Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    "Yeah, fair enough. I thought you might have meant something else." Ric chuckles at his stupid question, shrugging with his hands.

    "You scheduled to get pushed outside the fortress?

    I hear the Ariadna hombres are copping it out at Camp X-Ray."

    Ric also makes a mental note that attacks on the port are clearly frequent enough to have become common knowledge amongst the Orders. This trip may not be as sedate as it first seemed.
    #21 inane.imp, Jan 5, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  2. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie and Ric

    "Nope, the Order of Montesa 24th Calvary Regiment is all based at Strelsau. If we techs are going outside the wire then something has gone horribly wrong. I suspect our Hospitaller Order Sergeant friends here will get stationed at a FOB. I think the current safe bet is Fort Muller." Renaldo says before he gets up and heads back to the galley line.

    "Man, Camp X-Ray is legendary. Before it was Fort Wagner and Fort Schultz that were the closest FOBs to the frontline but the Ariadna blokes came in and said we'll park one just inside the CA's line. That's Camp X-Ray. Lots of recon and special forces types rotate through there." Anika replies.

    "I hear the Steel Phalanx even used it as a staging ground once for an operation." Another tech adds.

    "And there's been sightings of Hassassins from what a friend told me." Another chimes in.

    Some of that might be true but it stinks of hearsay and rumors.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric nods along to the conversation, digesting the information.

    Camp X-Ray is looking like an important staging point: although it's possible that's where some of the threats are coming out of as well.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    A few days ago...

    "I'm late, I'm late. My employer's patience may break. I should have invested in a palbot, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late." Rushing about in what some would call a controlled chaotic frenzy, a Tohaa went about his daily routine of completing chores at the last minute. "This is your fault.." He pointed towards a Chaska as he floundered about the space of his living quarters. "If you would do a better job at organizing my life then I wouldn't be in this predicament." Considering that this was a Chaska Servant, who basically have the intelligence of a brain dead zombie, an outsider could plainly see the hypocrisy of this recent statement.

    Kenn: "I mean look at this list..." As if on cue a holoscript appeared before his eyes. "Yaga, Blu Khat, Surge, Spike, Noimosyn, Ngam Drops..." Shaking his green spiked bone colored head as he went on. "Who would want to be injected with a concoction that sounds like it's going to kill you? A healthy mix of a probiotic fungus & selective friendly parasites is much more soothing to the soul of the afflicted."
    After staring at the list once again the former Kumotail broke his gaze. "What do these aliens think I am? Made of their currency?! I'm barely keeping my current slumlord in the dark about the depressing state of my financial situation. Now my new employers want me to.." For the first time since he got the memo, Kenn felt an urge to scroll down to the very bottom of the page he was complaining about. "You can use the combined mission funds to purchase the necessary medical items showcased above." With a growing feeling of stupidity raising from his inner depths, the Tohaa began to search for the items that were suggested.

    Kenn: "Don't laugh." The comment was aimed at the zombie Chaska who couldn't provide a rebuttal even if it tried.
  5. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Haha. No it's fine. Former reconnaissance. Although, that's all i'm allowed to say." Flashing a mischievous smile meant to disarm before savouring more eggs and bacon. "Although i would kill for some green tea."

    Leaning forward, still flashing that smile Saito whispers, "my new employers are paying us to basically trace new paths through the jungle. A bit of old fashioned cartography." Leaning back into his chair, Saito gives a knowing wink.

    "But enough about me. How are things on your end?"
  6. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Even if my uncle informed you, i think he got the upper hand on that bargin, in a way you wouldnt notice. Thats why i stopped playing cards with him when i was 8 years old, after he took all my allowance and other stuff. Calling it a lesson for life."
    Konrad replies a bit sure after remembering his uncle.
  7. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Next update will move us to Strelsau so if you want to continue pursuing something or want to do something else I suggest you do so.]

