Do you suppose the tailor asks of the ORC if he (when it is a he) dresses left or dresses right? Asking for a friend who wondered about the ORC's codpiece. I think that this is the nicest looking battle box, of the 5 so far. The Dire Foes... meh. But Kaldstrom, a winner. 10/10, will buy.
I guess I'm just going to be disappointed by CB's ongoing policy. A "Wandering Monk" character implies 2 damn Mercs in the first product of the Code 1 line. Vanilla factions will continue looking stupid for years to come.
The problem is also that they are hit and miss. Either they are harmless picks like Aida or Wild Bill or game/meta- breaking like Libertos, Krakot, Monstrucker and McMurder (when ever SoF is picked)
It was similar with the various Black Friday bundles last Nov. Shipping was too expensive to make them worthwhile for me. You could order the Joan of Arc for like 15E, but shipping was 20something for a single figure. I'm guessing there might be some resellers that buy a bunch of them anyway, but it does drive the price up. By contrast, I've bought a few minis on Ebay from sellers in spain that do singles from box-packs, and shipping is usually like 5E.
Yeah, CB unfortunately have a history of doing stuff like that. I still remember the, I think, coolest of the Yuan Yuan sculpts being locked behind a deal with BattleFoam which I think was reasonable only for customers in USA. Nowadays it reaches crazy prices on ebay and is hopelessly OOP. while the other new one, the silly prancing one with horrible balancing issues, was locked behind Red Veil preorder bonus, just like these are all we were left with were the awful, fugly fat shaming, hurr durr fart-joke "Fat Yuan Yuans" and the two long-OOP ones, out of which the female was pretty cool
Because I and my beloved have suffered from such "jokes". Because fat shaming is disgusting. Because discrimination and abuse based on any criteria, body size included, is disgusting. Either people are of bigger frame, healthy and happy and need to be left alone or they are sick and often cannot do anything about it (among others poverty reducing you to cheapes food full of glucose / fructose and other fattening ingredients, diabetes or eating disorders will do that to you) and need to be left alone. Neither case gives anyone the right to make them the butt of moronic jokes like this. They know they are "fat" and need no reminders. Representing various body sizes in media is great. Making "fat" and "farts" the butt of a joke in the shape of a miniature... Even the primary school kids I taught knew better. And some apparently lack even a modicum of empathy to care for feelings of another and consider them "nothing", but instead care a lot about pressing the one who cares into the ground with the heel of the moral superiority supposedly stemming from their sociopathic indifference.
I always thought the Fat Yuan-Yuan looked quite merry, but I guess everyone has the right to voice their opinions. I would ask that both sides of the conversation go easy on the condemnation; this is a thread about pictures of pewter men.
Nuada as a fellow fat dude my whole life myself I was made fun off as a kid but I figured out along time ago don’t let shit like that bother you. People are gonna think what they think and say what there gonna say but who cares and just cause a model is called Fat Yuan Yuan and is a literally a model of a fat guy doesn’t make it discrimination or abuse and to say it is is kinda crazy. Like when PETA complained to GW about fur cloaks on there models type of shit. Let’s be honest It’s a model of a fat guy eating noodles what’s not to love about him. Ill be real with you I love the Fat Yuan Yuan model he is one of my favorite infinity miniatures and I think he’s awesome lol. You don’t need to take things personally especially something like this. How did you do you go to comedy show or watch a funny movie if you are gonna get offended by every little thing. The worlds a cruel place and if your fat, ugly, or whatever own that shit don’t be ashamed by it and don’t take a joke not aimed at you or that’s not meant or done in a mean way personally. Just take it for what it, it’s a model that’s it.
The ORC answers, "Don't call me Sir. I work for a living." "Don't call me Shirley either. That's my sergeants name." ------------------------- Take the Healthy At Every Size propaganda to the off-topic forum. It does not belong here.
It’s possible the jacket’s purpose is to diffuse heat. I’m sure a hot power armor against a super frigid background will shine like a beacon to certain sensors. In that case, it operates as a simple baffle.