Tohaa Communication to inhabitants of the Novyy Bangkok

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by nehemiah, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed representatives of the Human Sphere,

    The Tohaa forces within Novyy Bangkok have seen the aggression the Yu Jing State Empire's forces have directed towards the denizens of Main Strip, and in particular to our allies within the newly independent Japanese Nation, and mobilized our forces to take a position between the main routes connecting the JiYuan Open Pit Sight and the Main Strip in order to blockade military incursions by Yu Jing forces. Regretfully our forces were split as a section of our forces which were deployed to investigate a Shasvastii plot early in the campaign became mired in heavy gunfights with the Shasvastii. As they dealt with this threat to the stability of Novyy Bangkok, Ariadna forces, in an apparent lust for vengeance at the perceived slight they suffered on Novyy Cimmeria during the Kurage Crisis, urged their O-12 overseers to give them the weapons free command, so they could attack our forces under the pretense that they were responding to a Combined Army incursion. A request that O-12 command obliged, and their commanders, (one of whom previously served under Ariadna Command during the incident on Novyy Cimmeria), even began to take part in the conflict, and even went so far as to overstep is operational authority by illegally deputizing Ariadna High Command without filing the proper P4T-G4RR4T Forms which must be filled out in triplicate and submitted to the Central Bureaucracy on Concilium no less than 2 months before such an emergency Deputizing can take place. In the confusion that followed there were many instances of friendly fire, but our Commanders in the area have finally been able to extract themselves from the most heated areas of conflict. However, their reinforcements may have come too late to save Harry's Bar from destruction at the hands of the most ill disciplined Yu Jing commanders.

    In the intrest of the security of Novyy Bangkok, the Human Edge System, and The Human Sphere, we shall present the findings of our commanders who were attacked at the Xaraks Ammo Depot, as well as our grievances, along with corroborating evidence of their misdeeds, against the Ariadna Command and as well as the short comings of the O-12 delegation within the Human Edge to the Oberhaus at the resolution of the conflict with the Combined Army within the Human Edge System.

    At the moment Yu Jing forces are poised to descend upon the Japanese Bottom, and we have been called upon by the NA2 Director of Operations to assist in maintaining the security of this district along with the lives of its inhabitants. Unable to ignore duty we took upon ourselves to protect the Japanese Nation in lieu of effective O-12 sanctions against Yu Jing for their continued aggression against them, our Tohaa commanders will deploy in force to assist in the defense of this location, and hold it safe from State Empire violence.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Maar-Du
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    Wizzy, Danger Rose, melkiach and 6 others like this.
  2. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The NA2 forces appreciate the assistance from the noble Tohaa. Let us hope the Japanese Bottom is in good hands.
  3. Desanges

    Desanges Nomad Ne'er Do Well

    Mar 10, 2019
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    "I can't officially speak on what Nomad High Command are planning to do but I can assure you that barring any new developments, the Nomads under my command have no interest in checking out the *snrk* Japanese Bottom."

    -Except from an interview with Nomad Commander Desanges. Shortly after the video cuts to black and a fit of giggling can be heard followed by incredulous repetitions of the word "bottom".
  4. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Representative Desagnes of the Nomad Alliance,

    Thank you for your message of support. We also wish you the best in your efforts to keep the ever reaching fingers of the State Empire our of your Gorge, as we fight to keep them out of the Japanese Bottom.

    Authorized Chaksa Representative,
    Shortly before his Authorization was revoked.
  5. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I saddens me to read such a message. During the whole phase I of the conflict Ariadna Diplomacy has gone towards healing the ill relation we had after Novvy Cimmeria. I contacted Marshal Engorn several times, making clear he had our full support against the rebellious Tohaa Sentinels, and that we know the true Trident hadnt anything to do with those attacks. If we fought any Tohaa, it was the terrorists, not the loyal Trident forces. You should go and ask your Marshal, im sure he can check these statements true.

    So please, comrade, do not expand conflict between our forces no more, and if you need help handling the rebellion, dont mind asking for help.

    High Diplomat Foxep, Merovingian Diplomatic Corps of the AEC.
  6. Lion Tremere

    Lion Tremere Herald of the Trident

    Aug 21, 2019
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    Technically Ariadna forces left the Ammo Module as @Captain927 and other commanders declared numerous times.
    So technically we didn't even have a conflict with Ariadna forces during our investigation of Ammo Module. Only a minor misunderstandings and some Ariadna commanders conducting false flag operations, but they were limited.
    Now attacking a peaceful civilian spaceport is an act of open hostilities that will surely worsen our relations.