    Eddie and Ric

    The techs seem to have warmed to the presence of the two outsiders and start to be a little more free in their conversations. A lot of talk is about all the work they have ahead. The cavalry regiment isn't one of just APCs and 4x4s but also a host of Seraph TAGs. Not to mention a small army of remotes as well. Then there's talk about the USAriadnan engineers from the 10th Engineering Regiment and their equipment. Lots of talk about T2 and Eagle ammo and more explosives then anyone really needs.


    "Well, my company will probably get posted to Fort Muller with the rest of the Hospitaller detachment assigned to the Black-C. Father-Officer Thomsen is a true crusader, at least that's what we call him, and his combat record stretches back to the colonization of Paradiso. He's fire and brimstone incarnated and to be honest that scares me." He leans in closer to Saito. "He loves combat. I think to much. If you look at the casualty reports the Hospitaller detachment has the highest per personnel. I don't know if he's trying to make the Teutons blush or what but right now he's getting a lot of men hurt or killed. Black-C seems to see no problem though as he gets his objectives done and has been a big pain in the ass for the CA."


    Dan smiles at Konrad's comment. "Maybe. Maybe not." Dan empties his glass and pours himself some more. "Now, you kinda avoided my previous question about what kind of merc work you were doing here on Paradiso. What don't you want to tell the bad ol' Noir agent, Konrad?" Dan smiles again before it disappears behind a glass.


    The Tohaa decides his cabin would be the best place to ride out the trip. One, no humans. Two, no humans. He was the only Tohaa aboard and everywhere he went before he had everyone clawing to get a look at him. Not like anyone hadn't seen a Tohaa before but this was probably the first time in the flesh for 99% of them.

    So it was just Kenn and Igor. Igor wasn't one for a solid conversation and his dead eye stare didn't help. The Chaksa Servant had to make the trip personally with Kenn instead of with the other remotes in the cargo container as he was a living being. He was sly though staying out of sight and out of mind during the trip here. Mostly what he was good at was standing Kenn's tirades. No one listened better than Igor.
    #27 Solodice, Jan 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  8. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Well, discretion seems to be part of the jobs i do now." Konrad answers with a smile. "But i see you wouldnt let me go or would dig around which may lead to some unwanted attention from people watching you going after me and my workmates. I cant give you details, but lets say something got lost and someone wants to find it."
    After tacking the last sip of the whiskey Konrad goes forth:
    "But i can tell you why your analysis failed. See you have to work with people and there may be somethng you missed. I said i left after a bad business decision of my uncle, thats been only a part of it. I think you are someone still haveing a look on the Human Edge system even after you left. So i think you would have read about the "Rosinante" incident and the raid on Asteroid G287."

    The "Rosinante" Incident in the news:
    The middle sized cargo vessel "Rosinante" from one of the lesser nations from Sol was attacked by pirates in the Human Edge System.
    On the cargo ship had been a few families that tried to make a new life in the Human Sphere. The pirates stuffed them into a cargo container as hostages for ransom. As a YuJing vessel intercepted the pirates the cargo container was blown into space for the pirates to succesfully escape.
    The JuYing navy tried to save those people but after the cargo container was without life support all died. The victims included even small children.

    "Noone expected our business partner to try and make some extra profit. I left after i saw the pictures of those families with kids. I am not sure what happend exactly, but i think my uncle got a hand in there to remove all traces and getting back on said business partners."

    Raid on Asteroid G287 in the news:
    The pirates responsible for the "Rosinante" incident where found hiding in an old mining asteroid in the Human Edge System. Those who havent been killed in the raid had been put to court and executed for piracy and other crimes. Thre couldnt be found any evidence for other parties involved even if the pirates claimed they didnt work alone.

    "There are people doing realy great work with computers." Konrad smiles.
  9. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Wow. That must be kinda scary having a CO like that. Very meat grinder type of man."
    Leaning back, feigning shock.
    "But he sounds like he's very dedicated to his mission. That, you'd have to respect." Saito leans forward to resume eating.
    "Although." Saito says between mouthfuls of food. "Kind of makes me feel a little more comfortable knowing that dedicated soldiers are nearby if we happen to run into some very bad CA activity on my..... Bushwalk."

