I'm a fan. On one hand FD1 character that links with a unit that can't seems like a waste. But on the other hand, BS12 with LRL and LSG, WIP13 specialist with D-Charges, and ZERO swc for that LRL is pretty damn good!
Forward Deployment 1 is very helpful to position her so she can act and react using the good range band of the LRL. And the coherency area is big enought that there should be no issues with the normal Grunts while deploying. I also like her looks very much. So she's an easy thumps up for me, although I'd willingly pay 3-4 more points to give her NWI.
Yeah she'd be worth 25 for NWI, but if you think of her in terms of upgrading a grunt FD, dogged trading a heavy flamethrower for a light rocket launcher adding dcharges and +1 bs and WP seems pretty reasonable for 12 points... She's great, but not a game changer, which is pretty much par for the course with Dire Foes characters.
Except the one she released with. I am still hoping she has Leila style cross linkability with Marauders, given her FD1 and Dogged. That would make her way more interesting. A good specialist option for those guys would be super welcome, as would a shock immune trooper.
Yeah, she seems to be more of a Marauder than a Grunt. I'm just glad she isn't an insta-buy, as my backlog is already insane.
I didnt mind the first paragraph but the second was a bit of a chore. Fails a little at the show dont tell part of story telling
Well for one its a second source of dcharges. One that can get upfield far more reliably than the dozer. It also turns grunt cores into something of a mini marauder link with fire leading the way. I think as an extra grunt ins a sniper+FO link it will be nice late game to leave the snipers in the DZ and push with her and the FOs
That's my thought. Plus it makes it easier to deploy the fireteam when one member can be up a bit. She's kinda pricey though, at least no SWC.
Her in a marauder link would really negate the need for a HRL maruder. Sure the range is slightly smaller but there is a sniper with msv to cover that band. It makes sense she is grunt only. She has made the offensive grunt link more desirable. She could really replace as an extra hitter or the HMG leader with her the cover bypass template and bonus BS. I think dogged is neat. Any surviving flamer grunts in the backfield can now join the link when she dies as the turn end bringing it back to strength.she could also do the reverse and help form a late game link if your main marauder or MM one goes down. We always have those cheerleaders in the back so it would just take a few tokens to get one going. Also interesting is as a solo character. She has all the stats to do work on her own as a bargin mid-range uxia replacement.
Well looks like I was right about Shock Immune and Dogged, didn't expect the Forward Deployment but totally understand it with the LRL. Looking forward to using her for sure! I haven't used an aggressive Grunt link before and this might get me to try it. Other thing will be if going second just use the link defensively like normal and then have Rosie run off on her own when active.
She IS game chnger for USAriadna. Look at her, look at USA sectorial, comrade. Only 1! D-charge option in whole sectorial. And it's Dozer. GL in doing Sabotage and so on, american comrades. But now, with Rosie, Grunts link can play more agressive, get to mid-fild at turn 2 and do nasty things. And, she is not Uxia. They way too different. Uxia much better at assassination, mass murder and Sabotage. Rosie is more calm and team-play cheerleader girl. Lupa Balboa changed rosters for space tacco tacco burrito eaters-nomads, before bold dudes with smoke appear in N3. Now, Rosie doing the same for cowboyz.
With Soldiers of fortune being the new thing this year, we've got Druze, Kaplans, kempeitai and Cordillera already, so we go from a max of 4 d charge models at once to 5(plus the chance to steal some with the Unknown Ranger). Add the situational nature of d charges and her very basic CC ability, then I think claiming she's a game changer is a bit over stated...
most of the more competive metas im aware of arent playing SoF, mostly because they are afraid of PanO+Smoke and Joan/Wallace plus yuan yuans and 3 Warcors. I Think they are soft....but then I am biased ;)
22 pkt...grunt...I think she is just ok...:) Why? 1. Ariadna is SOo-o-o famous for doing classifieds. Counting on grunt to do your missions? On link which usually makes some ARO with sniper rifles? Pushing grunts? I'd stay with Dozer. 2. Let me ask you what can you get for same price? Hardcase + Grunt with flamer - I think that pair can make some pushing\or defence better then Rosie... 3. You can take a cheaper (19 pts) foxtrote with boarding if you need a template (true, you can't compare it like that, but still, who will spend less orders and have more chances to make a succsefull impact template attack? Rosie or Foxtrote Boarding? 4. And FO foxtrote still is so much better for missions, because he can start near objectives (and he is cheaper, and he has camo). The only exception - d-charge mission. But, do your really wan't to push your order generator\defensive sniper link, with 4-2 movement? Only plus - circle template weapon. We don't have it much...But that can be so situational. You need an enemy to have his figures in 2.5" to hit several with one template, you'll need to get there...some hypothetical situation which (and probably will) very seldom occur. She is interesting, but not optimal in my opinion. Which still is not bad, who knows how many points left after all our grunts, maradeurs and foxtrotes to include another interesting, but situational option. I like the diversity she brings, but I don't like her utility :)