Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric looks meaningfully in Eddie's direction and then returns to his AR work.

    If we want I can probably kill his connection and wipe his recording. It'll almost certainly get him looking into us, once he gets it reset.

    [Does he have any Social Energy? I'm trying to work out whether Ric should distrust him more or less than usual for a not-Corregidorian WarCor.

    If Tristan has access to the Merc Market semi-public databases he can probably work out who Ric is. It's probably a little bit more complex for him to work out Ric is presently contracted to 'StarCo', but I would think that its hardly impossible either.]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  2. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito give only one brief statement over the tac net, with such force in his voice that it oozes menace.

    "If anyone here says my name, friend or not. I'm tossing you in the drink!"
    stevenart74 likes this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @Saito So... Fry his recording?
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Oh great, he'd been spotted. So much for hidden in plain sight. This was bound to happen when your hair makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Guess he had to humor the curious creature's curiosity fro a little while.
    Kenn: "Tiny? How is he tiny? Have you seen seen him?...Up close? Isn't it clear that this beast towers over me?" Igor was at least head taller than his controller. So the term "little friend" seemed inconceivable to Kenn's mind. While he did ponder that the Human was simply using slang or making fun of the situation, the Tohaa felt that taking this course was more desirable. Sometimes the best way to rebut a question was to reply back with one yourself. Throw the questionnaire off balance. Maybe even distract him with Kenn's apparent kookiness.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  5. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Tristan was thrown off by Kenn's response. Igor was in a seated position so his height was deceptive but Kenn was right. The Chaksa was hardly small.

    "Uh, I guess he would. Poor choice of words by me." Tristan shifts in his seat. "Question still stands. Are you a Tohaa merc? How does that work? Who hires someone like you?"

    He looks back at the rest of the team still waiting for them to answer his previous questions. This dude doesn't miss a damn thing.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "The stingy, the depressed, the senile & the weird." Kenn-taal wasn't lying one bit. These were actual people that hired him during his time gallivanting away from the constrictive binds of Tohaa society. Besides, being himself always worked out better than out right lying. Why lie when the truth is far more stranger and sends Humans for a loop.
  7. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "I won't say no to it. But media is a really bad thing for me. But if you get it. He seems like the kind of guy to really dig it and hold the bite. I'd rather just play uninterested Mercs then give him a reason to dig deeper.

    After all. Didn't HQ give you new guys the low down on my 'requirements' for my participation in this mission?"
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  8. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Deciding against extreme action, for now, Ric idly considers a memetic-insertion attack... Dios Los Meurtos skeletons dancing at the edge of the Warcors's AR vision perhaps...

    Ric sighs, very slightly: no telling how he'd react to get fucked with like that, as much odds it would make him burrow in deeper as it would get him to stand down.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  9. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Tristan just nodded and smiled at Kenn's response.

    Konrad to Saito: Toss us into the drink? Why not just toss him?

    Eddie thought this flight was going to be peaceful. Peaceful enough that he lowered the stetson across his eyes after he strapped in. A nice ride across Paradiso before they'd be stuck in a jungle that wanted to kill them and not to mention all the other things like the Combined Army and other humans that might of wanted them dead as well. At least in a city the environment wasn't trying to kill you alongside with the criminals, cops, and corporate security.

    The peace was shattered by some warcor. An old saying from his days on the streets of Bakunin came back to him. Peace and rest was for the dead.

    Eddie let this Tristan Pullman poke at their Tohaa teammate before getting at him. It seemed Kennedy did enough to throw him off a bit. That Tohaa sure was a special one.

    [Eddie's smooth talker trait will give him an extra momentum here and Kenn's responses will raise Tristan's difficulty by 1.]

    Eddie Persuade D2 (spending momentum for extra d20): 15, 2, 18
    Re-roll from Charismatic talent: 19

    1 success, 0 momentum

    Tristan Discipline D2: 17, 17

    0 success, 0 momentum

    Eddie wins do to having the higher expertise.

    "Mr. Pullman," Eddie said lifting the stetson covering his eyes. "We are from the Free Company of the Star. Our credentials." Eddie passed over the teams legit StarCo credentials to Tristan. "We are here escorting a Tohaa diplomat you've already met. Quite a character, right? I can't provide any other information beyond that unless I am to compromise our mission. I would also like you to hold off on publication for a day or two. Any info about this might find its way to bad actors or even the Combined Army. I can assure you that StarCo doesn't take kindly to those that make our jobs harder."

    Tristan digested all of this. "I get the idea, guys."

