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Fix the Bøyg

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by Judge Dredd, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I feel like the Boyg MK12 is competing with the cheaper Orc Multi Rifle w/ climbing plus. Yes, the orc has 1 less burst which is a big deal but it has climbing plus for added maneuverability and is 12 points cheaper.
    Jobenheim, Zewrath, Teslarod and 2 others like this.
  2. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The way I see the Boyg in use is it's your first assault piece. Your core link or skirmisher creates a breach, then the Boyg plus the specialist he drags with him is sent in first to secure and hold/do objectives, then your core link comes in after and assaults whatever comes in to attack him. So the Boyg's competition in a list from an Orc is something like an Orc/Varg Haris which can perform a similar role.

    Svalarheima’s Winter Force

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]3
    VARG (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Heavy Flamethrower, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 26)
    VARG (Sensor) Combi Rifle, Heavy Flamethrower, WildParrot / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 26)
    ORC (Fireteam: Haris, Mountain Terrain, Climbing Plus) MULTI Rifle + 1 TinBot A (Deflector L1) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 45)

    0.5 SWC | 97 Points

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]2
    BØYG Mk12 / Heavy Pistol, Shock CC Weapon. (0 | 55)
    QUINN Shock Marksman Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 23)

    0 SWC | 78 Points

    The Orc haris has an absolute wealth of tools and kit available which makes it very very attractive (I cannot stress enough how fucking amazing that Haris is), but again the Boyg's drawcard is big dude with big gun on an extremely lean points and SWC deal. Just depends on what you want and what you have room to fit into a list.
    #62 Triumph, Mar 29, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
    Maksimas likes this.
  3. JudgeDee7

    JudgeDee7 Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    Now I'm not a PanO player but these really negative opinions of the Boyg seem very random to me. I'm a YJ player and I'm comparing it to the Yan Huo, which has a very similar statline (specifically the 2 missile launcher Yan Huo profile). While the Yan Huo isn't a great unit and as far as I know most YJ players don't include it in meta lists, I don't think anyone clamors that it needs a buff or that it's so unusable it needs to be shelved forever. For 3 more points, a Boyg receives better close range options (a heavy pistol), better BTS, and hyper-dynamics level 1, which, at least in my meta, seems very useful. Dodging on 16's seems amazing for avoiding things like cheap template warband units, and makes the Boyg significantly more survivable than something like the Yan Huo. I don't think that Boyg is amazing, but it's not "bad" either.

    This makes me wonder what you guys think of Winter Force vs WBA.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  4. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Wild card holo jammer is dumb.
    Barrogh, eciu and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  5. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    I wonder if full auto will apply in both active and reactive turn in N4. A Burst 2 missile ARO or Burst 4 suppressive fire ARO would be interesting.

    Since Knight of Justice is similar in cost, smaller silhouette, similar loadouts, and has good CC capability and great linkability, I don't know why I'd do a Boyg.
    eciu, Crusader, CabalTrainee and 2 others like this.
  6. JudgeDee7

    JudgeDee7 Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    Well if Full Auto applied to both reactive and active then it would just be , unashamedly, a better Yan Huo. In general a lot of PanO profiles seem to be better versions of whatever YJ has, hence the need for tricks like smoke or maybe those holo jammers too.
  7. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I'm kind of hoping it doesn't, or if it does it becomes a separate skill.
    Kriza would be pretty incredible
    Gamma comparisons wouldn't stop, and would still make the Boyg cry.

    Just giving this guy full neurocinetics would be pretty sweet.
  8. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    The gamma is what the boyg wishes it were.

    Two karhu w/ multi-rifle duo costs 50 points and Id rather take the duo over the mk12 boyg
  9. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    You really summed things up when you said "the Yan Huo isn't a great unit and as far as I know most YJ players don't include it in meta lists".

    Given that point the Yan Huo isn't popular, and the fact that the key attributes for its role are identical, then for 3pts more the Boyg ends up being very similar. Why should we be excited about something so equivalent when you aren't excited about the version on your side?

    I'm not ready to give a "final judgement" but I see lots of reasons to run White Banner and few to none to run SWF.
    CabalTrainee, Guardian and Urobros like this.
  10. MrNailbrain

    MrNailbrain Relentless Optimist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Alright I’m going to be the one who says it: what does Sval do that Vanilla doesn’t do equally well? And if the only answer is “has fireteams”, that’s a rough look for SWF.
    Death and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  11. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Cthulhu363 and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  12. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I mean, can't you say the same thing for NCA and Varuna?
    The main reason to run those sectorials is link teams and increased AVA on Hexa/ZuluC, respectively.

    I quite enjoy the idea of AVA 4 Nokken, minelayer is a skill mostly absent from PanO and having it in abundance on the Nokken and Varg is something pretty unique as far as PanO goes.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  13. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You can pretty much say the same thing for most sectorials in the game because of how Vanilla as a parent faction works which is why it's such a dumb comment. The exception is for sectorials like QK that leverage a variety of mercenaries the parent faction doesn't get access to.

    It's like saying What's the point of Invincible Army when Vanilla can take 5 Zuyongs and a Daoying as well. If the only answer is “has fireteams”, that’s a rough look for IA.
    MikeTheScrivener likes this.
  14. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    My friend pointed out that the Boyg is about as deadly as an ORC with a knife in CC.....
    DAM13 shock.
  15. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2018
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    This is going to make people flip, but you're wrong.

    Hes damage 14 shock because he has a heavy pistol. His shock CCW is absolutley useless.
    Zewrath, Teslarod, eciu and 2 others like this.
  16. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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  17. JudgeDee7

    JudgeDee7 Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    I see your point, but I think it's okay to have a unit that somewhat mediocre, and still be excited to paint it or use it in more friendly games. If the Boyg needs a buff, then units such as the Yan Huo and Shang Ji also definitely need buffs. I guess my point is that not every unit needs to be super optimized or meta.
    Cthulhu363 likes this.
  18. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    NCA and Varuna also have access to unique profiles; NCA has the Deva as a high-end LT and can turn the massive PanO repeater net into an actual threat instead of a liability with the AHD Upgrade:Lightning, Varuna has an improved Squalo with worthwhile close-in defense thanks to its Zapper. You can run reasonably competitive NCA lists without any Fireteams at all, though this works best in Limited Insertion thanks to the extreme power of order spam in general.

    SWF has a few non-SWC Climbing Plus ORCs, and a few more Nokken don't really replace the Acon and Varuna options on the defensive, so SWF is going to be a good Sectorial for people who love their Fireteams (it's possibly the best in the game for versatility with worthwhile Core, Haris and Duo options everywhere) but a really terrible one for people who don't (with no marker access on deployment for order-producing units and no cheap DTWs, SWF badly needs to win their firefights in reactive or else spam so much garbage the opponent can't actually shoot it all).
    eciu, CabalTrainee, Guardian and 2 others like this.
  19. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You did an argument which really gives more reason to Pano players complaining about Boyg. If the Yan Huo don't go into de table, so probably the Boyg neither. So, that is what more people are complaining for. A new unit which probably they will never use. Still, we will see in N4. This is a "unit in N3" with N4 design. At least it is what shuld be.

    And what about Winter Force vs WBA... I have the intuition the Yujing sectorial will clean the floor whit the Pano sectorial, as much that hurts me.
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  20. Guardian

    Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Looks like CB did a boyg! :joy:
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