OOP - out of production models

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by Cpt. Jax, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Hi everyone,

    I would like to ask which Infinity miniatures models retired or got renewed?
    Do you have site/list about that?
    I am now interested in loup-garuo unit, is it discontinued?

    Thanks in advance for your help
  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The majority of the Merovingian models were rotated out of production a while ago, this includes the Loup-Garou. IIRC only Mirage-5 and the new Chasseur remain in producion.


    This site has all miniatures past and present, as a general rule of thumb if something isn't available through Corvus Belli's webstore it's no longer in production.
    Cpt. Jax and Golem2God like this.
  3. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @colbrook was nice in linking the Loup-Garou. I can say for sure that Chaos Croc does carry every single Merovingian unit/model CB has produced including the new Chasseur. So if you wanted to get into the sectorial nearly everything is available/in-stock to build you force.
  5. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Thank you very much :)
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Hello everyone!

    Coming from yet another (hopefully last break from Infinity) and now that I have bought all models I desired (I hope I didn't forgot any) and which are now discontinued.
    However I am afraid I might miss the models that are next in line to be discontinued.

    Just wanted to double-check with you lads if/how CB communicate list of models that they gonna ditch?
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They generally announce a month or two before production ceases, usually there's an article on their website and Facebook.
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  8. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Hey I have gone through Infinity FB and website and I could not find any information.
    How do you search for it?
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    This post shows what boxes & clampacks CB is supposed to get rid of next. Note that the Umbra have all been combined into one box. So they are not oop just repackaged. The Icestorm & Red Veil starter set models are in separate 6 model starter boxes now.

    Which faction/faction do you play and what units are you worried about? Also this year Infinity is heading into N4 (4th edition) around September. CB should have more details on the changes in the coming months.
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  10. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Thank you for that, but is it confirmed that those specific models go out? I am collecting models from 8 different sectorials this is why I want to follow every info about what's going to be out next to cross check it with my wish list which is quite wide.
    Golem2God likes this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    It seems so. If you list your sectorials then I can see what models are important to you for future purchases.
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  12. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Man that would be awesome, thank you!
    Please only write what was discontinued in N3 and what's gonna fall out in 2020 from what I listed.

    So my wish list is this:


    • Nisses
    • Black Friar

    Varuna Immediate Reaction Force
    Military Orders

    • Aquila Guard
    • Locust

    Hassassin Bahram
    Qapu Khalqi
    Ramah Taskforce


    • Tiger soldiers
    • Dao fei
    • Shaolin monks
    • Dragon Lady

    Invincible Army

    Imperial service:
    • Bao troops
    • Hsien
    • Su-Jian
    • Sun Tze
    • Kanren


    • Chasseur

    Tartary Army Corps

    Caledonian Highlander Army:
    • Scots Guard
    • Mormaer
    • SAS
    • Wulver
    • Uxia McNeil
    • William Wallace

    USAriandna Ranger Force:
    • Blackjacks
    • Devil dogs team

    • Shikami (combi rifle)
    • Domaru Takeshi

    • Reverend girls
    • Daktari
    • Wildcats
    • Prowlers
    • Spektrs

    • Ko Dali

    • Achilles v2 (Hoplite Armor) (Multi Rifle, CCW)
    • Chandra Spec-Ops
    • Rudra x1
    • Nesaie Alkê (Spitfire)
    • Drakios and Scylla


    Dire Foes:
    • 2-5

    So the idea in that formatting is:

