Your use of "obviously (...) transcends" is very arbitrary, I'm afraid. How do you identify when it's obvious and when it's not? Until such a time a dev clarifies that or there is an example outright showing it I'm not sure that you can tell where on the scale from "obviously" to "obviously not" the line goes and impersonation is smack square in unexplained territory. No no, I've never claimed that a trooper can't be in marker state, I'm saying that a Marker can't be a Trooper and that it is obvious that the Spanish rules are referring to what's inside the state when it says what you can Discover+Shoot against (which, to be honest, is the same kind of obvious as you used in the quoted text above). And yes, the continued aversion to a codified language is causing problems, and the over-use of "trooper" and "attack" are probably the worst of them.
You keep saying that a Marker can't be a trooper and using the Spanish rule to justify the rule, but in the Spanish rule it clearly says that a Impersonator is considered a "friendly trooper" to the enemy.ón "Una tropa con cualquier Nivel de Suplantación que se encuentre en estado Suplantación-1 o Suplantación-2 (Marcador IMP-1 o IMP-2) debe ser considerado como una tropa amiga por su adversario."
If "enemy benefiting from any of the Impersonation (IMP-1 or IMP-2)" is not obvious about detailing that it is talking about an enemy benefiting from an Impersonation state, than I don't know what is. How else could you word it? Impersonation makes it seem as friendly and this is talking about the enemy that is hidden under the Impersonation, the enemy benefitting from that rule that makes it seem as friendly. It's the same thing as if you said "an enemy which is pretending to be a friendly", because that is what Impersonation does.
That's also referring to the Trooper and not to the Marker being considered a friendly trooper... Again, I'm saying the marker itself is not a Trooper. It is hiding a trooper inside it. Much like how a cardboard box is not Liquid Snake, Liquid Snake is a soldier inside the cardboard box, but the box is not a soldier. I wouldn't word it differently, or rather I'd have to re-write quite a bit of rules to make it clearer, I'm arguing that we're reading far too much into Impersonation's box. E.g. can a Speculo enter IMP1 while in LOF of an IMP2 Fiday (ref: During the user's Active Turn, by expending one Entire Order while outside enemy LoF)? I know the answer to that one has previously been (paraphrasing, of course) "no, the Fiday is still an enemy" Hell, come think of it I'd probably just write that the Marker is perceived as an Ally. Not that I can think of any situation where that box of important rules is relevant that's not dealt with in the rest of the state's effects... I'm sure there's one or two, but there can't be many.