Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [This is the In Character (IC) thread for Emerald Sunz. OOC questions should be directed to the OOC chat or presented in brackets like this piece of text here.]

    Most jobs for the Sunz Detective Agency are a who, what, when, where kind of deal. Comes with the territory of investigating everything from murder, theft, extortion, and fraud. This job though only involves a where. Where are the cubes of a lost Medina University research team that got stuck behind enemy lines during the Second Offensive on Paradiso? There were clues from three different attempts over the span of two years by the university. All hope was considered lost for the research team but now in 67 NC a fourth attempt is being made.

    From the cozy corridors of Tunguska the team boarded the SDA owned light freighter Sam Spade for a three day journey to the C7 Circular in the Fareedet system. From there it was an uneventful two day trip to the Paradiso system and another five to reach the Tropic Gem (or Emerald Hell depending on who you talked to) the system was named after.

    From orbit Paradiso didn't look like a planet at war. Everything looked normal. At least normal enough for the one of the most hotly contested planets in the Human Sphere dating back to its discovery. However, large orbital corridors were designated for military use only and military ships had a constant presence. The war effort was even more apparent when the team arrived at the top of the Xiangu orbital elevator. Large amounts of Yu Jing, along with O-12, personnel and supplies were being funneled to the surface. The civilian and commercial traffic still dwarfed that of the military though. It went along like nothing was happening. It was a sharp dichotomy for a planet that had alien invaders on it. The teams mercenary privileges let them breeze right through security.

    The trip down the elevator took a day and once truly planet side anyone that hadn't been to Paradiso before was greeted by its oppressive summer heat. From what you read Septentria was more moderate so you couldn't imagine how Nostralia would feel once you got there. The same dichotomy was apparent on the surface as well. One wouldn't know a war was being waged close by if they didn't know.

    Sight seeing would have to wait as the team and their container of gear were loaded up on a high speed train to Vedi. It was a five hour ride. Arriving to sanctuary city of Vedi the war became more apparent with the mass of refugees that had taken refuge in the city and newly constructed defensive structures. Like Xiangu they couldn't take in the sights. They were already aboard the troop transport ship to Strelsau before they knew it. The Combined Army had effectively cut air and orbital transport to Strelsau across the Barrier Sea and Lemuarian Ocean. The only safe way in was by boat.

    The ship joined up with a long convoy of other transports, container ships, and a PanO military escort to the port of Strelsau. The team would finally get some rest from a day of hectic travel. Now they just had to wait four more days as they took the slow method.
    #1 Solodice, Dec 14, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    A long journey. And Saito's first para military engagement since..... The incident. Being informed of the mission well in advance by his contractors, Saito dug into his pay to prepare for a long sojourn into the war torn landscapes of Paradiso. Stocking up on his arrows and buying equipment suited to the harsh terrain. He was set to go before the official briefing was called. Listening to his employers talk about the harsh mission ahead and the personal assigned to this mission, Saito noticed Eddie and Konrad from one of his last missions. Nodding in a sign of respect to them and partially taking in the two new faces joining them as well. When the matter of Saito providing the teams reconnaissance was brought up. Saito, stony faced merely asked if he was cleared to wear his TO for THIS mission. The affirmative made the dark haired, Japanese man's smile light up the room. He felt naked without his invisibility.

    A few days later. Having gathered as much as he could from Arachnae concerning Paradiso. The team left the confines of Tunguska for the journey to the zone of operations. Having briefly exchanged pleasantries with the team mates, introducing himself to the new members and re calling the moments from the last mission with the others. He began to explain his plans to Eddie and the others before immersing himself in researching EVERYTHING he could about everything current to the operation. Geography, weather patterns, satellite imagery, the plants and wildlife. He wanted to know exactly what was out there. He wanted to know water sources, what kind of food and/ or plants were edible or poisonous. What weather to expect and how often. Saito also used this info in relation to both friendly and enemy troop movements. And what forces intelligence had on the area. How they would use the terrain to move, where the team could hide if the situation came to it.

