New Outcast box preview has me super stoked. Cannot wait for it. Lynxes and non-hacker Deltas are everything I hoped they'd be.
Whouhaaa love this outcast expension. I thought it was going to be a bunch a new heros and instead we get a real expension with new missions ! Great ! And off course it make sense to have O-12 as a foe as it makes a great combo with wildfire. As you can use the shasvasti and the O-12. Since I have wildfire I'm super happy. 70€ is not cheap for sure. But I prefer to pay 100€ core + 70€ the expension than 160€ for the collector.
Can you point me to SG's that are unlocked and are not free stuff, but paid on expansions in Zombicide? All I am seeing now is shit load of free stuff! I know it's not always, but generally it is.
Yeah, you can increase your pledge amount to cover them or pay extra when the backerkit launches. For example, I've gone for the deluxe pledge and want the Morat box and Dice Tray, so I upped my pledge to €235 (€180+€45+€10) once the Campaign finishes I'll be able to finalise what my addionally pledged money goes to. The advantage of adding extra to the pledge before the end of the campaign is that it counts towards further stretch goals.
Typically, yes. However (and I haven’t the ability to go back through the updates right now) I think they mentioned prices for them. And you can always pledge the extra funds you’d have to put in after the KS ends *now*, to help hit SGs. Edit: ninjaed...
You cannot have MSRP to something that does not go retail can you? Can you point me to the metal models made in Spain by a non publicly traded company (in Hong Kong) in Zombecide? Two entirely different companies, with entirely different strategies and methods (and experience) to approach kickstarter, what there is to compare? edit to add
Minis looks great aside from this one Delta. Who on Earth decided thats its OK pose? It is worse than Cuervo.
Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of video today? Minis are lovely, although it's a pity that the Raoul version with 2 batons that everyone wanted is part of a KS set rather than regular blister. Also, we are still waiting for that Tohaa/Spiral hero :)
Not sure where I am supposed to point you? As these person point to me, that about unlocked paid add ons and zombicide camapign: It was not I who brought Zombicide into discussion, I was just interested where person saw that in their campaign they are unlocking paid add ons, since I am failing to see it.
Pardon me, been away from the internet for a bit, have a lot to catch up on. Very much agree with this Yes, this is really important. If you want a game to do well, having a stretch goal of "more missions in the campaign" or "whole new campaign" isn't a bad idea. Yes, the stretch goals seem... oddly released. You *really* need to have your stretch goals planned out before the KS launches, just to keep your expenses under control. Agreed. Blackstone Fortress seems to be marketed towards GW addicts. I don't know that Sedition Wars ever really had a target market (and I backed Sedition Wars!) Like I said, GW addicts. Yeah, Robotech was a massive disaster. Real shame, too, it plays very cinematically. Heh. Game starts with a die roll to see if your ship actually made it through the jump intact. 90% chance of failure. PS, Bostria has been lampooned for over a decade for saying things that haven't turned out to be delivered. You'd think that CB would have addressed this by now. That would honestly be a really good Stretch Goal. Or better yet, an assumed part of box design! No, Stretch Goals have been a mix of "free stuff" and "we were going to get to this eventually, but we're going to use your money to develop it instead because you like the idea" for pretty much the entirety of KS. The cake is a lie!
Outcast looks awesome and I'm sure we'll get to it, but the downside here is that they're using an add-on that's not yet available to drive funding to unlock ... that add-on. Net result will be a drop off in new funds afterward again and the campaign will continue to progress slowly. Still! It's funded and we'll get that expansion, so that's all for the good. Hopefully they're able to get us to those additional tiles Carlos was on about, as well as some more mission content before this is all over.
I'm with you here, we've got alternate heroes and all their remotes by 560k, and I'll get my beloved Deltas, Gammas, and Lynxes at 580k. Don't really give a damn what happens after that personally, though new tiles and missions would be perfect.
The only thing that's slightly disappointing about Outcast is that we don't get a slight discount by going for the new Pledge instead of just adding it. Even €10 less would make me feel a little bit better about including it. (and, yes, I see the Shinobu miniature)
Previously, all the other add one came at a same time as a stretch goal goddie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
There is probably a reason why they won't allow people to get any expansions withouth first shelling out at least 100e. Well, you can always try to find out someone who is getting game and piggy back with him?
Well, I mean, this way they're getting nothing off me. If I could just pledge for the expansion they'd be getting 70 euros they aren't getting now. That's not a bad idea, I might ask around.
10€ discount multiplied by 2000 backers means 20.000€. I don't think they have that much meat to give us