    Guys, how do we feel about me making a 'friend' so we have a 'cavalry' to get us out of hot water if it becomes boiling?

    stevenart74 likes this.
  10. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    [ I like it. This mission is giving me the creeps! ]

    "Hey, I only bite when I'm asked to!" Eddie says with a smile. "It's busy around here, and I am very much not a jungle person, unless you're talking about a plascrete jungle. Real foliage kinda makes me panic!" He's trying to be flirty and friendly, not whiny.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    [ + 1. We'll need an in with Black-C. Even if only to get out up at a FOB.

    You want cover for a 'date' later on during the trip? I can arrange entertainment for the troops. Nothing that'll get us in trouble.]

    Ric returns to listening to the conversation, during a lull he asks:

    "You guys got any money on tomorrow's Aresteia game?"
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Mini-update. Tomorrow we move onto Strelsau.]


    "Ah, recovery job. Well, I wish you good luck." He takes another sip from his glass.

    "Oh I remember those two incidents very well. We were chasing our tails trying to see if the pirates taken out on Asteroid G287 weren't the only ones apart of the "Rosinante" Incident as they said. We came up empty... but it seems that wasn't the case from what you're saying." Dan leans in. "Seems your uncle isn't a man to cross out in the Edge and he seems to have some semblance of honor. Let's toast to the lost souls of the Rosinante and the justice brought to their murderers."

    After they clang glasses, "Hey, Konrad, keep in touch. Not many of use from the Edge out here on Paradiso doing good work."

    [Konrad has gained Dan Rein (Bureau Noir Agent) as a contact.]

    Eddie and Ric

    Eddie gets a few laughs from the techs. "Ah, you'll get used to it spacer. Just watch out for the bugs, plants, and animals trying to kill you. Which here on Paradiso is mainly all of them." Anika jokes... mostly.

    Ric's mention of Aresteia switches the mood of the table.

    "Legends are going to stomp the Soldiers of Fortune! The bean counters on Neoterra also say so." One tech shouts.

    "Bullshit! Soldiers of Fortune are two and oh against Legends this year. They just have their number. Guess the bean counters forgot about that." Renaldo shouted back.

    The table and now the whole mess was getting on about the Monday Night Combat Aresteia game. Ric unleashed a waking beast it seemed.

    [If Ric wants to get the Aresteia game for the boat he'll need to make a Stealth D2 re-roll with a one use re-roll.]


    "My money's on Legends! They're on a four game winning streak and it's not stopping now!" Danny barked.

    "Heh, sorry about that. Don't know if Thomsen is all about saving some strangers out in the jungle. He's about the big battle and the glory that comes with it." Danny answers. "If you do run into trouble though and have a distress beacon I'll bet you the 9th Rescue Wing will come and grab you. They're Order of Mercy and Father-Officer Ortega will go into the brush for anyone. Military, civilian, non-PanO, you name it. He'll send someone to pull you out. I'd trust him much more over Thomsen. It won't be an army as you put it but a VTOL full of Order of Mercy knights is still nothing to sneeze at."

    [Depending on which group Saito tries to want to gain access to and Ric's ability to get the Aristeia game going will determine the difficulty of this next test with Danny. It will be a Persuade test.]
    stevenart74 and DrunkCorsair like this.
  13. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    "Nah hombre, Massacre's on a roll. He'll clean up!" He shouts into the general raucous.

    Dropping the volume a little, pitching to carry to his table but loud enough to be overheard 'by mistake'.

    "Tell you what, I'll set up a feed if you guys organise appropriate... libations."

    He knew word would get around and, from the vibe when he mentioned A!, pretty much everyone but the more senior officers would be in attendance.

    He spent the afternoon casing the ship learning the crews routines and found a secluded spot on the deck to rig a discrete aerial.

    Picking his moment, he set it just after sunset. Barring any mishaps, that should be all set for the match.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Hmm. Sounds like a good idea. Mind introducing me to Ortega? A conference call perhaps?"

    I'm at work until tonight. If the roll needs to happen. Solodice can you roll if I don't get to it before the update.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  15. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "Let me think it over. Sounds like we have a game night happening tomorrow so if you catch me there I should have your answer by then." Danny responds.

