There's an interesting spike in the graphs in the Yu Jing faction page that I'm struggling to explain. One day last week flagged 33 Yu Jing battles in the Liberty Cargo Storage area. That's an area where only 46 battles have taken place and Yu Jing have only scored 16 points. I have no idea what is creating this anomalous data - perhaps some kind of Shasvastii plot or dark matter throwing out the graphs. The theatre scores and recorded battles for liberty cargo don't seem to include these 33 battles. Am I reading this thing right? My first guess for that activity was that a huge number of reports had been dumped on that theatre and that day to influence something... but if so, where did they go? And why would they all include Yu Jing, when they weren't trying to push Yu Jing scores up in the area? I think I'm leaning towards a Warconsole bug of some kind, but any other ideas are welcome.