No, it very much was. And our "panic" most apparently made them reconsider - either the whole decision to axe the factions and drop them completely, or at the very least the way they communicate with us and provide us with news and information. Which is great, the company can see reason and appreciates our passion. Bostria can still be the hype guy and he's great for it, but Belen seems to be the dependable news source now.
Care to update the OP to avoid confusion? Quite happy its been resolved that way and glad CB didnt make a GW.
The whole notion of our panicking and vitriol caused the company to change course is absolute garbage. Who have absolutely no way of knowing that for sure and it's just delusional rationalization of peoples actions. That kind of thinking is an embarrassment to the community and incredibly toxic. Go ahead and pat yourselves on the back and high five but people like that are the reason why people can't buy hand sanitizer and toilet paper from the stores right now. We should always operate with the facts and truth as best as we can. Not baseless rumors from facebook and 4chan. How can you ever advocate for pitchforks and torches vs remaining rational and waiting for the truth and the source?
"We all know CB isn't Microsoft", just like "we all know" that it's been their own choice to keep the company artificially small. Frankly, it's ridiculous that yet again something that could have been solved with early communication was left to fester for multiple days.
Personally, I'll believe it when I see it. Merovingia was supposed to be getting redone alongside of Shasvastii. That clearly hasn't happened. They dumped Shock Army not long after releasing a brand new starter set and leaving most of the range to rot, repurposing a few things here and there.
Done! Yup, great save and very welcome shift in communication. Wow, look who's fuming now xD Either we didn't affect the decision at all, like you're saying, and thus no damage was done; or our decisive and loud feedback was the driving factor behind the decision and change of who is communicating with us - and thus absolutely essential. Sorry, but this is a win for the whole community, whichever side of this thread you were on. If you don't like it, I can't help but wonder what the hell do you want.
I'm skeptical of their capability to do it in 2020 (it might slip into Q1 2021 and won't be a tragedy), not the intent, at the moment. I'm back to the "wait and see" stance. I can always rage again or drop CB products altogether later, if I need to.
@Nuada Airgetlam yeah, the other option is, that it was always the way to go for CB, your vent didnt affect shit all and even more people view you as a raging guy from the interwebs. So yeah, no damage done. I always think that most people act be cause they can without thinking if they should. That is your image in my mind now.
''You mutants are the reason I don’t tell anyone about the hobby. Most normal people can talk about their hobbies to friends, family and coworkers. Me, no, I just lie and keep it as my dark secret. The same reason I can’t go game at my local FLGS. Take a bath, buy some deodorant and stop pretending these little plastic toys are anything other than a way to part you from your money.'' Its not my, but hell is thats funny :) and match for doomsayers and shit posters. Who can't even say sorry. They just patting there shoulders thinking that they save the world. Pathetic mutants ;)
As opposed to the smug, self-righteous folks who do nothing but tell everyone else "YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE FRUSTRATED, IT WILL RESOLVE ITSELF!" or "CB WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!"? Yeah, I'll take the doomsayers basically every time. CB shouldn't be explaining these things. We shouldn't have these instances happening. There's a clear path to fixing this and it has been known for quite some time that the fix is to simply communicate intentions at the outset. This is not the first time nor will it be the last time that this happens and then somebody who had nothing to do with the initial communication comes out and assuages fears only for the final product to be roughly what the initial nonsense was all about.
Thank you CB, this is a good ending. I hope this type of openness continues! I will now retire to the Kaldstorm to rest and relax.
.... Where's my *Bostria facepalm* emote when I need it CB? Fucking hell... what is wrong with people. You'd think we're not supposed to require the same amount of monitoring as a toddlers with access to legos 24/7.
And I care why? :D I'm sorry, who the hell are you again? :D Cheers! :D Exactly. This could've been avoided if the style of communication such as Belen's today's post would be the norm for CB. I hope it becomes the norm and from now on we will indeed be informed of the upcoming events, schedules, changes, etc, instead of having to predict them from Bostria's ramblings and third party reports about what Gutier said during a 4-man seminar on top of Mt. Everest.
They can't give all their intentions at the outset. They may have ideas or plans, but those can easily change. So then you will get them over promising and being "liars" if things change from the original outset. There is a reason why so many companies keep tight lids, or restricted information on new products until they are for sure known.