Thanks @zapp. It took some trial and error to get a hang of the oils. I used them on the remotes as an all over black wash. I had based and highlighted the blue and orange, and relied on the oil wash to provide the shade and panel line. To provide the shading, I needed a 'thicker' wash. To do the black lining I needed a 'thinner' wash. I was lazy/trying for speed, so used a thicker wash in only one pass. This was difficult - hard to manipulate the oils and get them to settle and clean up where I wanted. I improvised a lot to get an end result. So for the Saladins and Ayyar I did it a little differently. Firstly I shaded the blue with a dark blue glaze (acrylic paint and glaze medium) before I started the oil washes, to put the shades where I wanted them. I then used a black with hint of green to wash the fabric. Black with hint of brown for the leather. Black with a hint of blue for the armour. These washes were messy and covered everything, and then I cleaned them up to keep my original highlights. After a couple of hours, I went back with a very thin black oil wash to do the panel lining, being more precise with application. This worked very well. A few more steps than the remotes, but very quick and simple process of application and clean up. So in the end this was quicker than the remotes, as there was far less thinking, back and forth, and adjusting to get the result to look good.
Q1 Masterglass entry! And a converted old Khawarij and both Hakims. Khaki and leather were a lot quicker to paint than all that blue armour! Still going for as much efficiency as possible to get through my remaining Haqq. The oil washes have helped, but I've noticed my colour choices are also becoming simpler, with less variation to speed things up. I hope the result is still good/interesting models.
Aaaaaand I've finished my vanilla Haqq! I think it came at a good time. Now I'm a bit more efficient with batch painting, doing lots of the same scheme was wearing out its welcome. So, I'm ready for a change. Time for some long planned Morats, and a change to the thread title accordingly. Hope you like the last of the Haqq! Of note is a warcor which is almost all done with contrast paints over an aggressive zenithal prime and white drybrush. Only the small chrome nmm details, pistol highlights, and hair highlights are done with normal acrylics.
Thanks @archangeleong ! I saw you transition from your Ikari, to IA, to Tunguska and that really inspired me to change up my models and enjoy some new sculpts and colours, as you clearly are. Here is the group shot, but I struggled lighting such a large area, as well as set up the minis in a presentable manner.
So you have learned well and get a leather paint in efficient way time to get another secret about this leather that makes things as fast but looks even a bit better - yellow add a bit of yellow to highlights to this Rusty brown - this will make a warmer tone and sugest natural light or natural well taned leather ;) if you whant to get an interesting effect with dry brush - ,make it with "true paints" like W&N or Vangogh or Dailer Rowney - a heawy body ones - - you may do a dry brush and then reactivate it with watter before it fully dry and smuthen things out or mix it with minature paint on the mini for better blending and what going on with Q1 Masterglass entry i may coment on this one but i need to know what is going on ;)
Thanks @maru ! I'll try the yellow trick next time. The tips you gave on values also took me down a good path :-) For the bike, I was having fun seeing what kind of colour gradients I could do with the airbrush. I see that the values are all over the place. And then I wanted to play it in a tournament a rushed the biker body a bit. I wanted to easily remember which twin was which by having the blueish bike be the EM ccw one!
acha ok . so if you go for clean effect - do all clean gor get a dirty parts on purpouse if you go dirty look a clean part will became focal point a dirty part in your clean pj is skin on a female character and this makes awkward effect and ye values are all over the place basicly purple and blue are same value blue parts are not brighter they ate just blue other thing to remember purple is a mix of red + blue so you could actualy paint it red + blue and get purple on the way as a transicion :) - but ye skin is strange