The chest and helmet are different from the Zuyong. I wouldn't mind an updated Shang Ji - that was the model that originally got me into Yu Jing. :)
Margot is a HI. Which is a technically correct, the best kind of correct. Fractaa and Gao Tarsos, tho, have two real wounds.
Minuteman: technically HI, has 1 wound and the same ARM as the sectorial's basic line unit. Rasail: technically LI, in has 3 wounds and portable cover, and can be protected further with a symbiomate. Classification! :D
I totally forgot about her. Ariadna should stop classifying their MI as HI lest they start to become vulnerable to E/M ammunition ;P
They are vulnerable to EM Ammunition. It disables the leather straps holding the armor plates together or something.
It can be hardly fan art when you make reference to the artist, that Bostria has mentioned many times during his seminars, they like so much to work with Hutomo. He's an official freelancer for CB. Besides there's too many details in that art. The AD trooper is wearing orange + green scheme, which has been stated by CB time ago to be Invincible Army's colors. And he's fully enclosed in a power armor as thighs and crotch area suggest, instead of Tiger Soldier's combat fatigues. I recall Bostria said in LVO seminar that each of the fiver new sectorial armies released during this year would have background reasons concerning the plot in order to support their appearance instead of being just a "here you have a new army". So all this japanese insurrection sounds like the plot to put into scene the first sectorial of the year: the Invincible Army
See, it's already happening, ariadnan soldiers are so convinced they have power armour that they don't fall unconscious after receiving the first wound but stop moving when hit with E/M ammunition, the next thing you know is they'll start to believe they are hackable XD.
And he is really good I like his style(s)! Just skimmed through and found some Infinity art I never saw before. Did he do the RPG artworks too?
Could be both (well each of three) : Invincible army, Loyalist Japanese Sectorial Army and a NA2 Rebel Japanese Army. The loyalists would loose a few troops (like the kempetai and characters, the JSA have 6 of them) and probably gain some, while the rebels would have Kempetai leaders and the characters that are no longer with the loyalists. Yuriko could switch to the rebels for example, her secret revealed.
According to the red veil dossier, Tigers got added to invincible army so I do not think, even if this image was related to IA in some way, that the troop we see is not meant to be a Tiger.
I know the speculation was a bit ago, but the original Enough image is in the N3 Corebook. It might have come from other places first, but it is there for sure.
If this is factual then the Human sphere is doomed along with the Combined and Tohaa forces. Orkz are nothing to sniff at let alone deal with/fight against.
Aleph won’t join the EI. Why bother when the EI is just a subsystem of Aleph. The entire CA consists of genetically engineered clones to act a a “common enemy” that Aleph feels the Human Sphere needs to unify its forces and prevent humanity from committing racial suicide out of self centred jingoism.
Just to point out for anyone who thinks the art is just fan art and not a hidden leak, just look at the Hac tao and Guija compared to their dossiers and models, even the smallest details are where they should be. Maybe mildly stylized, but from the shape of the shoulder armor to the design of the helmet to the paint scheme, everything is correct. Why change the "tiger soldier" so drastically? Just saying guys!
My thoughts exactly. Why would you botch the Tiger Soldier that badly? It's also the focus of the image which would of course make sense if it was a new troop typ CB wanted to show off.