So Orcs have Fireteam: Haris in their base profile, but they also have two troop options with the ability Fireteam: Haris. Can you make haris with any orc then, or do you need to take the haris options? Nisse on the other hand only have Haris in their base profile but not in their troop options.
And you have Stealth as well as non Stealth Link members to abuse the heck out of the FAQ that never should have happened ;D
Mixing Vargar with anything gets you the anti-Kamau silver bullet of ARO baiting behind Albedo, and the KoJ and Jotum have that magic BTS9 where Jammers aren't likely to stop you before you can beat the wielder to death. On top of that, SWF actually has fairly plentiful mines that can threaten VIRD's single-wound Snake Eaters. A well-planned SWF team probably stands a better chance than most other flavours of PanO, but the Cutter could be a real issue.
Well I was more thinking about Echo-Bravo with Parrots, Zulu-Cobra's Jammers+Sensor Assault Pistols and CrocMen. I don't think Kamaus would be SWF biggest problem.
There’s a goodly number of Duo/Wildcard options that I think have some play. Karhu Engi + Mother Knight Spitfire, Karhu E/Marat + Quinn, or if you are feeling spicy Boyg Mk12 + Lundmark. I like that Vargs have native Haris, there are some seriously good teams that can be formed there. I think the Fusi team staple is making a return, there’s no blockbuster Core like Varuna and that’s a good thing. If this is a sign of N4 things to come I’m glad to see less of a focus on minmaxed Cores and more of a focus on solo pieces and smaller fireteams (Haris and Duos).
Yeah, the new units that joined other sectorials than the new ones feel weird. Justice and Lazarus with MO and Adil with with IS just feel weird.
Lazarus is weird everywhere. (In sval he can only join hospitalers, the only way hospitlaers to form a firetam is to take the doctor haris)
I don't understand CB design philosophy. Father Knight and KoJ are the exact same unit with Assault <> MA2 ( multiterrain and kinematika are free skills AFAIK and are not big of a deal anyway in N3 most of the time ). And it's not like people are crazy about FK. So what is the point of making slightly better variation of it so close to N4 ? Wouldn't it have more sense to just give FK MA ( or even just stealth ) ? Or at least make it so that one of them has different weapons compared to another so that there is actually some meaningful difference, except who can link with who in which sectorial. I don't get it, CB talks about removing old units to create space for new design, and they make shit like this. Fusiliers and Regulars have more flavor between them, compared to these 2 knights. And I fully expect them to merge Fusiliers and Regulars in N4. About rest of Svalar : Agnes existence is a mystery to me, this profile doesn't really add anything to this sectorial except bloat. I understand they thought they had to shove her somewhere because they will release mini for her. I am starting to hate what Aristeia and Defiance are doing to Infinity, so many useless and out of place characters are getting added to the game... Machinist with mimetism+multiterrain is +3 points, finally a unit where mimetism is priced correctly in the game, first one in N3 after 6 years... Nokken I expect in N4 will look more different than Locust, is fine generally Locust is here because CB had to shove that model somewhere, no other reason Infirmarer I hope will have very different N4 profile, because his current profile shows CB still can't make good MI ( and I am not talking just about MOV, I know he will likely be 4-4 ) Uma, nothing special to say here, she is terrible since release, unit designed so bad that even the SMG couldn't fix her Gunnar, 38 points for 1W model, yeah I see no hope for MI in N4, I know he is LI, but this kind of expensive bloat is core issue with MI ( and some LI like Zhaydan ), not 4-2 MOV and even fixed crit won't help much. He is shit even with Frenzy discount, something I thought is impossible to achieve. Vargar I like some of the profiles, nothing super good, but usable. And 4-4 MOV in N4 will help them be better. Boyg, classic lets cheat the formula which I absolutely hate, plus I am one of those guys who don't want S5 HI in PanO or ALEPH. Ninja I don't care about, BS 11 on "expert marksmen" give me a break Lian Kai another example CB don't care about the formula, just compare his skills with something like unlucky Gunnar. Cheating the formula with frenzy/impetuous discounts and skills/weapons that cost 0 points. I just hate it. So overall, this release is garbage in my opinion. I was excited to potentially start new sectorial, but I don't like neither of these two. Yes, maybe this was rushed release just to have these playable in N3, maybe in N4 these will all have more sense. So I'll just wait for N4 and see. EDIT: Karhu and Ye Mao are what happens when CB looks at their data and sees that only MI people love playing is Bagh Mari, but they don't really know why so they just make more of them. It's because mimetism is broken CB, that is why people play them and because you didn't bloat them with useless skills/equipment like almost every other MI in the game. Mystery solved.
I'd not be surprised if the FK and KoJ are the same thing in N4, these are just stopgap lists after all.
What do you see in him? To me, he looks like a Galwegian that costs 33 extra points. (Obviously that's exaggeration, but I really don't see the utility there.)