Address from the Ambassador of Haqqislam

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by theGricks, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    As-slam alyakum,

    In coordination with their allies, the Haqqislam Nations military is moving to take control of “Xaraks Batteries” laying in defense of the Novyy Bangkok Asteroid. During this time we will be conducting investigations into Ariadna for possible EI collaboration and/or infiltration.

    Our diplomats for the last couple of years have tried to work with the Ariadnan nation but only ever received, at best, cold refusal. We have long been watching this nation's impetuous, and rash actions over the last couple of years. In response to their actions of the Raxora Conflict during the Wotan defense, and their behavior on Novyy Cimmeria, Haqqislam High Command of Bourak have come to the decision that they are a danger to the space traffic around the Asteroid of Novyy Bangkok, and subsequently, Haqqislams economic interests. Our only belief is that EI influence has taken hold, and failing that, sheer diplomatic incompetence is the only other option.

    We ask that Ariadnan officials to work with their Qapu Khalqi replacements on the Battery controls so we may efficiently and quickly perform this investigation. The Haqqislam Nation thanks their allies for their aid, and ask the Ariadnan Nation to cooperate in this endeavour.

    Due to the nature of this investigation, and the importance of the Batteries, we will not be taking any rash, or impetuous actions lightly. All actions Haqqislam will be taking and discoveries made will be presented to the current O-12 commision assigned to the Asteroid, Novyy Bangkok. Haqqislam promises that they will take no actions outside of the purview of the Xarak Batteries Field itself, and as such will consider the Ammo Depot outside of jurisdiction.

    Savnock, Melchior and Lauinav like this.
  2. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    High Diplomat Foxep of the AEC,

    We would have never believed Haqquislam, the diplomat nation, would attack anyone without previous warning or diplomatic intercourse. But well, here we are with a communicate of conflict after 1 full day of attacks on the Batteries we were tasked to defend by O12 itself.

    I can only see your reasons to do so as poor excuses, as you claim EI activity and distrust on an army that has fought always following O12 directives. We are the AEC, we fight outside Dawn by O12 standards. So, are you saying Haqquislam is over O12 to decide to take us out from our duty?

    Apart from that, you recall past events in distant sectors. Thats all it takes to make a diplomat nation attack another that is only doing guard duty in this sector? Well, we guess Haqquislam High Command in Novyy Bangkok is very different from the one in the rest of the Sphere.

    You talk about EI in our modules. What everyone has seen, is that you have Dark Star Company ships in your hangar, and that you are willing to make deals with Shasworth financial. Both have been reported by many as Shasvastii exploits. Its a pity that with that on you, you still come blaming us without proof or signs of it.

    If we are ever going to let the Batteries down, it would be for O12. Thats why the AEC rightfully asks for the Haqquislam High Command in Novyy Bangkok to retract from these attacks and mind their own base in look for the EI. We know how to forgive, and we wont mind this misunderstanding, we hope you get to forgive one day. If you dont, well, we are sure the public opinion will start changing their view on Haqquislam, and maybe you find yourselves alone with no allies after all that time spent building them.

    Hope you rethink about this regrettable decission.

    Foxep, High Diplomate of the Merovingian Diplomatic Corps of the AEC.
    Cabaray likes this.
  3. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    EI infiltration is a constant threat and we understand that you have to scan our cubes in order to ooooh wait....

    Blow it out your as-salam.

    Get it up Yeh.
    Caz, not high but probably drinking Caledonian "diplomat".
    SpectralOwl, Cabaray and Foxep like this.
  4. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Comrade Gricks....

    You disappoint me. For a nation who has such a profound reputation in diplomacy, I expected more from a declaration of war. Not even the courtesy of laying out the reason of attack on our forces, like the gentlemen you perceived to be, before opening fire. Or at least warned me so that I could have lowered my expectations. A declaration, more in line with the poems of old, but alas. This is it.

    Now I have to make due with an explanation. that all the years we have had diplomatic relations, felt cold to you. Why didn't you say so, we would have gladly raised the Thermostat. All the intel we shared, all the meetings or the time we had this special mission to attack you, but we refused, cause well, you were friends da? Was that all for nothing? We listened to you, took your advice, but now only sadness remains.

