I think they should make a dire foes narrative mission where Yu Jing fights another faction over a salt mine.
In all seriousness though, I do like the idea of YJ potentially learning from the uprising and, while allowing its cultural groups to exist separately, to actively encourage them to be further integrated with one another militarily and highlighted as such. If only to give us more diverse cultural options in the future. Especially in the face of a modern-day China that is unfortunately and violently espousing exactly the opposite view.
Go for it, thanks for the spare SKUs and enjoy not being in N5 or Code Two on launch. As dumb as it was, I think we know who really won the Uprising.
You guys have obviously not seen that ISS is going E X T I N C T I E R than French Ariadna, I can’t believe they added a Dahshat Imperial Agent Into the ranks of the White Banner, it’s merely a matter of time before the third emperor of Yu Jing, gets Assassinated by a crew of 40 aristeia! Characters along with Mercenaries and the Tactical Silhouette 1 Maggie!
Due to Chinas latest fuck up with their unleashed bioweapon I suggest that the sectorial gets a shit tonne of viral weapons.
In case some of you didn't notice, the new REM is actually a traitor. Look at that, it has the same color as the treacherous scummy units of the japanese army!
Get in line, citizen. We're here to complain and by the Emprah shall we complain! The amount of polish that appears to have been applied to this sectorial is giving me a headache.
I can tell by the 124 games I've already played with the sectorial while quarantined that White Banner is subpar at best.
I'll make this very serious complaint, though: I have to buy more camo markers. A lot more camo markers.