Druze vs interventors

Discussion in 'Druze Bayram Security' started by Cannon Fodder, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I've been enjoying the Druze, but recently been getting killed by interventors. In theory I can make a list with no remotes or repeaters, but it's one of th reasons I like the druze. I usually put in a killer hacker, but they are no match for an interventor. Bashi bazuks are an option but I don't feel it is consistent enough.

    I think the only real option us duel killer hackers and EVo . But it's a lot of points for such a single target.
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Mmmmmm.... Primero, un EVO contra hackers es una opción "segura", mientras tengas un ingeniero a mano y no the maten a críticos los hackers asesinos, o a balazos.
    Me explico:
    El dispositivo de hacker es Equipo Automático, como tal se desactiva al caer al estado de inconsciente. En ORA enemiga no hay forma de que el EVO sufra 3 heridas, y en turno reactivo propio la única forma es que el enemigo consiga colarte 3 o 4 heridas (con ráfaga 3 como Trinity que tienen De Fersen y los hackers asesinos, o con un programa de ráfaga 2 y munición Double Trouble, como Redrum que tienen la Asura y hackers asesinos), o sea que te tiene que entrar el 100% de la ráfaga enemiga y que salves uno o ninguno de los impactos. Además, al ser tropa con Estructura el EVO es inmunne a shock.

    Dicho esto, aparte del EVO yo veo dos hackers en este "sectorial", y son Valerya con un Druso hacker asesino en enlace de 5 pueden tener ese Sexto Sentido...

    Ah, y recuerda que salvo hackers asesinos, los hackers que usen los repetidores del contrario sufren -3 a VOL y da +3 a PB a tus tropas

    Frack, I written all taht in spanish XD

    OK: Use an EVO, it has STRucture, so imunne to shock and since it has Remote presence, it has 2 levels of Unconscious.
    Since the Hacking devices are Automatic Equipment, they turn off when the EVO is KO, and the EVO cannot be killed normally in a single go. If the enemy is in ARO, it is not possible. If the enemy is in its active turn, then only Redrum and Trinity can do so (KHD, De Fersen and Asura H+ are the ones you have to look after). So have an engineer close by.

    The other option is to have both Valerya and a druze KHD in a 5man Fireteam, I'm not sure if you can use SS2 if the hacking comes through an allied repeater outside of your Control Zone but it's useful on the other situations.

    Finally, remember only KHD ignore the Firewall mod when using enemy repeaters, so you might be forgetting to apply a -3 to enemy WP and +3 t your BTS :)
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  3. jfunkd

    jfunkd hard forum hittin Carlos

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Druze KHD Redrum through a friendly repeater (likely pitcher) is probably as good as it's going to get through hacking and even then it's sub 50%.

    Interventors are the kind of problem Hunzakuts, Saito and Bashis may be better off solving for you.
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  4. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    You can increase your odds if you cybermask first. Surprise Attack is your friend.

    Also vs Interventors and BTS 9 I recommend Skullbuster since it has breaker ammo

    With surprise attack and repeater you get 51% chance of putting the Interventor down and a 14% chance of going down yourself.

    #4 T. Rex Pushups, Feb 19, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  5. T. Rex Pushups

    T. Rex Pushups Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    But my best recommendation is using a FO hunzakat incombination with a Druze link that is hacker free to lob E/M grenades at the Interventor until his toys no longer work.

    You don’t have to target him if you can FO any model within 5” of him you will be hitting on 15s or 18s if you can get within 16” of the target.
    theGricks likes this.
  6. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    In my last game against Nomads I was trying to fight the Interventor neither with Valerya nor with Druze KHD. @
    jfunkd wisely mentioned already about this solution - I took Saito, walked a little and chopped his head off ;) Let the ninja do what he's paid for ;)
    Another not bad option is Hunza LGL. For example.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  7. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I agree with the others, don't try and hack-duel a interventer. They are to strong at what they do.
    barakiel likes this.
  8. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    If you cybermask they can breakwater you. I think it is better just to try and KHD them without cybering first. Real talk though, it is tough to out hack an interventor.
    #8 Tom McTrouble, Feb 20, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
  9. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Why are you fighting an Interventor with a Hacker? EM LGL....

    And then KHD them.
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