Calling all Nomads!

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by WiseKensai, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's time to demonstrate our Quadronic Superiority to the rest of the Human Sphere, Nomad brothers and sisters! Good Hunting!
    Wizzy, Asreon_, Ugin and 10 others like this.
  2. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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  3. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    To: the Nomad Nation High Command

    You may be aware that suspicion has arisen concerning the close links between Nomad illegal activities and the multiplication of Shasvastii nests since the so-called Kurage incident.

    Under O-12 supervision, ALEPH has decided to operate controlling missions on Nomad locations in order to check the reality of Shasvastii infiltration.

    ALEPH would greatly appreciate a complete cooperation of Nomad forces during these operations. No harm will be caused to any of your citizens or operatives.

    So, the answer to your biased propagandist question is: no.

    FM: Commander Minos
    Steel Phalanx officer
    Spokesman of the ALEPH High Command
    moyamoya, theGricks and WiseKensai like this.
  4. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Calling each other Shashvastii, weakens the meaning of the word. If we keep crying Wolf, you will not be believed when the real danger arrives. Even us Ariadnans can see you are fighting an age old conflict on yet another battlefield. O-12 already stated that they will not just be used to be a reason for a fight. It is a weak casus belli. Just be honest about your intentions. Good Luck Nomads, keeping Big Brother out of the Arachne network.

    High Commander Cabaray of the AEC.
    Ealthril, Brother Smoke and theGricks like this.
  5. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My fellow Ariadnan comrade seems to voluntarily forget that ALEPH only operates under O-12's Bureau Toth supervision. ALEPH is therefore the only force in this conflict that can truly and undoubtedly claim itself working for O-12.

    No age old conflict, no hidden intentions, ALEPH only concern is to protect Humanity.
    Wizzy, ChoTimberwolf and theGricks like this.
  6. JoKeR

    JoKeR HAWZA Instructor

    Nov 26, 2017
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    @Minos i think you would be glad to know what QK officers already propose our helping hand to Bromads, like it was in times of Kurage crisis with Johnny-5 node base. we always stay like this -
    Ealthril, Asreon_, Errhile and 2 others like this.
  7. JoKeR

    JoKeR HAWZA Instructor

    Nov 26, 2017
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    & yes, commander @Cabaray - we have spare fresh troops here in a hungars. The only reason we not wipe you out from the Battereys to the void throught the airlocks by now, as i already said many times, - we are also not want meaningless bloodsheed, despite your aqusing us as agressor.
    Meanwhile i totaly agreed with you, commander, in one particular thing - the only ones who profits from whole this situation is our enemyes - Shaswastii & Combined Army.
    just peacefully hand that rusty Guns to our control. our engeeners better know how to mantain them. even O-12 already stated your incompetence in question of guarding these weapon platform.
    & if these Guns comes to a wrong hands - it would be OUR troops who get cought under fire, because battery pointing right on to the hungars entrance.
    #7 JoKeR, Sep 22, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
    Errhile and theGricks like this.
  8. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    So you are not the aggressor. Good to know.

    And you want to take over the guns because of our "incompetence"? Aha.

    I thought it was all about the Shashvastii you thought were lurking about and that it all was just an Investigation? Now you want to conquer the guns.

    And therefor you attack, we defend, but are not the Agressor.

    May I offer you a dictionary?

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
  9. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Which is exactly what an AI would say to put you at ease. There's no tricking Nomads on this one--we've seen too many of ALEPH's actions and the contents of too many of your secret data stores throughout the Human Sphere, not just on Novyy Bangkok.

    The Nomad Nation absolutely agrees that the Combined Army are a clear and present danger, and we are dealing with them ourselves. Our combat logs are public record on Novyy Bangkok. I invite you to inspect them to witness the ferocity with which our forces are disposing of the aliens.

    Besides, the infestation is much worse in the Gallery Maze...

    And for the record, the Nomad Nation is much more comfortable with the Xaraks Battery in the hands of Haqqislamite forces. A space defense platform belongs in the hands of a spacefaring nation. Qapu Khalqi engineers and defense personnel have a long and storied history of defending Haqqislam's interests in space. It is paramount that shipping and resupply not be disrupted, so we strongly encourage the Ariadnans to peacefully hand over the battery. Everyone is experiencing combat losses, so the silk must flow!

    That said, we Nomads have every bit of confidence and respect in Ariadnan forces' ability to hunt down and terminate Combined Army forces in the area--might I suggest aiding your ALEPH overseers in the Gallery maze?
    Ealthril and Danger Rose like this.
  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Thank you for voicing your confidence in us, @WiseKensai .