    I think we all can appreciate how nice Japanese Bottom is and agree, that it requires our protection! Attacking a Japanese Bottom is so inhuman, even Combies are not evil enough to do it! Only attacking a P-0Nies is a worse act against Humanity!
  7. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Greetings Comrades,

    So the Tohaa, will go to the Oberhaus, because they think the O-12 did not do their job correctly and did not fill in the proper forms. You are talking about the undefeated number one in bureaucracy, you know that right? What does an Alien know of human affaires, anyway. I think a more humble approach would suit you. Since you cannot handle your own terrorists properly. You know, the ones O-12 were fighting, for you it seems. You should take a page from Yujings playbook, at least they deal with their insurections.

    Unless, the Terrorists look to be the biggest false flag here, seeing that most of the Tohaa activity on this Asteroid comes from them. So either you have no authority to speak for the Tohaa, or it is just one big illusion.

    Lets Okham razor this whole charade. You were attacking a base together with the Haq Islam, cause you need territory now that your Gate is down. You cannot go home so you parasite on us. JSA and Haq Islam are just the ride to get you there.

    I hope the Dragon gets you burned,

    High Commander Cabaray of the AEC

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
    Thandar and Sedral like this.
  8. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed representative of Araidna,

    while you speak of peace you harbor within your command ranks two of the architects of the Buran Incident which broke the alliance we once shared by breaking from the agreed upon strategy of the allied forces, all so they could launch an unprovoked attack on Pan-Oceania while the main Pan-Oceania force battled against the Combined Army's assault craft.
    Though they maintain this was for medical screening purposes, the fact that an ax is a standard issue piece of equipment to Ariadnan medical professionals belies the idea that Ariadna had the proper medical procedures, or technology to perform such a screening.
    Instead of any sort of contrition, or introspection of the damage they caused by pursuing their reckless scheme, these bombastic commanders continue to rattle sabers at their former allies, who rightfully have no trust that they will not betray any new alliance at a the first perceived chance of claiming a minor gain for their continent nation. (One of the petulant fugitives even seems to be wishing death on our people as they protect the Japanese Nation from attack).
    However, we too wish not to further the conflict between us, which is why we shall bring our grievances to the Oberhaus on Concilium. However, do please be advised that attacks on our allies will be remembered as attacks against our people when the time once again comes for talk of renewing old alliances.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    ChoTimberwolf and TheDiceAbide like this.
  9. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I would like to advice this Tohaa Diplomat that it wasn't the Ariadnan people who broke first an O-12 agreement and run against their allies. For such Tohaas can't speak of good behavior toward allies and alliances, and this will be sustained heavily in front of OberhaĆ¼s in our own report.

    Also, while Ikari Company is not protected by our laws, the Japanese lifes of Novyy Bangkok are. O-12 reminds everyone that while Yu-Jing is an ally in this war, we condemn every savage acts perpetrated by military forces on civilians.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 Head Advisor
    Novyy Bangkok Special Commission
  10. tifus

    tifus Bakunin's witch

    Sep 27, 2019
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    You miss the last part, I add it for you : we condemn every savage acts perpetrated by military forces on civilians unless if it's Aleph.
  11. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    So Comrade,

    Seems you rather dodge the subject and start listing things about the Ariadnans. You look like your out of Diplomatic Ammo. Cause it seems you have trouble with history.

    When Ariadna announced their plans during Wotan to the Alliance, there was no resistance to it, by anyone. I can remember speaking openly about the plans and the rest of the Factions did not talk about ending the Alliance if we went on with our plan. It was after the fact, when the rest Alliance was afraid they would feel retribution from PanOceania, that they distanced themselves from us Ariadnans. We never broke the alliance, we got kicked out. And the attack on the Hyperpower was not unprovoked. It is insulting that you have already forgotten about the Antella incident. It gave you a beautiful medical facility on Paradiso, but you forget human sacrifice for your cause so easily, it does not surprise me.

    Does not differ much on how you handle your "Investigations".

    it is a Claymore to be exact.

    Again, I don't think you know how the system works. So I make it clear once more: If you attack the police, you get arrested.

    So how is that gate going?

    High Commander Cabaray of the AEC
    Captain927 and MikeTheScrivener like this.
  12. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed representative of the O-12 Delegation to the Human Edge,

    as mentioned above, it was a regrettable situation caused by many miscommunications as our forces first pursued a Shasvastii plot to sabotage the Xaraks Ammo Depot, and exacerbated by attacks on our forces as they attempted withdraw in accordance with the O-12 Delegations request. While there many failures in communication and coordination efforts around uncovering the Shasvastii in this area, the situation became a further quagmire when one within your leadership dismissed our legitimate concerns when we discovered two individuals in the Ariadna High Command were fugitives wanted for questioning by the O-12 for their part in the Buran scheme, and issuing the proclamation that, (and I hope you will forgive me for paraphrasing), that O-12 is not our mother. Please be assured we never though of O-12 as our mother, nor master, but as an ally which would be interested in following up on the warrants issued violations of its laws.
    Regrettably this same spokesperson issued the mixed communication that O-12 expected everyone to do as they saw fit to protect their territories and people. As a space fairing empire cut off from our home worlds by Shasvastii sabotage, many among us view the presence of Shasvastii anywhere as the threat to Tohaa everywhere.
    In all, it was an unfortunate incident and a full report will be presented to the Oberhaus.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Thaam-Buur
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
  13. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Guys look! The only tohaa who can't count to three...
    Sedral, Cabaray and Captain927 like this.
  14. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    At least he "tri-ed"
  15. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    He will probably forget the most important one. Which proves that they do not have their Intelligence in order.

