Officer Kestrelboner is here, let's wildly speculate who he's available for, work ourselves up into a lather of unrealistic expectations, and get ultimately disappointed!
woo boy that's an expensive character. I'm surprised no LT. profile Not my type of unit but I can see people getting excited for this guy I couldn't even begin to guess what sectorial/faction he'll be in without creating a new NA2. ForCo? StarCo? NCA?
It makes me uncomfortable that as of this moment the leader of an entire PMC cannot be the leader of a special forces detachment (by default).
Lt Merc would be an odd situation. I'm betting he lands in OperationS based off the fluff they posted.
He might well have an Lt. profile unique to an as-yet unreleased NA2. Performance wise he's an unhackable Mimetic pseudo-HI with good guns, Stealth, and just enough close combat ability to really scare TAGs.
No, he's not terrible. I'll admit he's not my cup of tea but he's far from terrible. I think part of it for me are his weapons – red fury and K1 marksmen don't exactly pack a punch against a wide variety of targets and any list that takes SoF
His full load out gives you some interesting options though with those MultiPistols and the Mono. Given that SoF is a fun option that breaks faction design rules I wasn't bothering with it.
Oh yeah for sure I didn't mean to imply you thought he was generally bad. More against AC/2s he could also be alot worse. Admitted MA2 would have been a huge boon to him in that specific scenario but oh well. Yeah neither of his weapons are awe inspiring but they're both reasonable. Partly depends what armies he ends up in. I could see the 1 SWC Red Fury on a Pseudo HI being attractive for some SWC starved armies.
MA2 doesn't help if he's using a pistol! I actually like his weapons, K1 MMR is solid against pretty much everything, one of the best 0 SWC weapons outside of the MK12, and Red Furies are fantastic assault weapons for chewing through light troops and skirmishers.
it's a bad redfury profile it's a bad CC mono profile and cost so many points, actually worse than hulang who can at least be good in close combat CoC option ? :sigh: you don't want CoC on a assault piece and why all those MI 4-4 profile ? The game need simpler stuff not strange shenanigans, why not LI with FD1 ?
I reckon in White Company he'll get LT He's essentially got two wounds, which is solid. Mimetism and BS 13 with a Red Fury makes for a pretty strong gunfighter, MI means Forward Deployment, and CoC means specialist. Expensive but if you want a pseudo-heavy infantry point man to push buttons and win midrange gunfights, he will. Monofilament CCW and MA1 with CC22 is also more than enough to stomp 9/10 troops in CC, even very hard targets. Nanopulser is strong too. I think he's pretty great. People are looking at the cost and thinking "he is a lot for a MI" but if you look at him compared to a Yadu, like he's pretty awesome for a similar cost, the Yadu HMG is only a few points less than Hawkwood CoC and is considered a strong profile. And isn't a specialist, doesn't have any CC ability, doesn't have a DTW etc. Like if I can take him in Nomads? I almost certainly will. He'll be the only CoC available, and a durable gunfighter/CC machine is worth the cost. I doubt it, but still. How to Read CC Charts Some CC Special Skills give a trooper a series of MODs and advantages that are displayed in Charts with the following elements: <snip> Damage MOD: A MOD to the PH Attribute of the user to determine the Damage of a successful CC Attack. Pistols, D-Charges, mono-CCWs, etc won't benefit as they're fixed damage and not based on PH
You want CoC on an assault piece so you take an aggressive LT and if it dies you can then use that LT order on your CoC guy to kill shit and grab objectives. It's why the Farzan is so good.