    With Pankgein Nbis Hangars firmly controlled by the Sword of Allah and Qapu Khalqi personnel assuring the guns of Xaraks Battery won't fire randomly upon approaching vessels, Nomad Command is welcome to route in supplies through Haqq docks. As many great generals have observed, an army marches on its stomach - and supplies are even more crucial in high-tech warfare.

    So, as it was before, so it is again - we are there to support the Nomad Nation.
    Ealthril, WiseKensai and Danger Rose like this.
  11. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    @WiseKensai. Well Comrade, seems you have shown me what it means to come in Nomads defense. And Aleph our Overseers. May I remind you that Ariadna has beaten Aleph, twice. Once during Flamestrike where we have send you the Node Parts we conviscated. And once on Wotan, cause they were not handling their Combined Army infestation. Calling them our overseers, a cube less nation, is a bit of a stretch don't you think.

    As of the Battery Field, O-12 put us Ariadnans in charge there by their behest. Now Haq Islam is defying it and Nomads are condoning it. And where first it was just an "investigation" it turned into a full take over. Stop acting that it is in your own defense, you are out for Ariadnan blood. How hard is it to be straight about your intentions.
    Foxep likes this.
  12. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Attention all Nomad forces!

    The Nomad Council has convened and decided to lay a trap for ALEPH and Combined in The Gorge.

    All Nomad commanders are to prepare a defense in depth, and strike only once the enemy has over-committed and is well within the defined killing zone. The blocking elements are to lay down withering fire at their front and assault elements will crush their flanks.

    Further details in the Nomad Briefing Room:

    Good hunting, Nomads!
    Ealthril and JoKeR like this.
  13. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Ah the old "The best laid plans are the ones posted for all to see" technique. Well played.
    Abrilete and theGricks like this.
  14. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    OOC: Bold strategy Cotton, lets see how it works out for them!
    Brother Smoke and Captain927 like this.
  15. bloodw4ke

    bloodw4ke Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Beware! There are rumors of coordination, or maybe an informal mutual non-aggression developing between ALEPH and EI forces.
  16. Minos

    Minos Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ... as can testify our continuous operations against EI in the Maze since the beginning of the hostilities on Novyy Bangkok.

    There are times when even an AI can feel tired in the face of so much nonsense...

    Commander Minos
    Steel Phalanx
    Foxep and Danger Rose like this.
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm hereby informing that a number of junior Haqqislamite commanders have come to an agreement, and we wish to make it public knowledge.

    Any Nomad citizen in need of medical or humanitarian aid that - due to current hostilities - will turn up at our medical stations, will be provided such, as far as our resources allow.

    We deeply regret that we cannot provide evacuation assistance for those in need who are still inside Cosmika HQ territory, but if you can make it to Pakngein Nbis Hangar and request medical or humanitarian help, you won't be turned away.

    This is an unilateral, goodwill initiative of lower-level Haqqisalmite commanders. We hope it will be sanctioned and supported by the Haqqislamite High Command, but such decisions take time, and we do not want to sit idle while Nomad citizens suffer.

    We have also asked the HHC to excercise the authority bestowed upon them by the Hachib, and approve estabilishment of a waqf* to help us fund this humanitarian action, insallah. Until that happens, the operation will be funded from our personal assets.

    Please also note that, while we oppose Aleph actions in Nomad territory, Aleph personnel in need of medical attention due to operations in The Gorge will be treated as dictated by the International Law of Armed Conflict.

    * [OOC] in Arabic legal tradition, essentially, a kind of a charitable fundation.
    #17 Errhile, Sep 27, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  18. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Nomad Council thanks all of Haqqislam for their continued support, from the echelons of Haqqislam High Command to the junior commanders fighting in the streets of Novyy Bangkok.

    The generosity and stalwart support flowing Haqqislam over the years is something that is taught to Nomad children across the 'Sphere. We do not forget.
  19. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Haqqislam High Command has approved a waqf. Inshallah!

    May Allah lead the Nomad Nation to victory against their invaders.
  20. Lion Tremere

    Lion Tremere Herald of the Trident

    Aug 21, 2019
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    In this uncertain times, when violence is flaring and new battlefields appear every day, I think it is important to remember, that even if friends are far away, they always remember and care for each other.
    So I would like to give all the Gorge citizens a small present, it's a..
    P-0NY - :3urda edition!

    Your best friend for fun and recreation purposes! You can ride on it, you can pet it, you can send it to mutilate the invaders!
    P.S. please don't feed it synthetics, only natural food.
    Einhorn, Ealthril, nehemiah and 3 others like this.
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