Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Brother Smoke, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I thank you, estimate Tohaa representative, for your cooperation at the ammo module with our law enforcers and for your informations on Commander Cazboab. We will examine every evidences you've put there in order to decide what is the best for the Human Sphere in that regard.

    Unfortunately, given also the very same evidences, we cannot pursue Commander Cabaray for his simple presence without any further proof of involvement in the past actions you claim. But you are free to submit more intel if you want an investigation to be made.

    As for Yu-Jing harassment campaign, I believe that if a JSA representative want to be heard by our services, we still repeat to all Concilium that we are all open to any representative of the Human Sphere and will give proper attention to any diplomatic incidents or misconducts happening in Novyy Bangkok.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 Head Advisor
    Novyy Bangkok Commission
  2. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    *slow clap*

    Top... notch... investigating. The Tohaa have proven that their intelligence forces are essentially schoolyard tattle tales.

    A single revolver is no reason for a court martial or dishonourable discharge.

    There are real problems at hand here.
    cazboab likes this.
  3. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I want to remind everyone here that O-12 is not your weapon. It is not your "mommy" you can call while pointing your finger. We have serious work to do here and I would appreciate it if our time wasn't wasted. I need not to concern myself with what one drunken Ariadnan may say or think.

    That being said, our Tohaa friend here has some very serious accusations – and I'm not talking about an illegal side arm. This is the second time Shasvasti infiltration into Ariadan command has been accused – from two separate parties. It's becoming rather suspicious that these accusations keep cropping up. I would also be interested to see what Yu-jing has to say for itself. I can say, publicly, we've had issues with them during the Uprising.

    O-12 High Commissioner
    Novyy Bangkok Commission
    #23 MikeTheScrivener, Sep 21, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    Ariwch likes this.
  4. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    High Commissioner, two fools farting in a room and blaming the sound on ducks, doesn't make it a barnyard.

    I'm getting quite tired of the lip flapping from the Haqqislam Command and Tohaa delegation. I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the Ariadnan forces that are currently working and fighting beside the O-12 in the Battery and the Module? Or the fact that that it was the O-12 that asked for Ariadas help in manning and repairing these installations after they were stripped bare by the Ikari Company.

    I'll listen to no more baseless allegations and lies about our people. Show us the evidence or consider the matter closed.

    Caledonian S.A.S.
    Thandar, theGricks and cazboab like this.
  5. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Besides which my commission is hereditary, I have to commit something in the category of high treason against Caledonia to be reassigned

    The Time is being wasted by ridiculous accusations that basic logic would show to be spurious and deflectionary.

    The comment on "drunken Ariadnans" is defamatory, racist and unbecoming of a supposedly neutral officer of O-12.
    Foxep and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I find it more interesting that if Ariadna were innocent in this matter, then why do they not submit to a simple investigation instead of the severe escalation that is occuring? This is what worries the Hachib the most about Ariadnas involvement in the defense of the Human Sphere. They follow mandate sent to the letter, until it does not suit them. Following multiple breaches of mandate (again see the Raxora incident, and the Novyy Cimmeria incidents), they cry foul now that some powers are coming forth with accusations, and waving their authority as if it were a veto on all transgressions. Ariadna is a very rash, and egotistical nation, as described by their own diplomats.

    The Hachib is very worried that Ariadna is a weak point and danger to the Sphere defense simply due to the fact of this issue. Should O-12 continue to employ the AEC in high profile, and target rich areas of EI activity, they would prefer that Ariadna have more supervision and stricter punishment for flagrant disregard to or stretching of, mandate orders. Perhaps Ariadnas mandate is too broad and should be restricted further.
    Ariwch and nehemiah like this.
  7. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    (OOC) Man, you are killing me :joy::joy::joy:
  8. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    ooc: Jeez how did I miss this?! I am literally dying!
    Captain927 and Brother Smoke like this.
  9. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Stop. Are you prefer to listen Haqqislam, that can be easily sepsitorized, and Tohaa, that had enough traitors to make separate units of them and still vulnerable to sepsitor? Am I right?
    About drinking alcohol. In Tataria we have not trust people that are nondrinkers. Most of them are triing to hide something/
    Thandar likes this.
  10. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I would like to state that the AEC is worrisome about how the situation is being handled. We are collaborating, but only with a higher level authority, O-12. Each nation is up to be respected to the most extent, and only due to respond for its deeds in front of the high comission of O-12. I wont hear any more entitlement of competences driven by Tohaa or Haqquislam or whoever might want to entitle themselves with whatever. If you try to surpass that authority and try to “inspect” things you are not allowed to, you are going to be driven back as protocol shows.

    On the Tohaa petition to take down Cabaray and Cazboab from High Command i will say the same. “Stick to your stick”. There is no trial yet on that matter in the O-12 courts, so, until then, the AEC will have as Command whichever we see fit for it, not any Tohaa likes or dislikes. Respect the other nations sovereign customs. It may be that because we have a long list of that not being respected, we have developed a taste for being harsh and egotistical. If you want that attitude changed, i would recommend to start treating Ariadna as its own, deserving respect, nation.

    High Diplomat Foxep, Merovingian Diplomat Corps of the AEC.
    theGricks and Lady Numiria like this.
  11. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The issue is one of time. The accusations have no evidence to back them up and we'd be spinning our wheels while the actual confirmed Shasvastii presence goes ignored....
  12. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Many in Haqqislam do not have cubes. Simply not having a cube does not, though, make you higher than legal scrutiny, or scrutiny against infiltration. It simply removes one possibility of infiltration. Some in the past have gone over to the EI of their own free will.

