try telling that to CB, with the constant need to bring in shit like this to make other factions SuperNotNice.
Well, I don't really like NKHVZDS (or whatever ) lore, and hate the mini... But it makes easier for me to sacrifice him when playing pano, or shoot at when playing other armies
Equating Karl Marx, an economist who died in 1883, with support for Nazi ideas or Soviet fascist communism is a classic alt-right move. Nice show of colors.
If someone bakes a cake 10 times from same recipe, and every time it turns out not edible and people starve.... ... then I would definitely put blame on the recipe's author ^^ Plus what even alt-right mean in Europe o0 So we are at level on name calling ?:P You really want so badly to put a colored badge on my arm ?:D
*inserts two pennies* Here's my thing...When PanO, or Aleph, had the opportunity to create a perfect PanO soldier, someone to represent PanOceania, the landed on "French, Catholic Woman." The "pefect" PanO soldier is white and Christian. Regardless of the actual diversity of PanOceania, Joan is "the default." PanOceania has also largely segregated itself by ethnic group of people on Sval, another on Acon, etc. It's not totally unrealistic that people would look at that and think that segregation = racial harmony. Also, PanOceania chose the Catholic Church as their official church; did that really represent the majority of citizens at that time? It links PanO to a European heritage even if said heritage doesn't match the majority of its citizens. You probably also have fringe groups that want a "Free Acontecimento" or whatever because they feel like their interests and heritage doesn't match what PanO is.
PanO drawing on Nazi inspiration isn't exactly news..... especially for sval Hmm, that coat looks awfully familiar.... Well, lots of coats have six prominent lapels and shoulder markings. that's true. But have you seen our secret police's unit symbol?? hmmm.....
And it can be a dog whistle for really unpleasant things even when it's "just a story in a game". Stop normalizing fascists, racism and ethnic oppression.
That requires perspective, calm, and reasonableness. We don’t do that here on this forum. Overreaction, etc, etc, are the order of the day... especially in relation to a game with little metal army men. Wrongthink and wrongfun must be memoryholed.
I don't even understand the mindset of people who wants to get rid of atrocities in lore. Having a unicorn fluffy peace background makes it much less grounded, and considering the attrocities committed by humans in the 20th century and modern days, it's weird that anyone would think that Kuang Shi's, Kempeitai and Morlocks are out of order or "ridiculous". I mean shit, 40k must be grooming thousands of fascists every day, with all the normalising of xenophobia and fascism. Although I'm not surprised that Americans and to an extent, NZ/Aussie countries brings up race in anything they ever discuss. They do this constantly in every conceivable scenario and as a westerner who don't give a shit about race, this is weird and sticks out to me. PS: Calling Karl Marx an economist, is like me calling a monkey a scientist or Saudi Arabia the protector of womens rights. Lmao.
You forgot about meat-eating. Well "Outrage" also have some "moments". You forgot about Tau ;P Funny enough is also (apparently) often brought by people living in most "ethnically pure" country in Europe (or at least one of top 3) :D
I'm sorry, what's the thesis of your PhD in economy again? You surely have at least some academic bearing to make such inane statements with a straight face?