    Aristeia Game Night (1 Day Later)

    The game night was a huge success bringing in a large group. Even though many could of watched the game on their comlog there was something about a big watch party hosted by a Nomad that was to good to pass up.

    To show gratitude some techs along with Renaldo and Anika presented a gift to Ric.

    "We'd pay you but then the officers would have our asses. However, we'll just say these three were left back at the port. We have more enough to go around that they won't be missed." Renaldo winks at Ric as he hands him a box.

    [Ric has gained three Adarsana Grenades (Paradiso).]

    Danny attended and like a good spy Saito was there as well. It was time to see if he could leverage Danny or not.

    Lifestyle D1 (talking about Aristeia): 5, 20 (success and complication)

    Saito knew a thing or two about Aristeia. Trying to butter him up Saito entered into a conversation about tactics and strategies. It was a good talk until the two started talking about the games best player... they are deeply divided. Saito says it's Mushashi while Danny says it's Gata. They agreed to disagree after things became a little heated.

    Persuade D2 (was D1 but the complication bumps it to 2): 1, 5 (2 successes)

    Mid game Saito finally asked Danny if made his chose. A few little extra details but nothing to revealing about Saito's job helped to swing Danny into helping him.

    "Alright, this is Ortega's PanOceania military ID. The O-12 Coordinated Command datasphere should get you connected to him. Probably best to not say I sent him your way. I could get in a lot of trouble and that him and Thomsen don't get along very well. Thomsen thinks Ortega is to independent for his own good and Ortega doesn't have a very high opinion of Thomsen as a person or commander." Danny says.

    [Saito has access to Father-Officer Ortega of the 9th Rescue Wing now.]

    When it was all said and done the Legends beat the Soldiers of Fortune keeping their win streak alive and showing the Soldiers of Fortune do not indeed have their number.

    Strelsau (Another Day Later)

    After the Aristeia game night the rest of the trip was back to normal and mainly preparing to disembark at Strelsau.

    Around 1600 local time Strelsau comes into sight. The city is located on the southern tip of a peninsula with a large seaport on the edge of the Bay of Klow and lording over it all is the Monastery-Fortress of Saint Mary of Strelsau. The modern bastion fort is massive... and that might be an understatement. It was designed to withstand orbital bombardment and house the whole Teutonic Order and then some within its walls. Compared to the other orders fortress monasteries it was rather plain and simple. No ornate carvings or banners dotting it exterior. It was solid and blackened teseum with the only markings being the Teutonic Order symbol being stamped into its walls. The place was built for war not looks.

    As the ship approached the port eight smoke trails lifted up from the fortress monastery and arced their way west. Then multiple flashes from one of the forts turrets facing west. The sound of cruise missiles launching and a battery or artillery firing hit the ship. The war was very much front and center here.

    Everything happens at breakneck pace once the ship docked. Personnel and cargo was offloaded and everyone was directed to security processing. Everyone.

    The team stood in a long line of of other PanO military personnel as they were processed by the Black Friars security checkpoint. No one was taking any risks of Shasvastii incursion here anymore and the Black Friars applied their form of security with an iron fist. Saito passed through with flying colors as did Konrad. Ric and Eddie drew curious looks from their enhancements but they were cleared. Kennedy was a special case and he found himself being processed by a Tohaa detachment of Kaauri Sentinels and handlers. He was waved through.

    Next, a ride up to the fortress monastery. The walls loomed over the team like some great titan of Greek myths until the entered into it from one of many ground entrances. Inside they made their way to hanger 50 with cargo container in tow. Watching the PanO war machine at work is something else. Everyone gave credit to their fighting forces but one overlooked thing they also did extremely well which was logistics on a grand scale. It was on full display at Strelsau and inside the fortress monastery. For the Nomads it is eye opening, Saito is indifferent as he'd seen the same with Yu Jing, and Kennedy... well who knew what the alien doc was thinking.

    Directions were to load up on Squire 2-3 and they did so opening up their cargo container and transferring equipment and remotes to the VTOL. The Order of Dobryzn crew went through their pre-flight checks and spooled up.

