CrazyKoalas and Repeaters are unfortunately some of the main strengths Morans have, so watered down versions may well not be worthwhile. All they'd really bring is infiltration.
All of those seem reasonably easy to implement. CodeOne already has the rules to represent most of the Zeros and Spektr profiles. With Bandits you just have to drop scavenger. CB doesn't seem to want repeaters in C1 and like loricus said Koalas are most definitely a nono. So we might be in for another 2+ years of hoping CB might squeeze Morans in somewhere.
I expect Corregidor to get a resculpt in 2021. This includes Morans obviously, but also Wildcats, Tomcats, Carlota, Senor Masacre repack or new sculpt and maybe even TAGs - which look pretty good but also a bit oldschool compared to nowadays releases. Wouldn't mind Geckos getting a reskin and especially redesign, so that veterans would get a chance to purchase two new profiles and go for AVA 4! That being said I do not expect Code One 2021 being Corregidor based. Pano vs Yu-Jing on Svalarheima is both very thematic but also strategic choice. My bet is on Nomads vs Aleph, Bakunin vs Steel Phalanx - both sectorials in a dire need for new wave resculpts. As a side note: I strongly feel that introducing a new Nomad Sectorial would be a mistake, except if it was something along "Corsair fleet" vibe. Space Pirates would be cool, still the sole nature of it would fit an NA2 army as much as a Nomad sectorial. Either way I hope CB would stick to the three Mothersips and just build around that. Especially when there's plenty of space to add and/or re-design already existing stuff. Profiles apart: Corregidor needs a slight adjustement and some vital 3d sculpt resculpts. Half of Bakunin is in dire need of points costs rebalancing and more than half the range requires new 3d sculpts. Even Tunguska needs some profiles added to it to buff it up to a more competitive level which I'm sure will happen as the army does not seem complete. There's just plenty of space to work with in Nomads and we all know that awesome miniatures sell the product.
I'm gonna be honest people must have some sort of pool of information they draw expectations from and I just have no idea. Something about experation times and skus and past release patterns. Not something I've kept track of. I've honestly grown attached to my shitty Moran but I'd like to see what they can do with a new one. Have they done any Black troops without helmets with modern design yet?
Most of us Nomads would probably be happy with the units we have on the whole, maybe a Tunguska Warband or some other way for access to them as an exception. We definitely don't need a fourth sectorial. We're meant to be a fairly small population overall. Do Corrigedor need an S5HI? No, we have an S6 TAG. We just give it a Spitfire + Chain Colt option, or a twin boarding shotgun option, something that makes it hit hard in close to medium. Oh, and maybe a lighter variation with Parachutist outside of Zero-G. Massacre's new sculpt is already here more or less, in the Foreign Company/Soldiers of Fortune character box. I don't see them making another one anytime soon but stranger choices have happened. For Bakunin I think CB should just do a mixed four box of New Custodiers x2 and Sin Eaters x2, or just 2 custo, 1 sin, and a healer. Combi pitcher, shotgun, mk12, and either spitfire sin, or a Reverend Healer CR to replace the Icestorm one when she's oop.
^ Part of Nomad's problems is we're basically feature complete. I'd like an across the board Profile review to bring things up to a modern standard. But I don't think many new troops are required. Even then I'm mostly hanging out to see what systematic changes come in N4. For instance if LOL goes in N4 and LT orders work similarly to Tac Aware orders (ie can be spent in a Fireteam) the underappeciated profiles like the Wildcat Lt start becoming more useful (particularly if they also do the smart thing and make the No 2 the Lt profile). Incidentally, lack of LOL, no Shock and 2 effective orders makes Intruder Lt start looking quite good for Code One.
Couple of securitate, Laxmee andI think that's about it. Perseus. We need less warbands in this game not more of the bastard things, and I don't see them really fitting with TJC's look and feel. I can see a lot of the issues (at least the ones that can't be trivially solved already) with TJC being mitigated by stuff changing around them in the edition change (see the hacking changes). Giving TJC access to a third transductor and few sectorial specific profiles to add in a bit more perimeter defence in the form of koalas and mines would go a long way (such as FD1 on the lunokhods or a mine dispenser somewhere). Spitfire overlaps too much with the MK12 and the BSG with the dual combis, I really dislike it when models with in a sectorial make other models in it redundant, and I like that that they don't really cost SWC. If they were going to pick another profile I'd prefer it if they picked up a low cost 32" weapon like a feuerbach or something that typically comes with an effective sidearm like a HRL.
Can the next random Nomad character we get NOT be a female support hacker? Valerya Mary Sue Laxmee Uhu Jazz I really would much prefer to see Acheronita than yet another of an archetype they've done to death. I'd also be happy with a Praxis Dr who field tests illegal stims. Mostly because this would give a third, and Nomad themed, "Healer" character in A!
Also another reason why SWC weapons (like the spitfire) on Geckos isn't great is that CJC so insanely SWC hungry that if it were to cost SWC it would make list building for that sectorial infinitely more awkward and annoying.
I think morans will be N4 only, who knows when (maybe next year, maybe later), but not in C1. There are lots of troops that can make it to C1 without much change
Low SWC is core to Geckos. They're supposed to feel low maintenance. Nomads have big business in med tech. This doesn't need to be represented in quality doctors, but some more interesting doctors would be cool.
For A! what I'd like to see is a Dr that imposes the Poisoned state but the Switch Heals Damage / removes States. Armed with an ADHL (mainly because a low Damage attack that causes -2 Move / IMM would he useful). You could probably build this off a Morlock base for Metachemistry. (At the start of her activation roll an Orange each Success adds +1 Move, Block removes 1 Dam, Special imposes the +2 Initiative state). For N4, with SMG, ADHL, Dr that'd come in at around 20pts (once you polish off the Extremely Impetuous). Which would neatly fit into the Spec Ops hole in Bakunin. Cross releasing a Dire Foe and A! character hasn't been done yet. But it'd work in Bakunin given the free form self organising feel of that sectorial. Mostly I want this as an A! character. But there's probably room to build a less effective Dr but who's linkable.
I second Acherontia character, it would be lovely. But what weapons/skills would make her good but also interesting and unique? Chain of command or NCO, some swc light weapons like MK12 or MMR, Pulzar or Emarat maybe for close range. Probably still would be too expensive for regular use if basic brigada cost doesn't go down :(.
I don't really care because she wouldn't be on Corregidor anyways. I just like these things to exist for the atmosphere of the game. I want a faction/location/origin to present its fluff without needing much or any exposition.
The Brigada cost's almost certainly down if the profile is unchanged; the similar ORC is the equivalent of 10 points cheaper in C1. Nomads just don't get the command skills though, CB seems as insistent on that as PanO not getting Smoke, so a decently survivable LT with a Specialist Skill and/or big gun may be the best you could hope to get from a non-Hacker Nomad Character in that department.