    Bold is where I want all the minis from it

    • If there is list I only want that specific minis listed and nothing more apart of it from that sectorial ( considering vanilla sectorial as well for simplicity)
    #12 Cpt. Jax, Feb 6, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    You don’t really want bao troops and I’d hold off on the tiny N2 Shaolin until the presumptive resculpts come after Adepticon (or potentially in operation kaldstrom).
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  14. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Not really tho.
    I think that current bao and shaolin are dope.
    Maybe they will be better but I will judge that later, for now they are good enough (of course the models currently available in store)
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I don't see these going anytime soon. They are part of sectorials whose models CB will keep producing. You don't have to worry about these.
    I would grab these when able since they are part of NCA which being put on the backburner for the time being. I assume by Aquila you mean HMG correct?
    Completely fine for the foreseeable future. Until CB announces that they are bringing Acon or NCA back I wouldn't worry about rushing to get the models for either sectorial.
    Qapu Khalqi's models have been discontinued for a good while now. However I've seen a fair share of units from the sectorial on ebay. You should check their or other online stores that might have them in stock still. Where are you from by the way? Which nation? I'm in the USA so I might have certain places that you could look into.
    As for the rest of Haqqislam they are fine. No need to worry. Buy them when you are able/want to.
    Shaolin Monks might be getting a resculpt in the future considering the White Banner sectorial is coming out later this year. Then again their current box means that it might take awhile before that happens.
    The newest Dao Fei is in the Beyond Red Veil box. You can look into buying the model from a split box source like ShaeKonnit on the these forums. I've placed a couple of orders from him and been satisfied each time. Since DaoFei are part of the upcoming White Banner sectorial I wouldn't worry about CB getting rid of them. They are going to get new models or a rebox for the Spitfire due to the new sectorial.
    Tiger soldiers might be in the White Banner as well. So I don't see them going anytime soon.
    Dragon Lady is fine, nothing to worry about.
    Invincible Army is not going anywhere anytime soon. Everything in there is safe for the foreseeable future.
    Bao Troops are going bye-bye in April. CB has mentioned that some loadouts/units that weren't used hardly at all might be scraped. Bao Troops could be one of these few units. CB is movign the timeline of Infinity in N4 so maybe some event is going to cause the Bao to fall out fo favor or be replaced by something else.
    Sun Tze might get a resculpt but as for him getting canned I don't think so. He is Yu Jing's recreation and I don't think he will go away.
    Su-Jian & the Hsiens are not leaving. I'd begin to worry if ISS is being put on the backburner. Until then all ISS units are not going anywhere except for the Bao.
    They got a new model last year. The only MRRF to get one after their sectorial' line was removed. They are not going anywhere.
    The newest sectorial of Ariadna is perfectly fine. Any sectorial that has come out recently has no chance of models being discontinued. Unless something extraordinary happens.
    Caledonia should be safe for now since MRRF is placed in the backlog. Mormaers have been resculpted so their more than fine. The rest need resculpts so that is more likely than them going oop at least for now.
    The Devil Dog Shotgun box has been oop for awhile but you can still find them in stores. The other loadout comes with the USA army box.
    Blackjacks have both loadouts released. I don't think they will be going anytime soon.
    Neither should become oop but Takeshi could use a resculpt unless Takeshi is killed off in the new edition or later on in the timeline.
    None should go oop and are more likely up for resculpts. Unless CB comes out and announces that a Nomad sectorial is going kaput.
    Unless death is in store for her I don't see her going anywhere other than a resculpt.
    Achilles 2.0 is a newer sculpt and therefore not likely to be oop.
    Chandra Ops doesn't have a replacement yet though I do think once an Aleph spec-ops does come out she will go be the wayside.
    Operation Coldfront is the most recent two-player box released. So I don't think the main bx or Beyond is in danger. Therefore the Rudra is safe.
    Nesaie Alke and the older Steel Phalanx sculpts will more likely be resculpted rather than discontinued.
    Drakios & Scylla are newer sculpts. Shouldn't need to worry about them.
    No word on what will happen to the older Dire Foes boxes. I do think CB will phase them out or redo them at a certain point. This group is up in the air currently. Future unsure.
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  16. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    @Golem2God You did me a solid here, thanks bud!

    I am from Poland, but I will manage ;)
    I appreciate your help a lot! :)

    I am still however curious where to search for CB official confirmation for discontinuing models?
    #16 Cpt. Jax, Feb 7, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    Golem2God likes this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I don't know for sure. You would have to ask the poster of the link I sent you in my earlier reply. This sudden oop list took me by surprise now I have to do some searching for the NCA models i want before they become rarer.
    Cpt. Jax likes this.
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm of German decent born in America. My mother's side came over in the early 1700's and my father's side came around the late 1800's.

    Focus on European online stores and such. ShaeKonnit for example is in the UK and their are other ebay dealers that I've bought from that are over in Europe as well. Take some time to search out what dealers/stores are your go-to's or favorites for purchasing models. Do you also convert your minis as well? Poland has a couple of nice miniature bits stores online that I've tried in the past.
  19. Cpt. Jax

    Cpt. Jax Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Nice background :)
    I already have my favorite stores and dealers selected, so there will be no problem to buy the models that are still in production but soon to be discontinued.
    My only concern is the models that are already over the board.
    Anyway it's all fine, I got my old edition druzes and loupes so the rest is pretty optional :)

    I don't convert, because I am perfectly fine with original sculpts :)

    Btw do you know the date of discontinuation? (How much can I procrastinate?)
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    The most recent dates for discontinuation are April for the:
    Icestorm two player starter & Beyond box, Red Veil Beyond box.
    PanO: NCA starter, Bolts box, Uhlan/Tikibalang box, Auxilla box.
    Yu Jing: Guilang Comb-Rifle, Shang-Ji Combi-Rifle, Sun Tze v2 (Marksman leader/Multi-Sniper), Bao Troops box.

    Considering PanO & Yu Jing are the factions getting a new sectorial this year around September in the new Two-Player starter set; it makes sense for them to have certain items be discontinued.

    What is interesting about the models being oop'd is that a picture recently popped up of a HMG Shang-Ji model bust. I think that the unit will be in White Banner and is getting resculpts/reworked. Guilang are also in White Banner so many think that a Combi-Rifle Guilang is going to be in the Two-Player starter. The other two Yu Jing models are ISS and old sculpts. Therefore they might be resculpted but more likely removed from the game completely. Bao Troops might be replaced or another unit in ISS will gain something they had.

    As fro PanO, all the models are NCA which is the next sectorial to be shelved for lowering the factions sku's (amount of boxes/clamshells fro sale) sake. Icestorm is going to be replaced by the new Two-Player starter set. While the main 6 models from the starter set (PanO & Noamds) will still be available in normal Vanilla faction 6 model starter sets. So it isn't like all the models are going oop. Only the special ones (Father Knight & Reverend Healer Combi-Rifle). Since you liked the Reverend nuns from Bakunin maybe grab that model from someone at a good price.

    There isn't a certain date mentioned but when CB has discontinued items before the month mentioned was when they were stopped being made. So March would be the last month of production for these minis and from April on they won't be made anymore. Unless CB brings them back or a resculpt/new unit takes their place.
    #20 Golem2God, Feb 7, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
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