I'm not playing Ariadna or Cali but a Wulver Haris seems great for him. Core is cool but a Haris is just enough to enable them to take down anything.
According to today's video Cadin counts as a Wulver and also has a Haris profile for 1pt/0.5SWC more. Bostria did mention a MK12 version for 39pts but this wasn't shown on screen so may not have made it into the final profile (he did say all info was subject to change).
Yeah, but when you want to put a Natural Born T2 wielder on the table, it's hard to compete with that Cadin mini. Looks great.
Cadin seems awesome in his Infinity wargame profile, which is funny because he's pathetic in Defiance
I'm happy to see Uma coming into PanO. She looks like she'd be fun to try out at least both by herself and with a linkteam.
He's a close combat fighter who's attack in CC is poor. He rolls like, one orange and one yellow dice with a free star, which is okay, but not that good, and his switch is that he can spend a star and a ! to do a damage to an adjacent target. Think he can also move. But this is not hugely useful! Especially as he has to be in CC! Meanwhile Uma is rolling an orange and two yellow, with 2x! adding another star, and any blank face dice adding a star. She's much more lethal, at much longer range. Cadin has 10 wounds and that's about it for being any good. If he rolled a red dice or an extra yellow or something then cool but when we played he was by far the least effective
His default upgrade card also adds a blue die to his melee attacks, so he starts by rolling Orange + Yellow + Blue + Star. He can move when he is attacked by enemies, and can damage multiple enemies in one activation. If your target rolls well on defense, you can activate his switch to instead damage a different enemy. Also his first upgrade card in the mobility tree gives him a free move every turn provided he can end in melee.
Also these are early materials while Im sure alot of them will stay the same I wouldn't be surprised to see some final tweaks before print.