Well, lately, as you see angel having more commissions, I do have feeling his paimtjob quality suffers...I mean, it's still way better than anything I will be able to ever paint, but it's not as it was before? Seems more rough around the edges and rushed?
They look pretty good, better than anything I can do The red and the blues seem to look a little different than in the wildfire box, which might be what's throwing it off.
It's a hundred times better than me but it does seem a little... Championship compared to Angel's Premiership.
This is not bad but we got spoiled by Angel's painting. The new painter apparently has some problems with painting eyes. They look normal and not as crazy detailed as those pupils painted by AG himself.
The left one in that trio also is badly positioned. The Ariadnan could also be better. But the one you marked is probably the worst.
Anyone remember the old Combined Army remotes where they put the wings on backwards? It wouldn't be the first time that an incorrectly assembled model got painted, photographed, and put on a box. But it's probably the easiest mistake to edit out.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At57zKbO1rsvdFQ3anBVcVQ1amtQTVNrOXFoaDdRV2c&usp=sharing credit to @Pierzasty
To be fair, this weekend I was assembling my Shasvastii from Widlfire (and I got that box as a preorder... figures XD), and I was forced to mount at least 1 model this way, because I was placing the magnets on the base in diagonal, leaving only the "cupped" slot and it's opposite... and needed to place the toe, with a tactical garbage under it (thus a big, round slot instead of the flat ones I sand into a small round pin), and it was easier to glue that way than the "official" one. I sanded the frontal marker, however, and it's clear where the model is looking at, so I just need to plaint the "back" of the base XD
Funnily it would have been pretty easy to mount this model right, just turn it 90° (counterclockwise). The slots on the back of the base can be used this way. There are other models that are always like 45° off relative to the LoF-Mark when using the slots. With such LoF-Bases I'd like to see more models without the bars between their feet. Like the Cadmus from the Wildfire Expansion. That one was pretty good alignable.
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world where minis came with pegs in their feet / tactical junk instead of useless bars that we all have to cut off?
Is anyone else having the issue that despite all of o12 in the box, like 90% of my o12 force is proxied units from other factions? Just me?
Mostly Cyberghost(Apsara from Coldfront) and sometimes Dakini/Beta(Any Haqq I have because I don't have a Rem till now)
Feet pegs yes, tac junk no. Ideally they should stop relying on that to make their poses work as much as possible.