This is now my favourite thread in the Human Sphere. I mean, em, this thread is trash. Literally unplayable.
...or, with all these markers, AD troopers, and TAGs, WB will be a sectorial not singularly relying on a core fireteam in order to function? It'd be nice to see a change in the philosophy of sectorials moving away from every single one being about bulking up a single premium trooper with cheap filler fireteam bonuses. With 4 Guilang and 2 Daofei, it's not like I'd even care to make much room for a full fireteam anyway.
Man. I wish we had Orcs or similar unit. Even shangji are posibly getting changed to something stupid. I also hate playing all that camo markers. Whole year spent painting those lovely minis and now I have to move those shitty plastic circles. Not funny...
I'm surprised no one has noticed yet, but Blue Wolf is a clear reference to Pan-O. When we finally get a new TAG to replace the Kidobutai, it's a damned Panocianean TAG!? In before it's also a Wildcard trooper in WinterFor. Not cool not cool!
Excuse me guys but why are you so negative? The sectorial is not yet in the army builder and we don't know profiles of some new units, why criticize when you still don't have a complete picture?
can you believe this guy wants to see PROFILES before he declares this sectorial dead on arrival?! The ENTITLEMENT of some of you people,.!,
This thread might be too meta for those are new or just visit the forum once a blue moon. This is a satire thread based off the Invincible Army Post Mortem thread (which go back there at your own risk). Basically salt and overreaction galore.
They are blue because there is only 2 of them and they are both male so can't mate. End of the species so they feel down. DAMN IT, CB, WHERE IS MY DESIGN SPACE? DON'T YOU THINK OF THE EARTH WHEN YOU DECIDE TO KILL OFF ALL THE WOLVES? GRETA IS LOOKING DOWN ON YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!
This is the YJ forum. PanO is good at shooting, Nomads have the best hackers, Ariadna excells at camo infiltrators, CA has plasma weapons, Yu Jing excells on complaining. Whatever happens on the Infinity Universe, YJ players willa complain. It's a gift :-P
Why cant they be orange wolves?! Why do we constantly have to be reminded about pano being better than us at every aspect of the game!
Kid, I say, Kid, I hate to break it to you --no, actually it amuses me to no end to tell you -- When it comes to complaining Pan-O players are superior to Yu Jing players and have been since N1. Their forum ought to be renamed "My Latest Grievance" because that is all you will find there. Now, if you want to trigger them, use these words, "Smoke", "Bipandra", and of course "Bolts". Mention that the Su Jian is actually the best TAG in the game and watch the tears flow. They are so jealous of Yu Jing. Or were, until they saw the White Banner list. Now they are gloating. Gloating, Kid, at Yu JIng. How can this be? I think world famous Yu Jing player Bostria aged 20 years when he saw the White Banner list, so aghast at it was he. I think Gutier "interruptor" Lusquinos is trying to make Bostria quit, TBH. First the Uprising, and now this.
Nah it's actually a direct reference to Gengis Khan, and therefore a blatant display of misplaced nationalism by the mongolian population of Yu-Jing. Just like the Jujiak with the Korean population (look at how ecstatic @ObviousGray is about it, it can't be good). All of these is obviously foreshadowing Uprising 2: Electric Boogaloo, the surprise event which will see White Banner leave Yu-jing to Join forces with both the JSA and Dashat to make the New-State-Empire.
CB, i hereby declare all this new unittypes we will get as an outrageous mockery of our proud order of salt! HowdDare you, after all this months, no YEARS! we play with so little to nothing and now, you throw not a Nomad but an PanO spanner in our works! what do you think will happend if you give us all this strange and alien things? how should we adapt? I say it here: White Banner is a mistake, its clearly an attack at our ways of old! Now, Fellow Statecitizen Rise up Agains your opres... your enemy! Show them your displease!