    Lastly, after compiling as much as he could on his comlog, giest and uploading to the tac net. Saito then and only then. Placed both the previous attempted recovery operations and the hypothetical movement routes of the research team onto the augmented overlay he had compiled. And showed it to the team for their input. His hope was to use this to try to ascertain the probable route and possible location the research team was trying to go/ get to. Only once he had exhausted the long trip doing all this work, did he allow himself some rest and relaxation. And a spot of conversation with the others about things other than the mission. But it was not to be. Maybe a day or so later. The circular entered the Paradiso system.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    It had seemed like Ric had only been eating solid food again for a few days when the job came in. His injuries at the end of his last job had left him hospitalized, in need of a new heart (nothing quite breaks a heart like a hi-powered bullet) and a desire for upgrades, significant upgrades. He was still getting used to his face in the mirror: the palor of hospitalisation couple with faint scarring, his new eyes and skin that wasn't quite right gave off an uncanny feeling. Nothing out of place in the Motherships but outside the realms of 'normal' for most of the rest of the 'Sphere. Perhaps more concerning was the itch-in-the-back-of-his-head feeling he'd developed that someone was watching him... well they say paranoia is healthy if someone is probably out to get you, or your client.

    The job though, that was a different matter. Paradiso... not somewhere you'd go if you had a better option. The lull in fighting since the Second Offensive and the way he'd left Polyvalent Tactics meant he felt a little bit like he was out on a limb. It marked a distinct change of pace from the work he'd been doing recently, a return to a more violent profession but without the cocoon of NMF behind him. It marked a distinct departure. But, as he heard growing up in Lazaretto often enough a buen hambre no hay pan duro... and recovering from his injuries had left Ric with a strong hunge, and a sparse bank account.


    The crew going down to Paradiso had met onboard Tunguska before leaving for the transit into theatre. Ric had moved in slightly different circles, but if you looked closely - or, at all really - they were no more than three steps apart: such was social life in the semi-legal world of 'security' professionals on the Motherships. Ric felt at home, slipping into a role as quantronic support and, a little bit out of character, as quartermaster. It was clear that he'd been brought on as 'muscle' in case the team hit opposition on the surface, which suited him fine: it wasn't his first time filling that role, and probably it wouldn't be his last.


    En route, Ric took the time to build and secure the team's TACNET with links back to the SDA 'mothership' and into the O-12 Command Net proper. The StarCo permissions had made the second a lot easier than he and Gabo (Gabriel, his ghost) had expected. He named it - initially as a place holder - "EYE. DEE. TEN. TEE" (ID10T) based off an archaic hacking joke that still occasionally batted around Arachne. By the time he was done and had gotten the full team and all their REMS auth'd, he wasn't fussed about changing it. What were they going to do, complain about a Nomad hacker with a sense of humour? Good luck with dealing with the response to that!
  4. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    In the never sleeping parts of the mothership Konrad sat in his favorite niche enjoying to tip the exotic dancers with some old school paper script that club provided. First it seemed like a strange custom to use something that old, but after a few minutes it became clear it was used to tip the dancers in quite a rather close manner.

    There we are again, thought Konrad as he got the message for a new job from Sunz Detective Agency.
    Not long ago they finished their first job visiting one of the most expensive islands in the JuYing part of the human sphere, nothing a poor kid from the Human Edge would be able to visit on his own.

    And now it seems its expertise was wanted again for the next job. Giving the last script to his favorit cat girl he left to get a shower and some noodles before meeting the crew.

    Into the meeting room Konrad noticed Eddie and Saito which had been there for the last job, so less worrying on his side, since he knew the would do their part and proved to be soemwhat thrustworhty. The other 2 new faces would be interesting.
    And as his uncle had teached him, there is always the option to let people walk the space plank as he called it.

    So Paradiso it is, something Konrad wouldnt think to visit if he wouldnt be paid. he still prefered the relative cleanliness of a space ship than the dirty jungle, but a job is a job and as his uncle teached him long time ago, a man doesnt go back an his word.

    After boarding the Sam Spade Konrad used most of his time for the final technical preperations of their gear until the circular entered the Paradiso System. He even managed to get a nice paintjob to his assigned Zondbot.
  5. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Eduardo Macayana, "Eddie" to his friends and "Mac" when someone needed to die right now, was a bit nervous about this job. He was an undercover sports-crime investigator at home in the big cities, not a jungle-warfare specialist! But this job meant The Jungle. The Green Hell. Paradiso. Behind enemy lines, even.

    Eddie's Resurrection Insurance was already complaining about 'force majeure' and giving massive rate hikes. He simply added those to the bill he was giving Sunz as part of his operating expenses. This was going to be expensive for someone, but Eddie was sure it wasn't going to be him.

    That new 'pistol' he got from Rebekah was going to take some figuring on where to carry it. An Americolt Eagle normally carried by the Devil Dog Marines, Eddie had seen smaller chain rifles! But it would definitely put down anything big and ugly. Maybe a drop holster on the thigh, to keep it out of the way of his every-day carry setup?

