zapp painting

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by zapp, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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  2. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Had to google that, you're right. Looks like I nailed that robots color pretty good. :grin:
  3. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The Haidao MSV2 Sniper is a fabulous model unless you want to place it somewhere in cover on a gametable. The "lines" are well sculped. The only drawbacks are the moldlines running across these lines in some places. I took my usual colors and applied them as I thought would fit well. The sceme turned out nice I think. The model was finished in late July 2019.
    El MSV2 Sniper de Haidao es un modelo fabuloso a menos que quieras ponerlo en algún lugar de la cubierta de una mesa de juego. Las "líneas" están bien esculpidas. Los únicos inconvenientes son las líneas de moldeo que atraviesan estas líneas en algunos lugares. Tomé mis colores habituales y los apliqué como yo creía que me quedaban bien. La escena resultó bien, creo. El modelo se terminó a finales de julio de 2019.

    redeemer, Rot_Sechs, Asreon_ and 13 others like this.
  4. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I was quite busy painting some of my JSA to a playable level, but unfortunately nothing I want to present here. For now, I have come back to the asian giant with the start of our seasonal league where I attend with the ISS for now. I cannot imagine a better reason to paint the Su-Jians, so here they are! Painted in November 2019.
    Estaba bastante ocupado pintando parte de mi JSA a un nivel jugable, pero desafortunadamente nada de lo que quiero presentar aquí. Por ahora, he vuelto al gigante asiático con el comienzo de nuestra liga de temporada, a la que asisto con la ISS por ahora. No puedo imaginar una razón mejor para pintar a los Su-Jian, ¡así que aquí están! Pintado en noviembre de 2019.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Rot_Sechs, Asreon_, Willen and 23 others like this.
  5. lefrank

    lefrank Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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  6. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    In Dezember 2019, I did a rather quick paintjob on the special edition Liberto. The motivation was high, because the model is used in every vanilla army these days.
    En diciembre de 2019, hice un trabajo de pintura bastante rápido en la edición especial Liberto. La motivación fue alta, porque el modelo se utiliza en todos los ejércitos de vainilla en estos días.

    Rot_Sechs, Willen, redeemer and 9 others like this.
  7. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Also mostly painted in December 2019, but finished in January 2020, the staple of every ISS and Vanilla YJ army was completed. Five orders for 33 points with a Smoke source are simply too good to give them a pass. I call it a good sign that I finished a model on the very first day of the new year.
    También pintado en su mayoría en diciembre de 2019, pero terminado en enero de 2020, se completó el básico de cada ejército de la ISS y de la Vanilla YJ. Cinco pedidos de 33 puntos con una fuente de humo son simplemente demasiado buenos para darles un pase. Yo lo llamo una buena señal de que terminé un modelo el primer día del año nuevo.

    Rot_Sechs, Asreon_, Willen and 12 others like this.
  8. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I got many miniatures prepared for the Furor Teutonicus event in early February 2020, but only in tabletop quality. The one I finished now is Xi Zhuang with his Madtraps. I converted him slightly to strip down his ugly backpack. I painted his face like 4 times and I'm still not quite happy with his eyes from certain angles, but I decided to move on. I will have enough models with faces to improve on. :-)
    I started to seal my minis recently to avoid chipping, but this time the sealing got a bit too thick and the models got too shiny. It's ok in real size though, so nothing to worry about too much, but I might seal only the most used models like the Kuang Shi.
    Tengo muchas miniaturas preparadas para el evento Furor Teutonicus a principios de febrero de 2020, pero sólo en calidad de mesa. La que terminé ahora es Xi Zhuang con sus Madtraps. Lo convertí ligeramente para quitarle su fea mochila. Pinté su cara como 4 veces y todavía no estoy muy contento con sus ojos desde ciertos ángulos, pero decidí seguir adelante. Tendré suficientes modelos con caras para mejorar. :-)
    Hace poco empecé a sellar mis minis para evitar que se astillen, pero esta vez el sellado se hizo un poco más grueso y los modelos se volvieron demasiado brillantes. Está bien en tamaño real, así que no hay que preocuparse demasiado, pero podría sellar sólo los modelos más usados como el Kuang Shi.

    Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

    Rot_Sechs, redeemer, Abydog and 9 others like this.
  9. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    did you use spray on varnish?

    I seal all my models with spray on matt varnish to protect them since the paint wears off every time you pick them up (esp when gaming). You can see in the pics I post that they are not glossy.

    I recommend a good spray on matt varnish such as Testors Dull Coat. It unifies the paint and protects my models really well.

    You can even spray over glossy varnish, like you used above, to bring the model back to a Matt finish. Some painters even spray on varnish between coats of paint because you can paint over it (usually done for weathering techniques).

    I think you should give it a go to fix your shiny models.
    jherazob likes this.
  10. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I may give it a try. I used Vallejo Polyurethane Matt Varnish. I may just have used too much of it. Its applied with an old brush, but its quite thick consistency. It should be applied with an Airbrush, so I might need some more practice with it. I got the hint from @lefrank and it look good on his models.
    jherazob likes this.
  11. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    good luck. I have to admit that I have never had much luck with painting on varnish, as it always seems too thick or on the glossy side...
  12. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Matt varnishes that look glossy can also be due to bad mixing of the matting agent, in the bottle or during application. It could go even the other way, leaving whiteish look. I would test different brushes, how much shaking, how much cleaning/watering the brush before every stroke, thickness, etc, and practice over glossy cardboard or plastic scrap. OTOH, first coats of gloss with only a final of matt reduce the risk of "snow" effect (only one layer that can go that way).

