Archangeleong's Armies Log

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by archangeleong, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Should have painted her rolling her eyes (if I could) lol...

    He deserves it lol!

    I have chosen desaturated palette deliberately as stylistic choice, aiming for more realism, as opposed to my old days of using highly saturated colours on my GW models. Mind you I think my photos often don't pick up the colour saturation properly as my iphone camera (and skill with it) is pretty limited and some of the subtlety of the highlights tend to get lost in the pics.

    I think my style is a bit at the opposite end to you Maru, with your highly saturated colour choices. My goal in miniature painting has always been to reach a level of Realism in miniature form like a Classical painting. Whereas you seem to have gone towards the more Painterly approach, a style which I envy but seem unable/unconsciously unwilling to do myself. It's a little bit like comparing Realism to Impressionism, each having distinct qualities that need not necessarily be comparable in terms of artistic merit, but rather appreciated as different interpretations of the painting medium. Mind you, I'm not saying that I'm anywhere close to mastering Realism in miniature painting like a Classical master, but I do aspire to do so with every new model I work on (I think you, Maru are much closer to being a Van Gogh of mini painting than I will ever be a Divinchi of this medium which we so enjoy working in) .

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm trying my best without having a functional airbrush ;-)
    Usashi and jherazob like this.
  2. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Whouaaaaaa I just discovered this thread. Some incredible stuff here.
  3. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Ha ha
    well you may like to check this topic
    it is KÄ…dzors work who is caind of a fun of realy down to earth realist minatures
    but from what i c outside my window is a lot of rain , some trees and a Vivid green car and near by a Crazy venomous Red car and a girl in neon Pink cloths - so ye in RW sometimes you get a borderline contrast like a Vivid red fruit among sea of green leafs.

    So if you would like to master your own style(and it is important to get your own style not just copy others ) you need to get out of you comfort zone -
    in your case you get stuck in a style that lacks nuance in mid tones - a collor nuance but also a contrast in terms of light
    you get textures and you know how to make the m but actualy stay shy from them
    there is an article

    And i think you need a little push out of your comfort zone to become better you not become me (that would be boring )
    you may try something described in an article (just don't do part about speeding in a car - it do not help with painting ) or just go nuts and try tech shown by Bogusz - the one i pointed Marduk in his topic - this would be something new to :)

    o and i would prefere not to be Van Gogh he made his art out of pain and madness - i would preffere less troublesome process maybe Claude Monet - he was less crazy and do not suffer so much ;)

    But there is an actual style that mix both styles in one - look at work of Eric Wallis you may find this interesting or even enlightning :)
    jherazob and archangeleong like this.
  4. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY IKARI COMPANY: Authorized Bounty Hunter (Boarding Shotgun and Bike)


    Stunning model, with that signature stylish and sexy Infinity style. I converted this little lady so that she'd resemble the CB pinup artwork more closely and not obscure her tactical assets with a big gun.

    I wanted to paint the bike with bright colours so went with a warm orange. It took me ages to think of a way to add racing stripes or some type of freehand to the bike's body as the way the bike panels curve is not easy to add stripes to and maintain the coherence of the miniatures shapes. In the end I did a stylized version of the ABH symbol on the fuel tank.

    I countered the bright bike colours by painting the AHB in dark blue and black. I drew inspiration for her uniform from a pic I found of Mass Effect's Miranda Lawson. Couldn't resist the wild pink hair of the studio model (plus I got wife's approval on this colour, which is a rare thing as she shows virtually no interest in my miniatures lol). Happy that she looks so cool, deadly and seductive on her sweet ride.



