Did you just paraphrase something into your own interpretation and then put quotation marks on it? Dude you need to relax. Its the weekend for CB, and despite your protestations that you need info for your decision to purchase defiance, you can actually wait until Monday to get it. The sky isn't falling, and CB doesn't need to work weekends just in case someone gets the ass end of a quote and loses the plot.
You’re making the assumption that they’re actually breaking news, not that it’s a confused recollection that people are running with, rather than having a modicum of patience and restraint.
Well this is how rumors and bad information starts anyways... all it takes is a little spark to set the dry tinder on fire. Why clarification would be great but with CB being small and not a 24/7 operation we'll have to wait. Hopefully with better news and not a confirmation
No, I can't quote verbatim simply because I'm not writing down from a vid of Bostria speaking - which doesn't mean I don't remember what was said and what meaning was conveyed.
They could close other days (or mornings) and work on weekends. Some shops do it in this same field of games and miniatures. Or even arrange staff in a per task basis (packing normal warehouse hours, PR around social hysteria bands, etc). Play by the social media, die by the social media. And no, I do not know if the pictures come from official accounts, just that CB clearly knows about this social media thing to know how it goes. It just seems to care selectively, or enjoy the chaos when it someone goes all tornado. There is also the concept of drafting in advance and then a timed release, computers are good at doing that. Blogs had that feature ages ago, for sure. Oh, wait, Spain... based in how the virus things is going (headless chickens)... nevermind...
Well, sounds like we're in the "dawn of N3" situation again. The sectorials weren't ported over to the new edition for quite a while, either - we had to play vanilla for a time (now I don't recall whether it was for all the sectroials, or only some of them). Two months if memory serves me. Also, we had the "the Human Sphere will not be re-edited for N3" assurances too. In hindsight you can easily check how it turned out. All in all, CB's handling of information to its customers (that's us) is, well, not good. Then again, I can't recall it to having been good no matter how far I can reach with memory. I'm afraid we have to be used to that by now.
I recall someone constantly moving the goalposts like USPS, hyperboling and frantically posting doomsayer prophecies. But it was a huge success. That makes me confident. TBH.
Lack of official information leads to rumors and speculation. That can be good or bad. In case of new editions, I'd advise to keep speculations low, because player experience was very bad with edition changes (with other games) in the past.
How many people here bought a year worth of toilet paper supplies? Just to provide me with some context about what I've read previously
Man, would be really nice if they release official post after such events. It ends up leaked anyway... Also, I find it really amusing how they keep talking about SKU bloat, yet constantly release new units and new boxes.
My prediction: CB is gonna drop the ball as with every release, and I'll be tired of it but accepting. They always bite of more than they can chew (artists first, business people second). If you're tired while doing your job and make a mistake (speculation), that's irrelevant. I'm sure my colleagues/boss would sympathize if I have a good reason, but if I goof up, I goof up. If it wasn't a goof in the presentation, it was a goof in prior communication. Solution: Use the interim period to paint my backlog, and hope a fully-functional N4 will be around by Q1, 2021 :D
Lot of over reactions here. The minis you buy are not going to diseapear. Personnaly I will use the TAK rule to play my MRRF if I don't get the rules for them with N4 (that actually sounds like a buff and an appealing idea :D ). That being saif, there are some legitimate fear expressed here. With each seminar we learn more and more displeasant things for people attached to their old minis and armies. Some profils not being playable anymore, then some armies ... I'm not an expert in marketing and communication, but that doesn't sound like a very good thing to let happen. Couldn't they say once and for all what we should expect ? There will be some reactions, maybe some ragequit, but that sounds better than having a lot of people trashtalking about N4 when it is released. If the trashtalk is done earlier maybe you clear the path for what come next ... EDIT : I juste remember we get some videos starting on march 16th ... maybe we get some info there :)
I mean if it is true that some factions or sectorials aren't playable to start with in N4 that's not great. But mainly it's not great for CB, because they risk players of those armies finding something else to play, and losing a critical mass of players. So I'm not sure how much sense this information makes to be honest. Probably better to wait for clearer information than to worry about it overly. I expect we will survive, even if it means finally painting and playing the Wood Elves I've been procrastinating on, or trying out Marvel Crisis Protocol ;)
Somehow I doubt CB's official suggestion will be "play the game of another company while we sort ourselves out" :P
As long as all vanilla factions and JSA are playable that is enough. Vanilla is in need of a renaissance and frankly this is not surprising at all considering the huge workload, may even be a good thing. The faulty communication from CB's side isn't great, but the community's reactions so far have been even less charming. This completely unnecessary partisanship of extreme reactions to bad news is really bringing out the worst this community has to offer...
Methinks a "small" part of it is the bad communication has been pointed out time after time and the fact that no visible change in that has happened is making people feel they need to say it LOUDER and maybe CB will realise.
You mean the one where PanO and PanO bugfix (I mean O-12) make up 40% of the factions available at launch? :D
Maybe could be that the same factions will are the only avaiable at the launch of N4 :D. At this point nothing would surprise me.