    The armored Stetson was a nice touch, after a day in the rain forest environment module he had already figured out why the Ariadnans liked them. Kept the rain off your neck and the sun out of your eyes. And with all the Teseum woven into it, that hat was as tough as most combat helmets. It did look a little odd with Eddie's usual ''Miami Special' suit, though. Probably time for an actual combat suit instead, grass stains were hell to get out of a good suit.

    Finding people was something Eddie did, though it was just about guaranteed that they were dead and this was a Cube-recovery job.
  6. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The dual sun rise over the horizon and the horn blast from the transport ship announced day two of the trip across the Lemuarian Ocean. Your comlogs indicated that you would transition into the Barrier Sea in fourteen hours.

    Day one saw everyone on the ship two busy to really pay attention to their "merc" cargo. Today though people were taking notice of the two Nomads, a Yu Jingese, a Human Edger, and a Tohaa. The whole transport was full of PanO military personnel so they all stuck out like sore thumbs. All the passengers were also Military Order members. Montessa Order support personnel and techs and one division of Hospitaller Order Order Sergeants. All of them were replacements or rotating in to Strelsau for a tour with the Black-C Combat Group.

    Saito stumbles across some interesting passengers himself. A small team of 3 O-12 Noir agents. These appeared to be more of the handler types with their out of regulation clothing and more down to earth attitudes.

    Today was also Sunday on this side Paradiso (with an orbital rotation of 1,033 days there were a lot of Sundays) and morning mass had just finished for the faithful, breakfast was prepared and waiting in the galley, and a O-12 Noir handler knocking on Konrad's door.

    "Konrad, right? I know your uncle. Not exactly on friendly terms at times but we shared a drink or two on Novvy Bangkok and End of the Line. Name's Dan Rein and how about an early morning drink? Got some Caladonian whisky back in my cabin. Probably the only alcohol on this whole ship." Dan said on the other side of Konrad's cabin door.
    #6 Solodice, Dec 22, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The night before Ric had stowed his gear in the team’s cabin and set up access to Arachne for the team using the Freedom Kit. He’d then crashed, hard, still not used to gravity even with his augmentations taking some of the strain usually met by pharmaceuticals.

    Waking, Ric showered rapidly and dressed relatively casually, wearing a set of the utilitarian work-wear favoured on Corregidor.. No point hiding what he was, so he was leaning into it.

    “I’m heading for breakfast; I’ll see if I can get oriented with what’s what onboard.” He pauses for moment to allow anyone interested to join him.

    @Gabriel: Hola little man. Take a look at the network on this barge. Normal protocols: nothing that will get us in trouble, yet, just so we know which way is up and which is down, yeah? Gabriel pings back an affirmative and starts passive quantronic recon of the various networks established onboard the boat.

    At breakfast, he glances around the tables to see what’s popular, grabs a plate and takes the most popular choice then heads over to a table with room on it. He picks out one with a group who appear to be less devout: techies maybe, but obviously not top dogs in the faith. He’s looking for a group who are more likely to be willing to talk to an outsider.

    “Buenos dias.” He nods at the group at the table as he sits down, and starts eating, carefully eating around the edge of the food, leaving it largely intact.

    “Cagar!” Ric, pushes the plate away from him. “I can’t eat that,” he looks around the table “anyone want mine?”
  8. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Gabriel returns with his quantronic scouting report: The whole ship maintains its own highly secured network, it has data tunnels connected to the PanO Paradiso Command datasphere and O-12 Coordinated Command datasphere, and the O-12 Noir agents have their own personal network that is sporting all kinds of security and nastiness.

    Ric finds a table full of Montessa Order technicians that look sort of inviting. Much more so then the Hospitaller Order Sergeants who keep side eyeing him.

    "Morning." A few respond as he takes a seat. Good start.

    A surprised look comes from the tech next to him as Ric pushes the plate away. "To much flavor for you, spacer? What the hell even passes for food on one of the Motherships if you don't mind me asking?"

    "Renaldo, can't you tell he's from Corregidor? Best thing they get there is high nutrient paste. Slightly better then our field rations." Another tech says.

    "Nah, I totally couldn't guess, Anika. From the lack of flair he's not from Bakunin or the slimy businessman with a pistol under his expensive jacket that a Tunguskan would have." Renaldo says to Anika.

    "Wait, a Tunguskan or a NeoTerran businessman? I always get the two confused." A tech yells from down the table. It brought a few laughs from others.

    "There's a big difference actually." Renaldo yells back. "A Tunguskan would personally fuck someone's day up. A NeoTerran? Well he's got a ten man security team for that."

    "And that same team is fucking something else for the NeoTerran." Anika smirks. "NeoTerran wives are notoriously hard to please from what I've heard."