    "Listen up you mercs. This is my bird and you'll listen to me and my crew's orders. Now, please keep all arms and feet in the vehicle at all times when in motion. The ride might get a bit bumpy so stay strapped in. In case of an emergency don't try to be a hero. Stay in your seat and brace for impact." The pilot instructs the team as they strap in.

    Everything was ready to go until an unexpected visitor jumped in. He wore a navy blue vest with press written on it in big white letters. His head was covered by a boonie hat and googles shaded his eyes. Must be a warcor.

    "Squire 2-3, right? Flight ops said I could hitch a ride. I need to get to Fort Wagner." The warcor says to the pilot.

    "You can get off with the mercs and then hitch your way to the FOB, warcor. This isn't a taxi." The pilot says.

    "Good enough."

    "It'll be a short walk. Just don't get lost and cross into CA territory." One of the door gunners jokes.

    "If I somehow ignore that giant AR wall designating it then I'll even surprise myself." The warcor shoots back.

    He then turns to look at the team and smiles as the VTOL begins to lift off. "Name's Tristan Pullman. Warcor for Autofocus. You are all mercs, right? You look like mercs."
    #35 Solodice, Jan 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Aresteia Game Night

    "Wow. I didn't expect that. I was mainly doing this for a laugh.

    If either of you guys end up on the motherships, look me up."

    He gives them his War Market details. They're essentially public anyway.


    [[Naughties, Stresslau Day 1: 1d6 1. +1 BTS]

    Ric's dressed in his combat armour, his helmet hanging from a bag hanging off his combatpack. His Heavy Pistol is in a thigh holster and his Fulgor is attached on a single point sling: he looks every bit a Nomad veteran merc.

    Ric's impressed by the professionalism, scale and efficiency of the PanO logistics. But he can't help noticing about half a dozen ways to exploit or subvert the systems from the inside. The trick of course would be getting through the gates in the first place.

    Inside the VTOL, his blank eyes hidden behind high-tech mirror shades, Ric doesn't respond. Instead he appears lost in his work and continues tapping at his AR interface: he sends Gabo a short message, simply "?", before continuing with running diagnostics on the REMs, checking they're all 100%. His taciturn treatment of the warcor is a marked departure from his gregarious interactions with the techs on the ship just a few days earlier.

    Gabo responds, a short message appearing in Ric's AR vision: "On it."

    [Gabo is going to do a background check on our new friend on Arachne (before we lose it) ]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito was in the process of researching the warcor himself when the ping came across the tacnet. Satisfied, at least for the moment. Saito paused his search. But he wasn't feeling good with the guy on board. His paranoia wouldn't let him calm down.It was too conveniently placed for this not to have a reason behind it. Either there was a trap here somewhere, or he was a genuine warcor..... Which honestly scared him more. Being reported on was more frightening than a trap. At least he could kill the guy if it was a trap.

    Saito himself, decked out in full combat apparel, sat silently as the VTOL flew through the air to the drop point.
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  18. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    The more hes under this religios nuts the more Konrad keeps to himself. The logistics is impressive but on the other hand those zealots are people to keep at arms length at best.

    Konrad tries to ignore the warcor, but listening wouldnt hurt anyone.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Aristeia Game Night:

    "We have been through this before. I don't care how many days it will take, I'm not going out there and making myself known to the aliens." Igor gave a deadpan stare at what was a continuing conversation for the last few days. It seemed that the Kumota...Doctor, or was it Engineer? Kenn didn't know at this point what the correct Human term for his combined set of skills was deemed correct. All he knew from his previous recent experience with Humans, like his now former landlord, that it was best to remain hidden.

    Being sighted brought unnecessary attention. Unnecessary attention brought curiosity and with that brought questions. Questions would lead to wasted time trying to successfully explain to a species the knowledge he possessed only for said scientific knowledge to fly over their heads. Wasted time increased the chances of him being spotted by others of their ilk which in turn would increase the chance of the landlord catching wind of his position. Only to rush down and try to get him to pay his rent or else bad physical things would happen.