    As for respect to the Ariadnan Nation. We respect the Ariadnan Nation. Haqqislam always has. Thus was it the reason we asked for your cooperation in the effort of rooting out infiltrators, and checking your holdings. An internal investigation is never a course of action as many will see it as illegitimate. The AEC lost respect with the rest of the defense forces though when they made attacks on others, from what appeared to be baseless reasons. This is what gave rise to our concern. These "hostilities" as you refer to them, are of your own making.

    Perhaps, you should have respect for your allies, instead of simply expecting respect for existing. Your nation is not the only one that can experience true death, and not the only one to have heavy losses to the EI offensives. Our own Qapu Khalqi fleets were damaged to the point of being combat ineffective, and many lost their lives defending the space elevators on Paradiso. If you wish to know why we must make investigations against all concerns we have, it is because we can ill afford further loss. Thus, is the reason that Haqqislam is becoming increasingly agitated at the escalation of violence.

    Perhaps an older phrase may be to your liking? "You have made this bed, and now you must lay in it."
    Ariwch likes this.
  13. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I know only one example of this, and she wasn't born in Ariadna.
    So is it cause for you to start assaults on our troopers without warning or formal declaration of war? It is strange kind of respect, isn't it?
    Our casualties much harder to restore because of much smaller population. And you only make it worse with your attacks.
    It easily turns on your side too. And do not forget - you sow wind and would reap storm.
    (OOC - I don't know English variant of this Bible quote, so I just translate Russian variant as is.)
  14. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Ooc: I'll provide ic later but I am very interested in this quote, can you send me the Russian in a message please and thank you!
  15. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    What baseless reasons would they be?

    Antella was attacked by pano forces until the combined army were able to seize an aleph node that we reclaimed and kept offline as a precaution.

    The Sandanista launched from LaForja and had Shasvastii discovered aboard her. Ariadna and Aleph units moved to investigate. Someone triggered a structural collapse of the docking structure and any evidence of the origin of the infection was lost.

    The PanO troops returning from the Raxxora were possible carriers of new and strange bio weapons, not to mention the risk of sepsitorization.

    Everyone on Novvy chimera was in violation of our national sovereignty, and we lost almost the entire Deployable assets of the Merovingian forces, stalling a combined army staging post. PanOc 23 was flying sorties in our territory.

    Right now we would be knees deep in the investigation of the strip, but someone started shooting at us then a few days later decided that we must be Shasvastii...

    OOC: The English version is "sew the wind and reap the whirlwind"
  16. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We do not deny your validity in investigating and expunging the threat of the Sandinista. Your forces were invaluable in that record, and had full Sphere backing.

    What we deny is the claim you were "setting up a quarantine facility" for returning PanOceanian forces from the Raxxora. This is hard to believe as Ariadna has no capabilities of such things. You have no technology to process and scan cubes, your medical knowledge is lacking as well. How did Ariadna think they would process so many PanOceanian troops? Your troops would have been far more beneficial on the Raxxora where your lack of cube technology would have been an asset. You occupied the Panoceanian territories in retaliation for Flamia. Panoceania was an aggressor there but you repelled them successfully. That should have been the end of the conflict. On Kurage they were doing very little. Their lack of personnel, or motivated officership was obvious to all. It is possible you saw simple patrols as sorties, and used that as an excuse to attack them.

    Further, being rebuked diplomatically by the Japanese Secessionist Nation is no reason for wielding the blunt force of your military against them. We wished for no communications, and the Japanese are known for being very similar to your people. Brash and hot blooded. Being the larger and more established nation, it would have fallen on you to not be baited into confrontation.

    Novyy Cimmeria was outside of your "national sovereignty" as described by O-12 law. It was not on the mainland.

    The Strip was investigated and returned to the various companies that own territory there only a few days ago. These companies assisted in the investigation, and we left. It was a quick and efficient process because they cooperated with our intelligence agencies. TheDiceAbide can attest that we are no longer mobilizing there, just as we had promised him. We left when our work concluded. On the Jonny 5 Nodebase, the Nomads can attest, when they had regained mobilization strength, we left. On the Beijing Orbital, we provided Yu Jing medical and evacuation assistance. Haqqislam has only ever kept its word, and aided the Sphere. Ariadna simply takes.
    Ariwch likes this.
  17. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Back. Ariadna takes back. On Dawn, on this Rock... We will take back what is/was ours. Then we'll come for the aggressors.
    theGricks and Apps0206 like this.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Inshallah, my friend. If God wills it.
  19. Apps0206

    Apps0206 Kazak Sneeki Breeki

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Tovarisch komandiry.
    This soldier finds it odd that we are being labeled as the aggressors despite our attacks being retaliatory in nature. This soldier is bitter for having lost comrades to unprovoked aggression only to be labeled as the aggressor or a alien spy.
    As far as investigations go, this simple soldier is pretty sure it does not involve launching a hostile takeover of our assigned positions, only to backstep and call it an investigation and accuse us for being shape-shifting aliens after being repelled.

    I suppose our reputation as raging alcoholics is not unfounded, for we would need to be very drunk to accept and tolerate our current situation.

    On a side note, I suppose our actions on Dawn are odd for our Haqq "friends" to grasp, as I believe it is "haraam" for them to spill blood in their own homes. I would hazard that invaders would be blasted from orbit long before they made landfall if the Japanese had tried for Bourak instead of Novvy Crimea.
    theGricks and cazboab like this.
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