Hello Experts!

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Atome, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. Atome

    Atome Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hi all, I’m absolutely brand spanking new to Infinity! I’m looking to choose a faction and really like the models and aesthetic of the ALEPH Faction.

    I would be hugely grateful if anybody could assist me in identifying a minimum requirement model wise for an army to allow me to get started to play. If at all possible to include an explanation, this would help me understand what I need.

    Thanks in advance
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Since you are new, I assume you want to use Generic (or a Vedic force with some greeks), because at this moment there are three ways to play Aleph: Vanilla/Generic, Vedic (Operations Sub Section), or Greeks (Assault Sub Section).

    First, you need to understand that currently there are no "vanilla starter" nor "Vedic Starter", what would count as it is only available in the Operation Coldfront 2 player box (if you get this box, you might want to use a saw to cut the naga's sniper rifle and swapt it with one of the Dakinis combi rifle, cutting near the end of the weapon's body is the easist option), and its followup the Beyond Coldfront that includes some nice models (mostly for vedic). If you want to get the Aleph models from those boxes, you will need to find a player for the russian part.

    Now, for what you can get:
    Aleph Support Pack: you need one of these, not only beause of the girl (a fast doctor/engineer) and the 2 small robots, but beacuse of the antennas (Netrods), which are the cheapest source of orders for Aleph and combine well with the Posthumans.
    Dart: an extremely useful model, mostly autoinclude with her E/M grenades loadout.
    Danavas Hacker: cheapest hacker plus you can get, comes with repeaters you can shoot to expand your reach. Mostly, you want her for the White Noise program and the Supportware.
    Posthumans Box 1: The mk1 doctor or engineer and the mk2 (be it as sniper or hacker) are autoinclude. You can deploy a third one, but it will usually be the mk5 with dual SMGs, and for that one I personally prefer to use Uxia Mcneill from Ariadna.
    Devas: you will want this guys. Great fighters, sturdy, and with some friends for barbecues.
    Dakini box: if you did not bought the Coldfront box, you need this one. If you bought Coldfront, it's not a must buy, but still rates high. The Deva in this box carries a MSV2 with a Spitfire.
    Garuda: Either this one or the Spitfire one, ypu want to get at least one. It is not autoinclude.
    A Sniper: be it Teucer (harder to kill, carries a good weapon for both active and reactive turn) or Atalanta (more fragile, better shoot & range), while both are from the greeks both offer the only MultiSpectral Visor (MSV) at level 2 with a long range weapon. The dakinis have a sniper option, but you will combo that one with the Danavas heavily.
    Smokers: Either the 4 myrmidon box or the spitfire myrmidon blister, for vanilla you need this guys to get smoke for your MSV2 carriers and tactical movements. Another option is the Myrmidon Officer, who can be Lt, reserve Lt, and to carry normal smoke or a smoke so good nothing can see through it (essentially, a combo of normal smoke + white noise in the same template). Personally, I prefer the box and then the officer (if you have the Coldfront box, the bearded guy is also a reserve Lt).
    Midfield infiltrators: Sadly, the only Naga is in the Coldfront box as an extra model, so you will need to get the Dasyu with combi and the Dasyu hacker. If you can find Nagas, however, get at least 2.
    Arjuna: Another interesting toolbox with bots, it can solve a lot of problems and plays in the midfield too (the robot doesn't, however).
    Rebots: useful in all three game styles, usually in the 8pts profile, sometimes as Total Reaction or missile launcher. The weapons that come in this box are compatible with the Beyond Coldfront Rudras (and the only difference, if you prefer to convert a rebot into a Rudras, is the base size, when it comes to rules).

    There are more troops, but I have tried to avoid those with a cost higher than 40 points. Achilles and the Asura are good buys, and the Marut is a great TAG, but all three define the rest of your list. Another option is to grab a box of Thorakitai for zone defense (in the cheaper roles),
  3. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So, how to mix this all together?

    • Dakinis:
    The vertebral column of Aleph, this bots are cheap botherers at 13pts each thanks to their mimetism (move one to the midfield and dop him in Suppressive Fire: the attacker will usually shoot at them with -9 while within the 60cm/24' range), and can be Paramedics, so they can work as fast specialists. Remember they can be hacked, however.
    The sniper and HMG are good hunters, and you can combine a White Noise zone layed by the Danavas and a Sniper Dakini to hunt enemy MSV2 troops with ease (remember that if said target is in a Fireteam of 4 or 5 members, this won't work).

    • Devas:
    Another multirole unit, the Spitfire one can hunt enemies with ease thanks to the MSV2, then you have the Forward Observer with sensor (a classic Lt choice, remember the Triangulated Fire option) and the basic one, both of which can get a companion bot for extra mayhem and shenanigans.

    • Dart:
    A Big Game huntress with the E/M grenades, she can wreak enemy clusters (fireteams...) and big units (TAGs, remotes...) thanks to the grenades and the Isolated state they impose. Her mobility is superb.

    • Proxy:
    The Mk1 is a great doctor (and can autoheal thanks to her No Wound Incapacitation) with Mimetism and good shooting stat, so is, for me, better for grabbing objectives in desperate situations. The engineer is great to have around in the current meta of Isolation and Immovilized-2 states, but in the end it will depend on how much flesh Vs chrome you carry in the list and what you face.
    The Mk2 hacker is the cheapest hacker we have, can start outside of the table while you keep the order, and can make enemy units pause if they are hackable. As a sniper, is a very sacrificable ARO piece.
    The Mk5 is like Dart, but less mobile and without camo. The Forward Observer profile is the good one.
    If you want other options, the Mk4 Heavy Rocket Launcher is a great ARO piece, and the HMG is a great assault piece. The mk3 is very overshadowed by the Mk4, and usually picked only in fringe situations or if you want a full Heavy Infantry list.

    • Rebots:
    The 8pts ones are great to set up as secondary ARO pieces, to annoy the enemy and give more survivavility to the main ARO pieces. The Total Reaction one is a great ARO piece, but usually countered by an enemy Sniper with MSV2 and smoke in front of him (imposing a -12 to the remote, forcing him to dodge or autofail).

    • Myrmidons:
    16 points chain rifle profile, use them as melee fighters to kill or block anything that gets close to your MSV2 carrier, and to lay on smoke.
    Ashtaroth, Stiopa, yoink101 and 3 others like this.
  4. Atome

    Atome Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thanks so much, its all so incredibly helpful. Digesting it now.
  5. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Xagroth posted an excellent and detailed answer as usual. I would just like to add a thing. Don't be afraid to experiment with units, and don't be afraid to proxy them (ie: using another mini to represent a model you don't own).
    jherazob, Atome and xagroth like this.
  6. Atome

    Atome Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thanks Nenyx, i will!
  7. Atome

    Atome Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hello again, i have Hector Homeridaes Champion who has a bot, i would like to put both together on a 40mm base, am i ok to do this? Will it breach any competitive rules if i was to play such a thing in the future?

    Thanks in advance
  8. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It definitely will, unfortunately. Hector is S2 and thus must be on a 25mm base to be legal.
  9. Atome

    Atome Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thanks so much, that cancels that plan then, appreciate the quick response!
    Hecaton likes this.
  10. Shinobi

    Shinobi Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I would still put the bot on the 25mm base with Hector, I did this for my Atalanta.

    Remember, Tinbots are State Markers and cannot be removed unless you suffer E/M damage, so put that little sucker on Hector's base and have fun with it!
    Stiopa, jherazob and DukeofEarl like this.
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