    And what is this flimsy Casus Belli. Our behaviour at Wotan? That time we fought the Combined Army on the Indra-3 Mobase succesfully, you mean? Or the thing with the Nomads, which have been cleared up as of now? Or the thing with Pano that has been cleared up as of now? You have to refresh my memory, it has been so long ago. Why is that a problem now, while we have been upholding a peaceful standing between us during those times?

    Our behaviour on Novy Cimmeria. The lack of proper knowledge is insulting. have you ever tried in your mind, to replace "Novy cimmeria" with "Bourak" and see how you would respond if the whole Human Sphere comes looking for fresh real estate. I expected more empathy from the human spheres Diplomats.

    And to call us collaborators with the alien is laughable at best and disrespectful to the Merovingian Rapid Response Force at its worst. My fellow High Commanders have said enough about that matter. You are terrible at hiding your true intentions.

    Comrade, just be honest. You like the fight, you like to conquer! Al those years of staying neutral and diplomatic and never actually going anywhere, you got bored. I would have gotten bored. Writing endless reports about defending a base that no one will attack, cause everyone thinks you are the boy scout nation. You want a new thrill, admit it. You took the Main Strip from the Mercenaries while you were taking the Guns. You are invading all the interesting places cause you want a monopoly on this asteroid and have fun doing so. You want this rock for yourself. A new commercial hub to exploit. You have hoarded power over the years and now you want to spend it all and get that sword of Allah wet in the process. And if you can be honest with us Ariadnans about it, we can respect that.

    Your declaration is nothing but a mirror. How you depict us in your declaration is actually your inner desire. You want to be on the offensive for once, you want the initiative and fire first before asking questions. and we shall kill you for it on the battlefield.


    Cabaray, High Commander of the Ariadnan Expeditionary Force
    #4 Cabaray, Sep 19, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  5. JoKeR

    JoKeR HAWZA Instructor

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Must i remind to commander @Cabaray that in every campaign haqqislam proceded successfull offence operations?
    this campaign is not the exception.
    you saw Turtle Haqqislam & you not like it. you saw Striking Scorpion Haqqislam & you not like it even more.
    we warn everyone before the start of this campaign that times of diplomacy comes to an end. Enemy at our doors, while you continue accusing us instead of attacking true foes. Not PanO or Tohaa, but Combined Army our enemy.
    But your accuses are motiveless. Honestly no one in HHC have NO reason to spill the blood of humans. we always respected Ariadnans, this proud & independent nation.
    i personaly were on РАССВЕТ & meet many good soldiers there.
    the only reason of our actions - we saw what СТАВКА generals, such as you @Cabaray , done in the past. thats why HHC want to be sure, where the Battery Guns be pointed in a crucial moment.
    you are reaping what you sowed.
    #5 JoKeR, Sep 19, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  6. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Esteemed Ariadnan Diplomats,

    Slurs and accusations do not become ambassadors and diplomats. We have provided our reasons, and have backing from most of the human sphere. You may read into this in whichever way you wish. You tout that you are here on O-12 orders when it suits you, O-12 had declared Novyy Cimmeria to be independent land separate of the Ariadnan Nation, I am glad to see you are so good at following the edicts you profess. If it is so important to you, then do know we are here with the full knowledge of O-12, as the liaison for this investigation. If our distrust and concern was just our own then we would be here alone. It should stand as testament that we are not alone. Others do share in our concern, and if our concern is unfounded then that is for the best. We do hope it to be unfounded.

    We wish to remind you that our jurisdiction ends within the Battery Fields. The Main Strip is being dealt with in concert with the leaders of the Mercenary Companies present and do not concern the Ariadnan Nation. The memory of the Haqqislam Nation is very long, and the incentive for us to act must be great before we do. We do not wish bloodshed, but if that is the only cooperation that Ariadna will provide, then it does nothing to abscond you of what you are being investigated for.