    The whole table bursts into laughter. Even with being part of the Military Orders you couldn't beat out crudeness or humor from technicians.
    #8 Solodice, Dec 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  9. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "What the hell" was the first of Konrads thougghts. Not only trapped on a ship full of religious nuts but someone knowing him and his family business back at home.

    "Give me a minute to get ready. " Konrad answerd through the door as his curiosity is bigger than anything else.

    Getting ready to leave Konrad sends a message over the Tacnet:
    [Guys, there may be something. One of the O-12s is knocking at my door for a privat chat, seems like hes up to something. I let you know if it touches our job.]

    As he leaves the cabin Konrad looks at Dan Rein to get a better idea of that man.
    "You have a nice taste for breakfast. So you know a quite place to enjoy it?"
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  10. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "Yeah, my cabin, where it's located." Dan says with a smile as he leads Konrad that way.

    Dan's cabin was just like Konrads. Small but big enough to host at least 2 other people comfortably.

    The Noir agent pulls out two glasses from a duffel and a large bottle of whisky. He pours one for Konrad first and then one for himself.

    "So, Konrad, what brings you all the way to the Green Gem? I see you have merc clearance so something to do with the war or maybe babysitting some rich asshole's assets or himself? Can't say I saw anyone from your family as the merc type, nor did the analytics think so either, but hey Noir isn't right all the time." Dan says taking a sip of from his glass.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    An early riser as always. Saito dressed himself and started with his morning stretches. Followed by some morning cardio. He used this time to once again go over everything he knew and researched about the mission. His paranoia would allow nothing less. Once he was done with his after workout shower, the sun started to rise and the horn sounded across ship. Physical prowess was something drilled into him by his family over his life. And he would honour that.... Regardless of how they felt about him now.

    Settling into one of his persona's. Dressing in a simple red T-shirt and dark brown shorts with a baseball cap. He headed up deck to take in the view. Thinking back to going through the Xiangu orbital elevator. And the genuine fear he barely suppressed going through that nightmare place. The fact he wasn't made was a huge relief for him. Using his prior knowledge being on the station to avoid the cameras and facial recognition scanners. But that was behind him now. Honestly, he thought to himself. "I'd rather face the CA then have to run from Yu Jing."

    The rumble in his stomach knocked him out of his train of thoughts. Saito then started to head down to the galley for breakfast. Seeing Ric trying to mingle, Saito decided to just keep to himself and try to overhear anything he could. Classic spy stuff. Using the cover of him scrolling through his comlog. (And generally seeing what the news is saying.) The call from Konrad roused his notice for a second. Worried that Noir might be up to something with them, cosidering the 3 (that he saw) agents on board.

    "If there's anything involved with the mission Konrad. You let me know right away. If it's personal. I won't pry."

    Eating his breakfast, Saito hoped that Noir had their own mission other than them.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Trying to ease drop in a more formalized setting where Saito was the one sticking out rather then blending in was a new challenge. However after a few minutes of sitting down it seemed others just forgot about him. The conversations he overheard weren't really noteworthy. Mostly talk about conditions on the front (stuff Saito already knew) or the "mercs" that were on the ship. Everyone here was also a grunt or lower ranked sailor so any juicy details were lacking because of rank.

    To his surprise or maybe horror a Hospitaller Order Sergeant from the galley line took a seat directly across from Saito with his food.

    "Morning. Excuse the others. They're not totally trusting of strangers and in particular Yu Jingese. Rather lacking in manners if you ask me." He says sending daggers into others at the table keeping their distance.

    The soldier looks at the laughter coming from Ric's table. "Seems someone's settling in just fine though. Also, speaking of manners... Danny Ericsson, Hospitaller Order, 18th Svalarheima Division, Bravo Company." Ric says with a small bow instead of extending a hand for a hand shake.
  13. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Someone has to be the black sheep of the family." Konrad answered amused, taking a sip to match his host.
    "To be honest i left after a bad business decission my uncle made, which i took rather personal. But i love to eat so i needed a job with an employer that didnt ask to many questions and was willing to hire on skills. Thats how i ended here.

    Can is ask how you got to know my uncle in teh first place, he never told anything about knowing people like you."
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric laughs heartily.

    "No, no, no." Ric says, waving away the laughter, "You've got it all wrong. The Tunguska businessman prefers not to fuck you themselves: that's what their lawyers are for", he continues in a stage whisper pitched to carry across the table, "and those fuckers are so slimy that you barely even feel them slip it in."

    When the laughing dies down, he nods back towards his food "The offer still stands."