    He pulls down his aerocam remote and looks out over the Bay of Klow which they were approaching the edge of. Fort Muller was starting to come into sight at the peninsula's narrow neck. Seemed that was enough to shut him up for now. Eddie sighed and pulled the stetson back over his eyes.

    Eddie: If he asks any more questions toss him out.

    The rest of the ride was question free. After twenty five minutes in the air and traveling about 120 kilometers the LZ was in sight. A small clearing in between the dense jungle trees that looked to be just big enough to fit two medium VTOLs. Squire 2-3's pilot maneuvered into the tight space with ease.

    "Go, go, go! Get off my bird!" The pilot barked and everyone obeyed.

    Everyone hunkered down as the VTOL roared it's engines and climbed above the treeline. One of the door gunners waved goodbye before the VTOL disappeared and all that was left was the sound of it trailing off back the way it came.

    The sounds of the jungle were quiet for a few minutes before it came singing, yelling, and roaring back to life.

    Tristan looked at them and then at the treeline to the east. "I'm off. Good luck in whatever you're doing." He then stomped off and totally disappeared into the trees.

    Saito pulled out a nav suite. They were ten kilometers away from the frontline to the south. Fort Wagner, where the warcor was headed, was twenty kilometers to the east.
    #49 Solodice, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  10. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    [ Let's make sure that joker actually heads away from us. I trust him as far as I can throw this entire cargo container, loaded. ]

    "Right, let's get the gear out of the container and get going. This place is already giving me the creeps!
    " Eddie says with a shudder.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Alright crew. Where are we heading?"

    Saito adjusts the nav suite and overlays all his info over the AR display.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    As Squire 2-3's crewie signals the VTOL is on finals, Ric dons his helmet and spools up the REMs. On landing the REM's clamps release and they scuttle down the rear ramp; Xolotl, the Tsyklon, and Atlahua, the Lunokhod, establish a perimeter as the squishier members of the team discuss their next moves.

    "We need to head for the Research Team's last known position. But the frakking PanO puta's have dropped us in the middle of nowhere. Either we can push over the front in darkness tonight or hole up short, and push through tomorrow. Either way we get to the bridge tomorrow, it's just a matter of when.

    Based on what Saito's got, the front in this area seems leakier than a Type 9 respirator. So remote detection doesn't seem to be much of an issue. Personally, I rate our odds better in daylight: there is no way I want to run into a frakking Yaogat patrol at night.

    We can use the Ramhorn / Zawacka road on bike for the first few clicks until we get close to the front for a little more speed."

    Gabe translates what Ric says, and provides an ARO overlay to the tacnet.
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  13. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "I agree. Don't want to cross in the darkness. I can look after myself. But I'm not alone out here."

    Saito sets up waypoints over his AR display to the various points of interest. So he can see the general direction of travel for the bridge and the allied camps.

    "I'm guessing we're going to the research team's last known position? I've got co ordinates locked over AR."
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    While the rest of the team gears up. Saito who already has set himself mostly up gives a call out to the others to hear his stuff up as well while he takes a quick perimeter scout to make sure there aren't any eyes or electronic eyes watching what obviously is a potential landing zone.

    I'll do rolls @Solodice when I get home. What rolls do you want me to do?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  15. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @Solodice aided by the REMs on perimeter duty?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    D1 observation test. Target NO. 11. Roll is 12, 10. 1 success.

    Making a quick skirt of the perimeter to scout the immediate surroundings. Saito does a quick search and scan before Eddie hollers to him to get in formation for the move out.
    #57 Daemon of Razgriz, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  18. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [For this game we're going to run momentum a bit differently. Everyone will have their own independent momentum pool (which includes the remotes). I'll keep a running list on every update.]


    Xolotl: 1
    Everyone Else: 0

    Heat (only counting player characters): 15


    Saito along with Xolotl and Atlahau did an immediate perimeter sweep of the LZ. It came up clean with no sensors or remotes. Seemed this place was used infrequently enough that no one bothered to keep an eye on it.

    The only thing worth noting was the trail of the warcor going off to Fort Wagner. Unless he suddenly turned into a super commando with thermo-optical camouflage he was long gone.

    The area was secure and gear was accounted for. Now it was time to get on with Ric's plan. Move out, camp out near the front, then move out to the blown bridge to Ramhorm come sunrise.

    The team moved out in a squad column with echelon right (after advice from Saito and Ric). Atlahau was at the front with Xolotl at the end and everyone else in the middle. Konrad queued up some song from the 20th century titled "Welcome to the Jungle" into the teams tacnet as they moved out.