    More Pics:
    #384 archangeleong, Oct 15, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
    redeemer, lefrank, volgo and 19 others like this.
  5. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I really like the simple conversion, when i tackle this model (some time in the future, the Eternal Backlog looks at me in disapproval) i'll have to do it too. I like the orange too.
    archangeleong likes this.
  6. Sangarn

    Sangarn TRIUMcorp CEO

    Mar 3, 2018
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    this mini is 1 out of 20 game playable but look majestic :D
  7. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    That color choice and application are ace!
  8. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    So the idea to paint orange is to paint orange not red or Yellow and that's is quite hard.
    if you highlight orange the brightest orange is orange and same go for shadows , so highligtning it Yellow change it to yellow, and shading red switch it to red , but by adding black you do not get darker orange but muddy grey
    strangly enught a corect colour to mix in to orange to get shadow is Sea green / dark azure / prusian blue /cobalt blue /
    and highlight would be penut butter - thats actual name of the colour ;)
    all this is due to orange do not belong in Red hue nor in Yellow one
    Orange is a part of Brown spectrum

    You picked correct colour to oppose orange by using blue even better would be dark azure instade of cobalt blue present on your mini but never less good effect
    and you end with Cyan for lights again skipping over light Azure and Turquise XD

    but ye Congrats mini loks nice face is a bit pale
    jherazob likes this.
  9. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It's worth buying just to paint, even if it never sees the table due to cursed dice.
    Lady Numiria and jherazob like this.
  10. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    All the contrary (muahahaha, SCNR)... it's basic color wheel operation. Mix opposite colors to get darker versions.

    We should convince more people to try that, and get rid of the "magicalness".
  11. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks guys, appreciate the compliments. Losing motivation at the moment so your encouragement helps :-)

    ABH chart is just way to random to be of any use. Pity that there are some very nice minis for this trooper file that will barely get a game (By the way the standard male model with the combi is terrible sculpt as it is so small, featureless mask and has no shoulders...). In any case the bike lady is just such a nice mini to paint.
  12. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    strange part refears to what an actual aligence of orange is - most ppl think it is red and they select a green as opposite for orange so the effect is green brown instade dark orange ;)
    but ye correctly selected opposite colour mixed to your base = your shadow colour :)
    the key is selection :)
    o and other tip :
    Black paint is in 99% of cases not black but dark blue or green or red - so if mixed to something it will act as a colour not just brightnes slider so it is good to know what you actualy got in your disposicion
    jherazob likes this.
  13. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    A redish orange would go with blueish green. Orange (a secondary, red+yellow) goes with primary blue.

    When in doubt, check a chart. *wink*
    Section9 and jherazob like this.
  14. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    That's certainly why the color wheel sticker I got with an order from Greenstuff World stays on my painting table!
    jherazob likes this.
  15. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    this color whele is so wrong XD
    if you menage to get out of RYB magenta or bright green - congrats
    color wheel starts about a 1704 ? or so by Isac Newton
    and please do not use it effect would be always muddy colours ;)

    to 1810 Goethe's wheel
    a bit better but will work only in aquareles on white card but you will end with awful green and murky blue

    then Wilhelm Betzold's bout 1874 ~ - a substractive and additive wheels - an interesting wheel as it do not include purple , pink and magenta so no non existing colours ! - problem is we actualy c thous colours even if they do not exist

    and we get to tradicional color wheel
    ye orange is oposite to blue (try and you will get wrong effect )
    but at same time we got CMYK one
    used in printers - orange is at better spot is oposite to "ocean" - that's not a colour
    and primarys are Yellow Magenta Cyan - better you will get bright green out of thous , and vivid red out of Magenta + yellow
    but Cyan + magenta - im not gona call this blue ;)
    - but ye it works on printers so it is right ! - not exacly it works on white paper and with addicion of a black ink in other cartrige and not a random black but a bluish black (that' s the way they get a nice blue out of it )

    and An RGB one

    and this is a way that monitors display things and a way human eye looks at things we got a 3 receptors a red an green and a blue
    but light is just a wave leanght and is not on a whell but on a wave lenght
    and this is a what we c - so where on earth is purple ? or magenta ?
    it should be blue + red so betwen 450 and 650 but that would be 550 and it is green and we got an green receptor in eyes but it do not genarate signal the one lightning up are red and blue so human mind creates a special ilusion a colour known as "not green" - aka Magenta / purple / pink
    so we made up this :
    and it is Bullshit XD
    as if you got a spectro meter and point it on magenta or purple you will get a frequency of betwen 450 to 600
    and missing colours that got put beyond blue and called ultra violet is actualy invisible for us but correct name would be ultra blue - but how on earth we c this in rainbow - well it is blue in a spectrum we do not c but it makes a red receptor to fire a bit but brain recognize that is not a red nor green - it creates "non green but red secondary and fully blue receptor impuls " info and we c purple - another non existant colour

