From the cancon vid, Crits getting reworked hacking getting condensed with less devices and programs and being more impactful game wide code one vanilla only
He have told that many profiles will be removed for new. So some current miniatures will become unplayable? Personally I am very much against this.
It's nothing new to the game. It has already happened a few times. It's just it was YuJing who suffered that fate, so rest of the community was fine with that as they were unaffected. I still have my old Kodali miniature, which is an ugly miniature for current standards but it was a nice high risk high reward alpha striker profile.
Honestly, there’s a lot of profiles you can remove / significantly alter without affecting the models. I own a Combi+LSG Hellcat. That profile has never existed since I’ve been playing the game, but the model is still for sale. Grenzer have 2 pistols on precisely two models. Would anyone really notice if all the Combi+LFT Grenzer lost their Breaker pistol? (Technically it would invalidate 1 model... in a very minor way). Similarly, no Combi Rifle Mobile Brigada models exist. There’s absolutely no reason why that profile and it’s variations can’t be dropped from the game (with much rejoicing if the Hacker and Tinbot get moved to MR+LFT or BSG profiles). There’s no reason you can’t drop the Moira AHD entirely and just allow Custodiers to join the link (and maybe if you wanted to, add a MR Custodier profile). Sure there’s a Moira AHD model, but really it’s just a MR Moira with funky headgear, people will keep using it until Moiras are updated... or in reality people will just continue not to use that model, practically, at all. And that’s before you get to things like the Sin-Eater MSR or Mk12 just plain old don’t have an up to date model. Or the fact there is literally 1 Morlock with a Combi rifle... + Smoke LGL, so there’s two profiles you can just delete for no loss because nobody runs them and there’s no models for them. There’s a lot of cruft you can remove without invalidating anything.
That’s what I said. There’s literally 1 Morlock with Combi Rifle + LGL. There’s no BSG and no straight Combi Rifle model: those are the two profiles you can kill without affecting usage or models.
Can’t remember if anyone said it yet, but I’d like N4 to be complete from release, fireteams and faction reworking. No to HSN4 adding new rules and altering existing ones and no to profiles and factions not getting a rework until some years into the edition. I think that was counterproductive in N3; about a month after HSN3 was when I first saw the “N4 when?” posts.
Pay attention to the Q&A from Las Vegas Open seminar video later today, your question will be answered ;)
Except conversions of course, and people still run old minis. Sin Eaters could lose their spitfire. I don't think it's gonna be individual weapons options that'll bear the brunt of deletions. Some things may merge, I reckon. We can only wait and see.