    "You all rotating back into Streslau?" Ric flutters his eyelashes 'seductively' - the look is intentionally incongruous with his grizzled face and blank eyes - "It's my first time."
    #14 inane.imp, Dec 26, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  15. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito Hagiwara." Mimicing the bow. "A freelance guide. Good morning to you Danny."

    Mentally giving the command for his giest to continue recording the news for his later review. Saito continued the conversation.

    "How are things this morning with you? I must admit. It's refreshing to chat to someone without the whole rivalry thing going on.... Or are we still getting to that?" Saito said jokingly.

    Taking a bite from the scrambled eggs, a heavenly smile appeared on his face. Oh, the eggs were terrible. But Saito loved scrambled eggs regardless. Probably the only food that he would eat regardless of taste factor.
    #15 Daemon of Razgriz, Dec 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
    stevenart74 likes this.
  16. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Eddie wanders into the mess deck, ducking as he comes through the door. When you're 220cm tall and 120kg, you have to do that a lot, even in a place designed around dudes in power armor. He's wearing a basic Moderator combat uniform, his usual suit just isn't going to work in the jungle. Everyone facing his way has some odd expressions on their face, since Eddie looks most dangerous to someone's virginity, and not like a veteran pit fighter who could probably shank everyone here before they saw him move.

    He sees Ric and Saito getting along with folks, Ric apparently already winning friends and influencing people. Grabbing breakfast (wait, Scotch eggs, hashbrowns and is that honest-to-God real BACON?!?), he finds for an empty seat at a table, walks up and asks, "Anyone sitting here? The name's Eddie."
    stevenart74 and DrunkCorsair like this.
  17. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric spots Eddie entering the mess and waves him down to a seat opposite him. He introduces Renaldo and Anika before letting them continue with the conversation.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  18. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie and Ric

    When Eddie entered into the mess a lot of eyes darted his way. Eyes had been on him since he first arrived on the ship. The only one who received more gawking was Kennedy the Tohaa.

    He joins Ric and the whole table of technicians looks at Eddie.

    "Now there's someone from Bakunin." Anika says eyeing him up and down.

    "Look but don't touch." Renaldo says to her. "We're all virgins on this ship, Ric. First tour for us and the Order Sergeants from what I've heard. First combat action for this group of techs. I think Bravo Company from the 18th Svalarheima Division has some skirmish time with Yu Jing but nothing with the Combined Army. If you were looking for Paradiso vets you needed to get on one the ships with the AEC guys."

    "Really, Strelsau is fine itself, mostly. Going to one of the FOBs, Pulsaki, or Zawacka is another story. If you want to get some time in for your trigger finger I hear that's where you want to go." Anika adds.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  19. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    "Mostly fine?" Ric raises an eyebrow.

    As he waits for a response he pings Gabo, trying to get an idea if either of those FOBs are likely to matter for their mission.

    Gabo makes use of the information Saito has gathered over the last few days to piece together the geoint.
    #19 inane.imp, Dec 30, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "Oh, I was a Noir agent out in the Human Edge way back when. Your uncle was on our radar for his various illegal activities but surprisingly enough he actually came to us first. Smart man. Knew what he wanted and how to get it." Dan says taking another sip. "Even if it meant informing for us."

    [Give me a Personality D2 roll.]


    "Freelance guide? You a native to Paradiso? Served in the JSA?" Danny asked before catching himself. "Sorry, when I get going I get going with a lot of questions." He refocuses. "My day has been fine. One always gets a fresh start after mass or at least I do. As for the rivalry... well that's what our leaders say. We're rivals. I just see two people not all that different sitting down and talking over breakfast. My superiors and peers might say that makes me a bad soldier but I say it makes me a better human."

    Danny starts to shovels in some eggs into his mouth like he hasn't eaten in a few days.

    Eddie and Ric

    Gabriel comes back with results for Ric: Pulaski and Zawacka aren't FOBs themselves but towns near Strelsau. They're mentioned in Saito's research and the SDA's threat report. However one FOB is very close to their insertion point: Camp X-Ray. It's currently under the command of the 3rd Ariadna Expeditionary Division and has two companies of Scots Guard and Marauders respectively from the 9th Reconnaissance Regiment stationed there.

    This is the second time the Scots Guard have come up in the team's research, Gabriel notes.

    "By mostly fine is that it's a fortress monastery the CA are trying to whip off the map. There have been Shasvastii incursions at the port and attempted breaches of the fortress itself but all attempts have failed. They tried shelling the place but the counter battery attacks must of proven successful as no other artillery attacks have been attempted since." Anika answers Ric.
    #20 Solodice, Jan 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
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