those parts a cloth-like texture. On the armour I did wet blending and applied a brighter final highlight. On the helm I wet blended an even brighter highlight to give it a glossy effect. Finally, on the gun I used blue grey as the mid highlight instead of dark grey, so that it would have a different sheen to the armour and coat. The overall effects are subtle but noticeable. I'm not sure that I'm s good as Ugin but I will give it my best to paint a largely black army in interesting ways.
  4. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    They are looking really good, keep up the good work!
  5. Remnar

    Remnar Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Look great! Look forward to seeing more!
  6. wisefaiz

    wisefaiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You totally sold the different black textures. Great stuff.
  7. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Woah, I'm honored! You've got nice serene tones of black there mate
  8. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks guys. Hope to share more soon (some good one’s coming when I get chance to write up).

    Thanks for encouragement with black (it’s not so simple).
  9. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Hollow Men (MULTI RIFLE + Pitcher)
    Very impressive miniature. Slightly insectoid and inhuman proportions make them seem very tough even though they are much slighter looking than other heavy infantry. Reminds me of the robots from Velarian and the Thousand Planets (A fun and underrated sci fi movie imho). In all armies I'm drawn to collect I have to like both the main heavy infantry and the line troops. For Nomads I like all HI (Mobile Brigada, Riot Girls and Hollow Men) so it was hard to choose which sectorial to do. However I was a fan of the Securitate more than the other line troops so that's why I chose Tunguska.

    This guy took much longer to paint than the others which surprised me. There are lots of tiny details that belie the slight frame of the Hollow Men. Again I stuck with mostly black and just a touch of red. Yet I also added a few more spots of white here and there because I wanted to paint the face white. I didn't realise that the face was so skull like until I painted it white and this led me to leave out painting any OSL on the eyes and mask. Instead I left them black as I think it really brings out the soulless automaton like nature of these robotic puppets.

  10. LeeroyVinland

    LeeroyVinland O-12 Agent

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Good job! I really like the hollow men. Sadly I can't buy another army. I already have enough stuff to do
    archangeleong likes this.
  11. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Kriza Borac (HMG)
    Kriza Borac, the big boy and final and most complex miniature of the starter set. Always wanted to paint one, but not sure about how to do it. I love the big fuel(?) cans on the back, hex fibre muscles and chonkyness, but not a fan of the glowing mane depicted on the studio models (why does he need so much head power?). Thus I kept the cables black but added ribbed texturing to make them interesting. I did the head white to align this guy with my Hollow Men and for some reason the head/cable combo reminds me of one of the failed monstrosities in Robocop 2 (fans of 80s and 90s action sci-fi films may get this reference). Otherwise I kept the colours fairly similar to the studio.

    Very happy with how all my lessons learned on Tunguska were applied to this guy and he is a fitting mini to finish the starter set on. Big effort for me to get the set completed from one saturday across a week to the following sunday. Amazed my wife let me get away with it, but it was possible I guess, largely due to being in lockdown. Ah the boons of the global pandemic lol!...

  12. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Interventors of Tunguska
    Interventors to me are the iconic Tunguska, nay Nomads, unit. So as a minimum I had to have these guys on top of the starter set. I had a hard time trying to paint them dark without being too boring. Just added a few red details to provide a spot of colour, but it is really the Tron-like glowy bits that makes them pop visually. The Pandas are cute and it was hard not to paint them, well, like pandas. So that is exactly what I did. Team is now done and ready for a "hacking" good time... (Ok terrible pun...)

    Interventor (Boarding Shotgun)
    Poster girl of the Interventors. I wish they sculpted a version with the hair plait like the artwork, instead of the frizzy hair version we got here, but no matter. I've seen some pretty unflattering attempts at her face out there on the web so I spent a long time trying to get it right and pretty like she deserves. I'm most happy with how I did here especially with the mascara, eyeliner and blush I painted on to bring out her features nicely.

    Interventor (Combi Rifle)
    Cyclops or Tron? Not sure myself and I wasn't so excited to paint this guy compared to the lady. However in the end I enjoyed working on this guy more, I think because I did him second so my skill was better, as well as he has a lot more surface area to work on which is easier. I think I was more comfortable with the OSL, which I still feel like I suck at a bit...

    Fast Pandas
    Fast Pandas. Cute and look like pandas. Not much else to say...

    Fast Panda 1


    Fast Panda 2


    Link Team
  13. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Fast Offensive Unit Zondnautica
    The reason why I wanted to do Nomads was this guy. I just love this mini set, it's so cool. I was careful to make sure I matched all the colours between the different modes (If you look carefully at the studio models there is a bit of a mismatch). Not sure why some of the leg armour is missing in robot mode, nor where the collar on the rider goes when she is dismounted. Anybody have any idea?

    Even though this is a Tunguskan unit I just had to add more red than black this time as red bikes just go faster. I also wanted the armour panels to stand out easily from the under armour in the robot mode and the red really sells this. There were lots of cool shiny textures to paint, which was laborious but satisfying to finish. One tricky part was doing the tires so they look like rubber compared to the shiny metallic bits. To that end I drybrushed them as well as picked out the edge highlights. Overall, very satisfying miniatures to paint.

    Zondnauta (Spitfire)

    Zondnauta (Spitfire), Dismounted


  14. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Hollow Men Link Team
    Insectlike, inhuman, deadly and hollow. These guys look they mean business. I took my time with them to bring out the different textures of black. Pleasure to paint and satisfying to finish. These guys finished off my first round of Tunguska for the moment...

    Combi Rifle


    Boarding Shotgun

    Missile Launcher

    Full Team
  15. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY NOMADS TUNGUSKA: Grenzer (Multi Sniper Rifle)
    Grenzer, Grenz Security Team (Multi Sniper Rifle)
    So I didn't plan on expanding my Tunguska army anytime too soon, but a couple of stragglers popped in a the last minute. I'm quite fond of the Grenzer sniper. I think its his goggle eyes that I like. I kept him dark like my other guys, but he isn't too different from the studio colours. Overall a quick simple model to paint.

    redeemer, burlesford and ev0k like this.
  16. Ealthril

    Ealthril Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    So beautiful work here ! A pleasure for our eyes
  17. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks Bro!
  18. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY NOMADS TUNGUSKA: Spektr (Combi Rifle)


    Spektr (Combi Rifle)
    The last straggler from the battle pack (and last Tunguska guy for a while). Simple and fast model to paint. Kept him dark like his teammates but left the white helmet and gauntlets that are kinda iconic on this Nomad mini.

    redeemer, burlesford and Darkinga like this.
  19. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Man, your Tunguskans look amazing. This thread feels underappreciated (maybe because it's not in the miniatures section?) Your superb Hollowmen, the badass Kriza, but most of all that beautiful shiny Zondnautica – you really did them justice!

    Any primer on how long they took you on average? As someone who's still only working his way up to his Tunguska, I'd love to know what kind of time frame I'm looking at.

    If you ever decide to add more, I'm here to marvel at it ;)
  20. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks bud. I do also post on the painting pages, but I like to have a separate entry under each different faction I do so that I can share with and learn from people who do the same faction :-)

    so far as timeframe for painting it depends on the model and level of detail you want to add but I can usually finish one or two minis per week (since pandemic maybe up to 3 per week). Maybe takes between 8 to 12 hours per model including cleaning and building.

    I work full time and have house duties for my wife, but i spend a fair bit of time doing hobby so going at that pace is good enough for me without burning out. I think it took just under 3 months to get to where I am now with Nomads (all you see here plus the last few guys in the starter set that I haven’t posted pics of yet).
    burlesford likes this.
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