    Now that it has a coat of PU, you can use any other matt varnish to get the effect, like Army Painter Anti Shine (bottle with transparent liquid, not spray) or Amsterdam / Talens 115 (maru swears by this). Or even just matt medium as last resort.
    zapp likes this.
  13. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I use AV PU products (primer and varnish) and I find them to end thin enough for me but I airbrush them.
    If you don't already, I highly recommend to thin it however you choose to apply it.
    As mentioned earlier, a good shake is always a good thing too.
    zapp likes this.
  14. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    White Banner army made me rethink my planned painting schedule and I finally painted my converted Guilang Assault Hacker in late March 2020, It can also be played as a regular Combi Rifle Guilang. I used the arms of one of the Red Veil Zhanshis and the Beyond Red Veil Guilang Sniper. I figured I would not need more then one or two regular Zhanshis in the near future and I was never a big fan of the Guilang Sniper. I still think the oldschool Guilang sculpt is miles ahead of this one, but I'm happy to have two Combi Guilangs ready for the White Banner launch. Feel welcome for this sacrifice if the Combi resculpt is announced this weekend. ;-)
    El ejército de la Bandera Blanca me hizo repensar mi plan de pintura y finalmente pinté mi Guilang Assault Hacker convertido a finales de marzo de 2020, También puede ser jugado como un Guilang Combi Rifle regular. Utilicé los brazos de uno de los Zhanshis de Velo Rojo y del francotirador Guilang de Velo Rojo. Me imaginé que no necesitaría más de uno o dos Zhanshis regulares en un futuro cercano y nunca fui un gran fan del Francotirador Guilang. Sigo pensando que la escultura Guilang de la vieja escuela está muy por delante de esta, pero estoy feliz de tener dos Combi Guilangs listos para el lanzamiento de la Bandera Blanca. Siéntanse bienvenidos a este sacrificio si la escultura Combi es anunciada este fin de semana. ;-)

    Together with her oldschool friend:
  15. LeeroyVinland

    LeeroyVinland O-12 Agent

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Very nice! I really dig them [emoji4][emoji108]
  16. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Some time ago, I asked a friend to paint one of my mercenary models (Lunah) and I eventually had a chance to return the favor and painted the good old Knauf model from the first CB manga. As its a model with visor, I also submitted him into the recent Mayacast contest. That came to an end and I can finally share the model here. The digital camo pattern was inspired by @archangeleong. Thanks for that. Was interesting to paint.
    Hace algún tiempo, le pedí a un amigo que pintara uno de mis modelos mercenarios (Lunah) y finalmente tuve la oportunidad de devolverle el favor y pintar el viejo modelo Knauf del primer manga de CB. Como es un modelo con visor, también lo presenté al reciente concurso de Mayacast. Eso llegó a su fin y finalmente puedo compartir el modelo aquí. El patrón de camuflaje digital fue inspirado por @archangeleong. Gracias por eso. Fue interesante para pintar.

    "Dear children, this is what happens if you don't clean every tiny moldline in an effort of thousands of hours"

    Rot_Sechs, Oni, redeemer and 8 others like this.
  17. Law Dawg

    Law Dawg Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    Very nice! After I painted my digi camo I thought about doing future digi camo like yours - make the blocks large so they're easier to paint! :joy::joy::joy:
  18. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Great take on Knauf. Camo is cool. Always love seeing your work ;-)
    zapp likes this.
  19. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    With the release of Kaldstrom, I thought it might finally be time to start painting RedVeil, lol. I always disliked the HMG loadout on the Daofei for Vanilla YJ, because the HacTao does this job just better. With the release of White Banner, the HMG loadout is much more interesting now and I got a Spitfire with Kaldstrom. But I also always wanted to try the MULTI Rifle Hacker. So I decided to chop the weapon hand off and magnetise it. I let you guess where I got the MULTI rifle from.
    I wasn't very happy with my sculpting and this stopped my work on the model more that it should. So I finally finished it in May 2020.
    Con el lanzamiento de Kaldstrom, pensé que finalmente podría ser el momento de empezar a pintar RedVeil, lol. Siempre me ha disgustado la carga de HMG en el Daofei para Vanilla YJ, porque el HacTao hace este trabajo mejor. Con el lanzamiento de White Banner, la carga de HMG es mucho más interesante ahora y tengo un Spitfire con Kaldstrom. Pero también siempre quise probar el MULTI Rifle Hacker. Así que decidí cortar la mano del arma y magnetizarla. Te dejo adivinar de dónde saqué el rifle MULTI.
    No estaba muy contento con mi escultura y esto detuvo mi trabajo en el modelo más de lo que debería. Así que finalmente lo terminé en mayo de 2020.

    #79 zapp, May 9, 2020
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
    redeemer, Rot_Sechs, Willen and 5 others like this.
  20. LeeroyVinland

    LeeroyVinland O-12 Agent

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Yeah looks pretty good! Really like him!
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