    So as we do not actualy c colours beyond blue and above red but strangly we got them on a colour wheele
    so how this works ?
    RGB well is a wave lenght based one where base light is white and it include all waves including ones we do not c and on top of this a collor filters corresponding with receptors in the eyes - but it have nothing to do with pigments - they work different they are reflected light upon surface that absorbed x amount of spectral wave and bounce back rest including the one we do not c but may fire op a random receptor as it got modyfied by a reflective matarial and create now an ilusion

    so maybe CMYK is right ?? - again there is a problem - first and biggest magenta do not exist it is an illusion - we do not have an idea what actualy magenta looks like ;) - but you would be able to mix a out of it a "primary colours " and get out of it a Blue Yellow and Red + vivid versions of magenta , green and cyan - but blue will be bad (it is suplemented by bluish black ) and again it works on white so it falls apart on black or gray ect

    so tradicional one ?? - acha try to actualy force pigments to give you vivid effect - you will always get a darken and dirty colours - due to imperfections of pigments - it only works in matematical symulation and got actualy replaced by RGB - they just calculated better

    But if you are about to get pigment based well so the one that works with paints and use not always white base and you want a full coverage not an aquarele c thrue of white paper.

    Martian colour wheel is for you :)
    you will get better effect with this :) - it is a pigment based - including ilusonary ones ;)

    o may what a wall of text i made :)
  16. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Someone defined mangenta as the lack of green.

    Colors start to make a bit more sense when the graph is seen "from the side" (intensities at each wavelength), like this example from a LED product:
    This is a big spike in violet-to-blue and a small wider bump around orange-to-red. And green is the flat part between them. It matches the definition.

    Martian has some funny names.
    maru likes this.
  17. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Yup - if this graph would be a mirror reflection - you get pink - more red then blue but still no green at all ;)
    even stranger things happens if you look at things that got wave lenght starting below 380 and having pick there and then just showing up at visibe by us range - then get flaten at all thing is the middle and again jumping above 780 and picking somewere again invisible
    effect is an illusion of colour that floats at flat surface it is hard to describe it is like an wet fluid that hovers over place it is at - this is due to human brine have no idea what to do with this and constantly switches from grey scale (yup we can c this with human night vision "low light vision" the one that removes colours but let us c in dark places ) to colours as the sensors fire up but again they are the one that already make an ilusion - red and blue ones so we got a colour that we can c as grey that at same time we c as magenta like - o and no im unable to post on forum a picture of something like this - it do not work on RGB monitors :) - it must be painted / printed with correct pigments

    and the names in martian .. well they look funny but you can actualy buy a pigment named like that .. like a Cow Dung ... 0-o
    but opposite colours are way better shown and way more accurate in terms of pigments in paints
  18. LeeroyVinland

    LeeroyVinland O-12 Agent

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Nice bike. I really love it :) Nice conversion and on spot painting! Like always.

    To the Color Theory debate: Could you please put it on another thread for people to read who explicitly want to read it?
    Color Theory is just one tool of many and people may or may not use it.
    Does that make them worse painters? Absolutly not.
    It's a style choice that produces different outcomes.
    And using just one application of color theory definitely isn't THE answer.
    Koin-Koin and archangeleong like this.
  19. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks LeeroyVinland. Not sure I need a lecture on colour theory when I post stuff as I believe that I have a fairly competent understanding of painting and colours lol...
  20. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY MERCS: Saito Togan

    So long maligned but now a nice version to paint. I did a bit of arm swapping with the limited edition mini and the official release mini for something different. I think he looks pretty cool now in his Merc colours (not Ikari sadly as they cant' take him, which is strange since he would fit right in with those dirty dogs.)


    Will the real Saito please stand up?

    More Pics:
    #400 archangeleong, Oct 23, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
    lefrank, Daimeow, redeemer and 13 others like this.
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