    From all the reports you read and vids you watched the jungle of Paradiso looked like hell to move through. They were right but at the same time they didn't tell you about the oppressive heat, humidity, and the bugs, oh God, the bugs. Everyone was feeling the march half way to the front but the team was fresh and ready to rumble so they pushed through. One does wonder how long this enthusiastic attitude would last in the coming days.

    The frontline on Paradiso was hard to miss. Anyone that had an AR overlay on their goggles or AR eyes saw the great AR wall marking it. Red horizontal marks with Caution: Enemy Territory lettering big enough to read kilometers away.

    Ric looked at his chrono: 2130. That seemed right as the twin suns were nearing the horizon. They made good time but they had the luxury of being on the right side of the front with no enemies so caution wasn't exactly exercised greatly.

    Now it was time to pitch camp. Everyone just needs to decide on where.

    [Someone needs to give me a Survival D1 for an optimal camping location.]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  19. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Finding Camp (TN12 FOC0, +1d20 from Nav Suite): 3#1d20 4 6 12, so 4 Successes with Supernatural AWA. I'll burn 1 additional success to improve our camp sight and bank 2 Momentum.

    As they depart the DZ, Ric connects remotely to Atl'. He opens up the Lunk's sensor feed as a window at the top of his vision. He'd done this previously in the NMF, but his heightened awareness made the taste of splitting his attention between two different sets of sensory input much easier than it had ever been.

    Looking at Eddie and Konrad 'enjoying' themselves in the jungle, Ric was thankful of the sealed environment of his armour. He was, however, not looking forward to cracking it later that evening. You could go for days inside the suit if you needed to, but ideally you let your skin breath for a chunk out of each day.

    @All: Wait up, this looks like a good spot to harbour for the night.

    Ric highlights a potential camp site on the Tacnet`s AR overlay.

    @All: Saito, how about you scout around and see if you can find concealed spots we can set up our friends to cover us while we rest up?

    Ric disconnects from Atl and directs the two combat REMs to the overwatch positions Saito identifies, directing them to conceal themselves there.

    I'm after Saito to assist the REMs in tests to find good defensive/hidden positions.

    Xo will use his Momentum, and Ric will give Atl one of his.

    Hiding in overwatch (Stealth TN14, FOC1): 3#1d20 17 14 11. 2 Success.

    Hiding in overwatch (Stealth TN13, FOC1): 3#1d20 5 5 7. 3 successes. He'll use 2 for the Stealth, and use 1 momentum to improve his success by making his hiding spot better as an ambush location against anyone approaching the camp, if that works?

    While this is going on, Ric checks out the camp-site. Once happy it'll work, he cracks open his survival kit and starts setting up a shelter for the evening: a hammock to keep him and his gear away from the ground with a tarp over the top to keep the rain off.

    Setting up a shelter (TN12, Foc 0): 2#1d20 11 6, so with Sup Awa, that's 3 Success vs a D1 test. Ric will bank the momentum.

    Ric: 2
    Atlahua: 0
    Xototl: 0
    #59 inane.imp, Feb 5, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Ric: 2
    Everyone Else: 0

    Heat: 15


    Ric found a nice elevated spot for the team. It's raised enough and they'll have 360 coverage and the foliage isn't too thick where they could be easily walked up on. It would do nicely.

    The two combat remotes concealed themselves in some tough undergrowth and got good sight lines to anything that could make a move on the camp site.

    [Everyone has survival kits and ample time that there is no need for any rolls for setting up shelter.]

    The twin suns were now upon the horizon and the few scant rays of light that were making it through the tree canopy disappear. It was night time now but it was hard to tell with it still being warm and humid. No one dared to light a fire this close to the front but some low level red light was used so the team could see one another.

    [Good time to tell ghost stories or everyone can just go to sleep. Your call.]

    For some though this night the bugs from early in the day might come back to haunt them. Bite marks start to itch and burn. Your skin starts to clam up and eyes glaze over. They call this the Paradiso Sweats.

    [Everyone needs to give me a Resistance D2 test except for the remotes. That includes Igor because he's not a machine. Also, if you have armor with BTS it reduces this test by each point of BTS you have to a min of D0. On a failure you've been infected with the Paradiso Sweats.]

    Paradiso Sweats, Complex 2 (4 Momentum to cure instantly), each day must make a Resistance D2 roll to see if you've recovered and upon failure take damage and remain infected, 1+2d6 Physical damage (Vicious 1), Harm Effect: Dazzed.]

    EDIT (2/6): Revealed what the resistance test is for. No need to keep it hidden like I did before. That just make's it to confusing.
    #60 Solodice, Feb 7, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
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