The Code One sku's will be rebranded/ repackaged to show they can be used, but it won't have the same sku-trimming for N4. There's talk of a sectorial or something being retired, but there has been nothing about consolidating or eliminating newer skus that are probably still profitable for them. It would be interesting if they did some reinforcement boxes that combined some of the smaller packages as an option, but I don't see them only doing bigger boxes like that. They'd end up with no release schedule for months. I hope it's the Wildfire stuff, I assume it will be, but if it's not I'm not sure I'll get it. I'm not really a PanO or Yu Jing guy, aesthetics wise, and I'm not sure how good the Code One book will be in the set. I haven't seen them mention a stand alone book for it though, so hrmph. For the mat, it's entirely possible that 2'X3' will be the Official Code One playing field. I was thinking about it and wondering if the 8ish figure army might be "normal" for CodeOne, compared to a starter for N4 that needs to have units added. Smaller map, smaller force, fewer oddball units and the rules that support them. Adepticon, when a whole new batch of questions gets raised!
Maybe, but I don't think C1 is the product you think it is. The models have already been released and the product focus is still going to be N4. C1 is a project to get people into the game and having a staggered release does not make sense, because it's the rules and not project releases that bring people in. I think the delays for other factions is a compromise and they wanted C1 to be released before N4 simply to give a preview of N4 to us old farts, so they sacrifice some of C1's hype to build hype for N4.
Spot on. CodeOne won’t ever have the full gamut of minis, nor likely of armies. A codified and more readily available version of the Operations introductory rules. It’s the hors d’oeuvres, not the main meal. Yes, some days you’re good with that, but generally speaking you want the full meal.
But the models have not already been released. They are no C1 labeled items out yet. C1 is a new introductory rule set but it is also a new method / re-envisioning of physical product. So they army’s will be added as the new C1 labeled product is ready to ship. It takes time to get the new product ready, especially since it appears that the C1 product isn’t merely a repackaging effort. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Yes. CB made it pretty clear the C1 product is the minimum viable Infinity product line a retailer needs to carry. C1 minis will be the basis for N4 armies. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
I don't see where you get the impression that they're releasing a new range of sculpts just for C1. CB doesn't have the capacity for releasing so many new products in a single year as would be required to amount to over 100 SKUs if it isn't only a repacking and labelling job. C1 isn't a new game. C1 has two target audiences; newbies and retailers. It's only a slimmed rule set for Infinity that is more suitable for new players as a means of learning the game or playing a game with less rules overhead and is a means for retailers to stock the core Infinity models that will sell the most reliably. The physical products for C1 are already out and only needs to be relabelled - most veteran Infinity players will already own these models. We have already been given an example of a C1 product: Pan-O Dronbots box. N4 is the big release this year, and along that we're getting three new sectorials which usually means at least 25 new sculpts.
I don’t think that everything will be new, but some will be. CB announced four C1 armies. Pan O, Yu Jing, O12, and CA. Pan O and Yu Jing are getting a new two player box with new minis. O12 and CA are in Operation Wildfire and are basically new. The C1 range for these four armies could be filled out with repacks, or additional new items, or a combination. This work isn’t being done for C1 only, every C1 release is an N4 release. I’m only debating the assertion that everything is already out and just needs repackaging. If that was the case, they could release things faster. They are only doing the four armies this year. Maybe the Pan O Dronebots are being redone? Or a combo of new and repack. All of C1 minis are N4 releases. Two of the three new sectorial’s are for sure C1 mini releases (Pan O / Yu Jing two player box). The third sectorial could be O12 and it could be C1 as well. We’ll see. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Well, I guess it's okay for us to have different expectations, just don't put your hopes and dreams on these expectations, okay? Or perhaps more accurately, don't put your Infinity collection on the line for it ;) US retailers have had problems stocking these, Bostria asserted that by marking them as essential C1 products, suppliers should have an easier time keeping them in stock and available. I expect all starters will be C1. They've been discontinuing them, which is in line with this expectation so that they can relaunch it as a C1 SKU with the same contents. The third sectorial being O-12 would match information given last year that O-12 would get their first sectorial close to N4 launch and during 2020. We'll see, they've backed down on promises like that before, but they've also had a decent track record of only giving out solid information lately. Plus, if you eject models from them to repack new stuff in them, you kind of need to repack the ejected stuff to keep them available, and those sure is going to be some sloooow selling SKU bloat.
The molds are not the issue, they have molds, they have figures. The issue is the stats and rules for Code One. They can slap a sticker on any blister pack they want to say "Code One Approved", but they need to have the Army work done for it. So while every C1 release can be used in N4, that still means they need to do additional work for the C1 rules of that model vs doing a N4 only one. Also for it to be useful, the figure has to be something an N4 player would buy, rather than just repacking some old figures. I don't think any of us meant that literally every model was out for CodeOne, just that they'll be rebranding plenty of old packs rather than cranking out new stuff. Remember of course than CodeOne has no sectorials. The minis in Kaldstrom will be C1 minis, so probably not unique to Svalarheima factions.
Carlos explicitly explained that a lot of retailers didn’t know what the core SKUs needed to be carried and were overwhelmed with the SKU count. To assist them in the current system CB provides some SKU lists. He then said one of the main goals (besides new player on-ramp) is to clearly provide retails the core list of necessary SKUs which is C1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Well that sucks then. My FLGS carries 90% of the SKUs but they're hurting for space. Once they get that message, they will only carry C1 and newset releases. We will need to wait 14 days for delivery of anything else from CB as usual and Infinity in that FLGS will die.
Stores do not have infinite space and they need space for other products and therefore can't stock the entirety of the infinity range, and complaining that they don't is just being petulant. Having a core product to stock that they know will sell will help them and the general health of that stores community as new players are able to get the pieces they need. Most stores should be open to doing orders for specific pieces for people allowing them to still get what they want.
The Polish distributor only takes 14 days to deliver backorders. Luxury! #justaustralianthings Code One positions shelf-stock in FLGS as "initial purchases" for new players and then a few copies of the new releases. This makes it easy to walk a new player through an intro game and then their first purchases of their first faction. None of the FLGS I've ever played in carry significant amounts of Infinity stock. They mainly provide a venue. So this would be of great value to them. If you're an experienced player going deep into a new faction, dropping off a large order of 'non-core' units with the FLGS when you drop in to play a game and then picking it up two weeks later seems ideal. In the mean time you buy and start hobbying with the 'core' units of your new faction.
It takes 14 days for Corvus Belli to ship stuff from Spain by the expensive service to the Polish distributor who happens to own the FLGS I play in. Probably it's all the siestas. Meanwhile the cheap Polish Post Office gets my packages in 6-7 days to New York for half the price. And no, the fact that they distribute Infinity doesn't mean that they will carry the whole catalog indefinitely.
Then, frankly, they're a crap distributor. If they stop stocking anything other than C1, no one else will order from them as they may as well go direct to CB.
The prices are much better (10-15% off MSRP) and shipment to the store is free (and very cheap to your address / package box), as well as you can buy in your currency so you don't suffer currency exchange rates. But the delays will be the death of impulse purchases and we know how that works. Pokemonitis makes this world go 'round.