    Haqqislam High Command Liaison
  7. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The Right Ticked off People of Caledonia have prepared a few words. We wrote them in prose so ye can better understand.

    You say we are The Enemy
    But the truth is its you and not we.
    So I'll say to @theGricks
    That we see through your tricks
    And that you're in bed with Shasvaasti

    To the people of the Human Sphere:

    See what is in front of you. Ever since Shasworth Financial and The Dark Star Corporation has set up operations in this Asteroid, the Haqqislam leadership has curtsied and bowed to each and every ask and declaration from them.
    The proof is in the pudding. For a reasonable people, Haqqislam is acting very unreasonable. Almost as if they are controlled by something... evolved?
    Tongfa, Savnock, Thandar and 4 others like this.
  8. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The sector Haqq is in charge is suspected by O-12 to have Shasvastii infiltration. O-12 dispatchs Ariadna and Aleph to investigate this matter. How could Haqq representative say, facepalm, that they are attacking Ariadna to present evidence against the Ariadnan nation to O-12 ?

    It has to be a joke ... Or just proof that haqq is working with the EI. Is it because they were septsitorized or because they want their dirty little secret so hard they are ready to ally with our Arch ennemy ?

    cazboab, MATRAKA14 and Foxep like this.
  9. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Please Commanders, calm down and stay within the rule of Concilium's engagement.

    If Haqqislamn has proof of activities that requires our attention, we will be pleased to review them within O-12.

    Same goes for the Ariadna Nation. Shavastii is a major threat we cannot take lightly, and making free allegations against each other can be part of the disruptive Shavastii secret attack plan. If you have significative proof Haqqislam Head Command has been compromised, then competent authorities will act upon.

    Until then anything against the rules of engagement established by the Concilium will be watched carefully.
    Danger Rose and MikeTheScrivener like this.
  10. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    I wonder how this has been cleared up.

    We have been accused collaborating with the EI without any proof.
    Our shipyard has been destroyed.
    Our survivors have been attacked when they tried to escape the arbitrary violence by Ariadna and Aleph.

    Remember that meeting:

    We never forgot that.

    Serious Bob, JoKeR, Errhile and 2 others like this.
  11. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Haqqislam has provided its reasons for taking control of the batteries. Accusations are heard and understood. Again, we hope there is no EI involvement, and that Ariadna is simply lacking in any diplomatic abilities. We will see what comes of this in a few weeks after our investigations. We are following all prescribed wants and wishes of the other Sphere powers in this and will not be stepping outside of our jurisdiction.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  12. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Your reasons are hollow and without merit. The O-12 you claim to be working on behalf of is still requesting your "intelligence".

    The O-12 you claim to be working on behalf of is still requesting your "intelligence".

    O-12 above noted that they do not have knowledge of the information you claim to have. Surely this is not the backing of O-12. And where are the other powers voices in this? Or perhaps these are voices only you can hear?
  13. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Ariadna has no aggression or collaboration pacts with PanO, Yu Jing, Aleph, Nomads and we were even in the intercourse of finishing diplomatically last year conflict with the Tohaa.

    How can that be seen as lacking in any diplomatic abilities? Declaring war without any warning or diplomatic intercourse IS the clear symbol of lacking diplomatic abilities. You are alone on this attack.

    Lets see how you 1 on 1 with a bear.

    Foxep out.
  14. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    As detailed above, we have said we are investigating based upon the irrational, negligent, and dangerous behavior that the Ariadnan Nation has acted under over the last couple of years in conflict both internal, and external against the EI. As we have now mentioned numerous times, we hope we don't find anything, but will be investigating nonetheless, and have approval to do so.

    We again urge the Ariadnan Expeditionary Corp to cooperate in this endeavour to prevent casualties on both sides. If you persist in proving to the Human Sphere you are incapable of subscribing to the same investigations you conduct, then the Swords of Allah will be force to increase hostilities, which we are loath to do.Haqqislam has long protected, defended, and aided the Human SPhere both in humanitarian and military aid. We aided the Yu Jing at the Baijing Consulate during the EI attack, providing medical assistance, while you, Ariadna decided to seize control of the Panoceanian defenses as their majority force was away. In Novyy Cimmeria, we pushed ALEPH's illegal advances on Nomad property away and then returned those assets to the Nomad Nation peacefully when they were able to provide adequate security. Further, we have brokered communications between Nomads and Panoceania, along with Tohaa and the Nomad Nation. We have long sought to provide the best that we can to the Human Sphere.

