He is cheaper but weaker in the straight fighting department. The spets is his direct competitor due to his mods. You could also use the other versions of spets. There is also Uxia who is a bit more dangerous as well as she starts in close range. I think Bill seems to really shine in a link. There are other options in vanilla that can also do his job. He is still a good option just less exciting because he has no way to get up the board safely to use his advantages.
Sorry, this has probably been answered...is Bill getting a standard release or is the only way to get him is the ITS box or the older Aristea set?
I think Bill will eventually get a release later next year. Probably with a contender (would be really cool if it was an old style repeater) Aida hasnt got a general release yet but I think that is because her alternate sculpt got slated for release in Defiance. (It looks pretty good though) https://cf.geekdo-images.com/imagep...n/900x600/filters:no_upscale()/pic4887285.jpg
The Spetz is strictly a problem solver for me, his place is in the backline picking off problem units and warbands. Bill would be more of a midfield troublemaker
Took the Bill-UR power link in a 5 man TACOS free for all tonight. I got closed off from a lot of the objectives. But Bill walked right up through a Zuyong link. Once he close to within 8 inches that DA ammo is devastating. It felt kinda unfair. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does in the coming weeks once we get into the campaign. (Might as well show off my Wild Bill too, just got him all painted up.)
As much as kanluwen's attitude stinks I can see his point. Giving USARIADNA 112 or Wild Bill is the equivalent of JSA getting Pikachu or PanO getting a cricketer.
That is hardly a US only thing. There are tons of pop culture references in all the factions. A lot of people love them as well. People aren't complaining about the Ghost in the shell crew in JSA. At NOVA, Guiter said Wild Bill was added because they wanted to explore his fluff and give him an alternate mini. Asteroid Blues was a good way to do that and so it became a logical add. I think the better argument against Wild Bill is that we already have Van Zant, Rosie, UKR, and now Bill. We really didn't need another character as much as we needed another unit or two, but I guess N4 is around the corner. I also kind of feel like there are a lot cooler options to draw from in USA as well. Like why Wild Bill Hickok when we could have had John Rambo foxtrot/hardcase or Dan Daly Wulver. If they really wanted to go Western, they could have done Bass Reeves who was an escaped slave, the most proficient lawman of all time, and the archetype for the lone ranger.
It would help if a certain proportion of American tourists didn't wear cowboy hats absolutely everywhere they go. We get it, they're from Texas, but the cowboy boots, ten gallon hat, questionable moustache, and stars & stripes swimming shorts is not a good look for your Caribbean cruise! It's also nothing compared to Wallace wearing a kilt, that would never have happened!
The 112 isn't American. 112 is the emergency number in Europe, and the model is designed after a French firefighter uniform.
That would have been an EXCELLENT choice! He would make a great Hardcase named character. One of my favorite’s from US history.
Does anyone have figured out when is the optimal time for burst 2 DA ammunition compared to burst 3 AP/shock? Numbers are trickier than it seems.
If Bill is unlinked, against a fully linked Fusilier, and both are in cover, they're basically identical, except he has a higher chance to receive a wound from the Fusilier. Both kill about 44% of the time, but he's wounded in return 25% of the time with the pistols, and only 20% of the time with the rifle. If Bill is linked, the rifle is quite a bit better, killing about 65% of the time (11% chance to be wounded in return), with the pistols winning 57% of the time (being wounded back at about 19%). It'll probably be more situational against other profiles, but it seems that generally the rifle is the better choice over 8".
I think he was referring to the AP+shock ammo of the multi pistols and not the rifle. Rifle is only relevant at 8-16 range
For me the difference is the thematic link. JSA are stuffed full of swordfighters. A wild west character a firefighter and the bikers have little in common with the soldiers. It probably stands out more in USAriadna as their units look more similar than other factions.
The 112 looks out of place in every sectoral that's not MRRF. But he's the faction standard doctor. I feel that he really shouldn't have been TAK or at least been given such a prominent role over the Kazak Doctors. I would say there are three wild west units. Man With No Name Desperado, Hardcase, and now Bill. And all of them arent part of the formal USARF military
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the hats fit right in. Plenty of US armed forces and law enforcement wear stetsons.