A little side track but am i the only one who just doesnt like BoW. They show up once in a blue moon with some average content thst is ussually so full of errors even a newbie can tell they really don't play them game. To me it just looks like a token cash grab at views (watch the hacking video for a great example, they compketlt forget ypu hack in aro)
I'd agree on the whole, with the exception of Killian as it seems Killian is genuinely interested in playing the game and seeing the upcoming models. He's the only reason I can stand those videos.
Right, hardly new. It's just a new official pic. And perhaps it means no IA but just a separation of JSA from YJ. Yeah, you are right, hardly new....
I'm a fan of BoW just because it's nice to have some online coverage of this hobby that doesn't try to be as negative as possible towards every game but the one or two they like. They genuinely love table top gaming but, as you stated, don't have time to play everything and make mistakes in videos but so does Bostria when he's doing videos with them so I can forgive BoW for making rules mistakes of CB makes them too. As for Killian you know he's a Warcor and active on these forums right?
How am I supposed to know that? He doesn't have a flair that says "I'm literally Killian lol" The BoW videos are nice, but they are what they are, and that's hype pieces about upcoming product, at least mostly. "Look aht thaat" and "What a byootiful miniature Carluss" only does so much for me.
Er, they are British or Irish, so Marmite? Vegemite is Australian. I understand Carlos's accent better than Warren's , TBH.
Irish, northern Irish iirc. Quite a thick accent normally but Warren's is quite mild for the country tbh. And yes it would be "marmite" but i understand they're basically the same thing anyways :-)
The BOW guys, Warren, John, Justin, Lloyd etc don't pay Infinity hence why I would get drafted in as an expert for the Infinity weeks. I'm not a BOW employee just an expert for the Infinity weeks. The Infinity weeks are promotional events for new product, that they happen around the time of a new release is not surprising. In fact allot of stuff on BOW is produced around the launch of a particular product with a smattering of other hobby and tactics related content. I should maybe do this, it's a shame the signature tags are gone from posts now. Most of Infintiy weeks are just that, a week to promote a new product. We did some tactics videos as well which are largely still relevant and we'd discuss gameplay stuff in the videos where relevant. Oh just be lucky we are as comprehensive as we are, things could be much worse.
You could always turn on YouTube subtitles. It won't make the videos any easier to understand but they will become hilarious
And here I am a german speaking person, who has never got whats all the fuss about accents in the BOW videos. I never had any problem understanding a word, neithe rfrom carlos or the BOW guys. They speak quite a clear english. Not like the spanish flight attendent once...not a chance to understand one word^^
If you want I can try to do the next set of videos I'm in with the voice of John Cunningham the man from Strabane. Let's see the international community make sense of that
Nah, they taste quite different. Vegemite has a much stronger flavour. It would be like comparing Strawberry Jam with Marmalade.