    The Ariadnan Nation may act in whatever way they wish though, both in diplomacy and on the battlefield. We will still provide medical attention to all parties wounded in this unnecessary conflict. This is, after all, an investigation into the possible infiltration of an ally, and not an attack on an enemy.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  15. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    If the address before does not let you know our intentions, then I do not know what to provide you. Are you not now aware of the investigation? You keep declaring war, but we have provided no declaration of war as we have not declared war. As mentioned, we are investigating infiltration of an ally. If you see this as an act of war, then that is more concerning.

    If you wish a letter, then consider this your letter of regards in this fact.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  16. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    That's not true. O-12 won't let me use the rubber duck, the tijuana rope trick or the ginger beer float, and they've denied my patent for the pediatric taser twice now...
    Brother Smoke and theGricks like this.
  17. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Shooting and misplacing another sovereign forces detached to defend a location sounds like an act of war. Use your language to make it look better all you want, but you are going against another sovereign nation will. The only faction Ariadna would allow to do that is O12, as those are their instalations we are guarding. You have no right to do what you are doing and yet you keep trying to make it look like the nice thing.

    Try to fool the rest, we have a clear duty to fullfill. There are two options, you retreat, and nothing happens, or you keep on, and we will act as anyone would against this kind of aggression. We never desired Haqquislam any bad and "irrational, negligent, and dangerous behavior" is just our cultural being, i could even get culturally offended by you saying our way of living is enough reason to invade us.

    If you just wanted more "civilised" conversation i could have invited you all to tea and pastry from our british comrades in Dawn.

    Consider this the final response to your letters, i wont spend more ink into this if there is no improvement on the relations.

    High Diplomat Foxep of the Merovingian Diplomatic Corps of the AEC.
    Cabaray likes this.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    OOC: Color me curious....
    Foxep and cazboab like this.
  19. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Let's step into an alternate dimension, where Haq Islam tried the diplomatic approach.

    Haq HQ: Salaam aleikum my most honored friends from Ariadna.
    Ariadna HQ: Comrades, happy to see you, what can I do for you.
    Haq HQ: What are your plans on the Asteroide?
    Ariadna HQ: Seems we are on guard duty for the O-12, Again…
    Haq HQ: Well, holding a metal detector suits you.
    [Both parties laugh at stupid joke]
    Ariadna HQ: We will hold these guns and shoot down the CA when they get here. Maybe return the favor to NA-2 for what they did on Dawn, when we have time. But we will see, we actually want to bury the hatchet with Pano and such, cause that fight has gone on and on. We will take your diplomatic expertise as an example da.
    Haq HQ: You flatter me old friend. But I heard a rumor about sepsitorized Ariadnans
    Ariadna HQ: Haha, that's funny, we have no cubes.
    Haq HQ: Haha, you are right, have a good day
    Ariadna HQ: Good day

    But alas, we have to go live to video footage of the unprompted Haq Islamite Invasion in the MRRF sector of the Battery:

    ….If you just had talked to us….
  20. gijared

    gijared Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    I'm no diplomat, just a simple soldier. I'm not one for grand speeches or political manuvering. I don't know much about those things, but I do know one thing.

    Men and women of Dawn die on Paradiso, not to protect our interest, but because humanity needs help. Ariadnan blood flows on battlefields far from Dawn not to protect profits, but because humanity needs us. Now, we'll bleed on this rock, not because of a vested interest in this place, but because O-12 asked us to help.

    Ariadnan soldiers will continue to fight and die for humanity. Justify your squabbling as you wish. We'll do our duty, for humanity, because someone has to.
    Thandar, Lauinav, cazboab and 3 others like this.
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