    Therefore due to the nature of his past experience, sticking his neck out even a little bit was not favorable in his current situation. Maybe with a heep of Human currency that situation would change.

    Kenn: "Besides we it's not like we haven't been nearly out of consumables before." Looking down at the last crumbs of food remaining in the cabin sitting on a plate for the last two days. "We've survived. I don't care how famished you are but sneaking into one of the aliens' kitchens is off the table. This is not the apartment complex and even then we almost didn't make it that one time we tried it. Besides we should arrive to the jungle soon. Tomorrow most likely." Igor's stare felt like it was starting to bore through Kenn's skull (it wasn't). "And if not tomorrow then surely the day after. Wha..What do you mean if not the day after? If that is the case we can survive 3 days without consumables. Plus I got my Saom Bioflask." He smirked as he spoke. "With this high energy Saoona lichen beverage and my Tohaa biology I can remain invigorated despite...What do you mean if there is no clean water? That shouldn't be a problem with any water cleansers on si...What about you?" After a couple second delay of being in thought Kenn voiced his rebuttal.

    Kenn: "You'll be fine. I mean look at you now, you are fine. For someone that doesn't talk you worry too much. Ha-ha. Such a worrisome individual. As long as you follow my lead nothing wil..." This self monologue was interrupted by the sound of something crashing against the food plate in front of the Tohaa. There lay Igor's head face-planted directly on top of the last bit food in the cabin. it was a miracle that the plate didn't brake under the stress of the impact. "Igor!! No..ah don't die! I command you to not die! You hear me?!" Igor's response was a growling noise erupting from his bowels."Ok!! I'll get you food, just don't die!" And with bioflask in hand the Tohaa rushed out the door to his quarters only to stop as soon as he crossed the threshold.

    While Kenn didn't wish to admit it he needed Igor. Firefights was not something he enjoyed being in and he lost many Chaska during his stint as a Kumotail in the Tohaa forces. Using them to reach objectives was the reason of such a creature's existence and others in Kenn's profession had no qualms with ordering their Chaska to throw themselves in front fo enemy fire to protect themselves. The creature became a crutch for him. He couldn't fathom how he would survive let alone complete the objectives required of him and get paid. Plus there was the emotional support that the silent beast provided. Kenn knew at times he was carrying on a one sided conversation using Igor to play the part as a representation of other thoughts in his head. If that thing died..he didn't want to think about.

    Kenn: "Just find a kitchen or food storage, grab anything that looks downable and head back without causing too much attention." He then turned right and began walking. Not knowing where the path would end up taking him or who he might bump into.
    #39 Golem2God, Jan 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "For a group of guys that looks like the wouldn't flinch at a Daturazi Witch Soldier at full warcry coming at them from the bush you become scared when a reporter with a camera shows up." Tristan shakes his head as the VTOL lifts off from hanger 50 and accelerates out over the Bay of Klow.

    The pilot takes a shallow path across the bay and keeps low. The salty sea air rushes into the passenger cabin and for those without eye protection it stings a little.

    "Your silence has peaked my curiosity though." Tristan says bringing out his camera remote and activates it pointing it at himself. "Tristan Pullman here out over the Bay of Klow with a mercenary team. Who are they and what are they up to? Stick around on Autofocus to find out!"

    The camera then looks at the team. "Alright, smile for the camera. Which outfit do you work for and what are you doing on Paradiso? I won't take fighting the Combined Army for an answer. Mercenaries are always doing something much more interesting for very interesting groups or people."

    Tristan glides the camera over the rag tag team and settles in on Kennedy. Tristan smiles.

    "You, Tohaa, with the little friend. Don't tell me you're a mercenary. Do Tohaa even have mercs?"

    [If anyone plans on lying to Tristan Pullman here you'll need to make a face-to-face Persuade D2 test opposed by Tristan's Psychology D2 test. If someone wants to shut him up that's a face to face Persuade D2 test opposed by Tristan's Discipline D1 test.]

    EDIT (1/23): [Changed the test parameters a bit to fall more in line with Psywar rules.]
    #40 Solodice, Jan 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
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