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
    cazboab likes this.
  16. Desanges

    Desanges Nomad Ne'er Do Well

    Mar 10, 2019
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    "To the esteemed Maar-Du, I thank you for your kind words. I would have replied sooner but unfortunately a hiccough in our Quantronic servers meant that your message had been flagged and relegated to my "naughty folder". I've only had the chance to *ahem* look over that folder now.

    While I am saddened to hear that you have been relieved of your duties, I would be remiss not to reply and affirm your words of solidarity. We fully intend to bite back against any aggressive thrusts against our Gorge while making sure to watch as you fend back any attempts to harass the fine Japanese Bottom entrusted to your care. Again, we Nomads are always keen to champion the interest of other smaller powers and we reiterate that we have no interest whatsoever in appropriating the Japanese Bo--"

    Suddenly, a furtive looking messenger walks into the video screen and whispers something to the Commander's ears.

    "They decided to take their bachelor's party where!?!?!?"

    -Nomad Commander Desanges upon being informed of the Bachelor Party Incident.
  17. Lion Tremere

    Lion Tremere Herald of the Trident

    Aug 21, 2019
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    It took Trident some time to assemble the forces to secure the Japanese Bottom. All able-bodied Tohaa were too busy disarming all the bombs that Shasvastii set behind at the Ammo Module. Seed-embryos had to be sensored and burned, hidden Speccies and Malignos smoked out and eliminated. For a few days smell of burned Shasvastii could be sensed all around the Xaraks. Two primitive-looking underground passages to the Armories were discovered and collapsed. Looks like a Morats work. But the strangest of all was the discovery of a hidden Sphinx inside a giant 5000-gallon barrel of whiskey. It defies all logic. Like what's the point of hiding a giant TO-camo TAG inside a highly flammable substance? And why the hell would anyone need a 5000-gallon barrel of whiskey?? It will probably remain one of the unresolved mysteries of this giant Rock. Sadly, all of the whiskey were consu... lost in the process of Sphinx recovery. TAG's remote pilot was cut out and a TAG itself will be studied and then probably placed in some Novyy Bangkok Curiosities museum.

    Finally, all triads were assembled and strike teams quickly placed on the key locations, securing the borders of the Japanese Bottom. There were a few skirmishes with YJ soldiers trying to force their order and 'inspections' back at the terrified civilians. But Trident soldiers stood strong, repelling all the attacks until finally peace was established at the Japanese Bottom.
    With so much free time at hand, Tohaa decided to organize a 'Trinomial Fair' for the locals. At the Bottom's main square a number of tents were set up. As any other communications with the humans, it was hit or miss. Pherro-communications and Tohaa's cuisine classes were strangely shunned by the locals. And the 'P-0NY' Surda rides were quite unpopular, with humans largely avoiding these magnificent beasts. But as Tohaa found a small lake's worth of alcohol at the Ammo Module, they decided to organize a small free drinking stand. And it was a major hit! Looks like locals really appreciated all the best Tartar's vodka, Highlander's whiskey, Merovingian cognac, and USAriadnan bourbon.

    After some time spent together, Lion Tremere realized, that though Novyy Bangkok's people appear to be rowdy and unfriendly as the real frontier citizens tend to be, they are quite a nice bunch. With nothing but themselves to trust, they created a nice little community here at this godforsaken Rock. Trident Soldier smiled as he looked at the bunch of local kids chasing around and cuddling a cute and quite frightened symbiomate around the square.
    Maybe after all the Tohaa blood spilt for the sake of the Human Sphere at the Paradizo Hell, we have earned a place here? It looks like there is a lot of free space on this Rock alone. Lion smiled as he imagined retiring and working on his own Surda farm on some peaceful faraway land. Strangely even human girls were quite cute in some bizarre alien way. And humans could appreciate his love for socar as he appreciated their love for alcohol.
    Well, Lion Tremere only had to hope as he put all his retirement savings in the Ikari Company enterprises. They better strike gold!
    #17 Lion Tremere, Oct 15, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    Wizzy, Lady Numiria and Desanges like this.
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