[CA] ZlaKhon paints Defiance baddies

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by ZlaKhon, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. ZlaKhon

    ZlaKhon New scale enthusiast

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Hey everyone!

    I am currently looking for a way to paint 100+ CA models relatively quickly as Defiance and Wildfire have thrown me deep into a new army project. I was very inspired by what @maru posts on here and wanted to see if I can also make a "night time" paint scheme work.

    My main idea is to do some colored shading via air brush (purple from below, grey/brown from side and blue grey from top), some edge highlights with a brush and then spend most of the time per mini on trying to get the OSL right, which certainly didn't work for this mini yet.
    A rough indication of colors used is sunset purple, caspian blue, brown dubai, rainy grey, eclipse grey, petroleum grey, red ecstasy (fluor) all from Scale75.

    I am still pretty unsure about the scheme in general and also my execution e.g. of the OSL so any input including harsh criticism would be greatly appreciated!

    The pics are WIP, but so far I only plan to add some rust with pigments (especially to the base), do some clean up and come up with an idea on how to improve the scheme for the next test mini.



    Xeurian, Daimeow, nakar and 12 others like this.
  2. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    So as i got taged
    you got to much paint in the mix
    you need Black , White , Purple , blue , and fluo red or orange ( yellow is a good idea to )
    if you are up for nice fluo glow it must be aplayed over bright paint - a good idea is a Yellow or Whitish Yellow
    for correct grey (one that will look natural ) Black + white + blue , Caspian blue is already a grey ish - so if you applay it over dark colour it will meld .
    Brown - brown dubai is not bad
    sunset purple - nice one - you may applay it stronger
    fun thing about all this dark theme with under glow is - you actualy need strong colours not muted ones to make this work
    as over head "moon light" will wash all colours away
    The moon light recipe :
    Black + white + blue
    and then + white for secound layer from air brush
    it should be a bluish grey - but not greyish blue
    - night washes all colours with grey filter - but colours stay - so red is not same as green and blue - ect
    - naturaly firting grey for highlight - you will get not from other bottle but from this mix - (just add more white to already made mix ;) )
    o and brown i'm using is Burnt Sienna - an universal name for particular very usesfull colour (other usable are Payne's grey)
    - "Pro tip" - if you are up for night theme on anything - get Payne's grey - it is night theme incarnate ;)
    ok hope it helped -if enything just ask
  3. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Honestly, from the distance you play the Infinity, this is as much detail as you need on a mini, because if you did anything else, you wouldn't see it anyway while you play, which is 99% of the time you do anything with your minis normally. To me, from distance this looks better than half the Infinity paint jobs I've seen so far.
    ZlaKhon likes this.
  4. ZlaKhon

    ZlaKhon New scale enthusiast

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Thanks a lot for the reply! I will consider this for my next batch of minis (hopefully coming up next week).

    Thanks! This actually means a lot to me as for me it is really crucial to make the most out of my limited painting time.
  5. Lesh'

    Lesh' Infinity LATVIA

    Mar 19, 2018
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    as always, your minis look fantastic. Really digging the suryat.
    ZlaKhon likes this.
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