Graviton's terrain singularity

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by Aspect Graviton, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So the dreaded day came and the narrative event has now happened! So here are the tables I put out for it:





    (random clumps of jungle appeared in round two as the area was then meant to represent an abandoned down town.)



    Building were provided by another player, and he did a great job on them:



    There are many, many more pictures but Imgur crashed while I was uploading them so this will have to do for now!
  2. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Payoff indeed! :+1:
    Aspect Graviton and Section9 like this.
  3. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Totally worth the effort!
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  4. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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  5. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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  6. SupersexyJohn

    SupersexyJohn Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2018
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  7. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Hello all!

    So I've had a couple of weeks break from posting after running the narrative event the other week however I've still been at it:

    Warsenal Alcazaba board
    So I mentioned previously that my local group clubbed together and ordered me an Alcazaba bundle , now the event is over and I have no boards that I needed to get to standard before it for the sake of the scenarios and having just had a week off I finally got around to building the stuff, key notes:
    1: It's beautiful
    2: It can F**k right off.

    So every inch of it is painstakingly detailed and lovely. The curved sections are lovely and it's been designed to be extremely playable, the curved sections while fantastic are a bit of a pig to get into place of the one's i've built so far 2 have snapped which impairs the overall effect, and due to it being transparent 1 of them i managed to out in backwards (luckily I caught that one before the PVA went off). The support structures are well thought out if questionably ordered, the system they use is great but occasionally the instructions would tell you to put something in then you've already glued the walls they slot into in place making it impossible, fortunately I cottoned on to this after the first building.
    Really with all the detail the buildings also want painting prior to assembly, the caravansary especially however: 1) who has time for that? 2) having had several MDF kits previously where prior painting is either scratched off by or entirely prevents assembly I don't do that anymore.

    Having played a game on what is build to far it's very enjoyable, it's going to take me an age to paint it all.

    This corner was a bastard.

    the front assembly: also not a favourite

    Other buildings

    The Caravansary, a beautiful nightmare to assemble but well worth the effort.

    The Table I managed to scrape together with the terrain I hadn't taken down for Situation Epsilon black:
    Ps love this table (the dinky little one, not the overall board)

    A new shiny 3D printer

    For my birthday I bought myself an Ender 5 since the fabrikator 2 mini has given up entirely and departed to join the choir eternal, I'd hoped it would last longer but I had expected the "my first 3D printer" to keel over at some stage, as I think I've mentioned before it worked well for proof of concept.
    So the ender 5 has an interface for a start which makes life easier and while the F2m was 100x100x100mm build space this thing is 220x220x350, good as it lets me set off a ten/twelve hour build before I leave in the morning and the machine thus far has the reliability to carry larger builds though where the F2m would freak out.

    As such having done some test prints (and fettling) i've also hit the CAD software again (on my week off from being paid to do that... wait...) and started to do some more designing.

    A chichicarra, designed by Topo.
    I now have 3 of these, one completed on the Fab 2, one started on the Fab 2 and then finished on the Ender after the Fab 2 died and one printed in a single sitting on the Ender 5.

    CA forward base:
    I did some forward bases as prize support for kurage crisis last year which were my last successful prints on the Fab 2 before it died (and after I'd just replaced the extruder, not bitter) these ended up just being crates/tech coffins so i finally designed what they're meant to be paried with, a node intended as a unidron charging point as the original idea for the crates was for abductees or for delivering unidron units.

    Also I can now print 15 crates at a time. :)

    As part of a forward position I also decided I should make some turret emplacements, and CA turrets are Q drones so i present a Q drone nest:
    Starts with a Qdrone in 270° cover and an elevated position

    And allows it to fall back to total cover.

    Painted (a bit) and shown above

    Urban defense line (or as parkitects call them, planters)
    These pieces have been really useful since I made them to I decided to expand my range, the tree prongs are a bit much in some occasions so i've made a two prong hex planter,
    Long straight planters
    And a fountain.
    I've also designed a basic model for a circular planter wall desinged on sice of the internal Ø and the ° around it wants to go. but i've not printed ant yet, the basic version is an IDØ of 200mm and for 60° hopefully I'll get to print one this evening.

    not everything is a picture perfect print as shown by this one where one of 12 venders came away from the bed about 10 hours through a 10 hr 26 min print:
    AAAARRRGH! you can see the little git at a jaunty angle from the rest.

    These do mostly clean up, think I'll try to salvage them by taking a machete to the STL and trying to print just the tops.
    ZlaKhon, Melchior, Shingen and 5 others like this.
  8. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So I've mostly been farting around with the printer this week with the occasional game inbetween

    Lump of printed stuff:
    Just a layout of the stuff which has successfully printed in the last two weeks, I think I've probably had at least £100 of scatter out of it so far.

    I picked up one of the Deep cut Studio aristea mats when I last ordered (gettting custom dice trays for the narrative event) and a new printer has given me the opportunity to do some 3D terrain for it:
    To match the mat the current highlighting is Zenthal Fluro green (left over from greentopia) over blue over black, looks good enough for now and hopefully I'll have time at some stage to pick out more detail with a brush, for now I just want something I can game with. I also intend to print some scoring zones at some stage

    I mentioned I'd got a couple of games in so here is a board with the Alcazbra stuff I've currently got built and the selection of scatter I'm working on
    The white planters will actually be for greenland, I want some bushes and well, greenery to break it all up


    Future plans
    So I want to make some upgrades for my existing tables, the foamboard stuff from back in the early days, I want to put some anti slip material under it, but a lot of the buildings want interior stuff as i always make large buildings in the hope of encouraging more CQB. Some more generic city scatter would ablso be welcome suggestions extremely welcome.

    Fountains and water features:
    I have printed a couple of water features and the alcazbra has several little fonts and baths, I have some clear setting resin when I'm feeling brave enough

    TT combat City:
    Well first of all I should probably finish assembling it all but the prefabs need more doing to them, access points ladders etc, there are currently several buildings which have no sane entry or exit points so I think it'll be printing some trapdoors and stairs to try and rectify that.

    Space port: I fully intend on having a military hangar and being that I both like Elite dangerous and have found several extremely well ripped models from it I'm intending on doing a few of those ships, I just need some time to break down the models a little more and work out the appropriate scaling. I also want some decent cargo terrain.

    JSA cyber japan: I have some buildings on order for this board already from red beam designs (would be nice if they turned up since it's been several weeks) I want it to be way dirtier and more cyberpunk than the TT combat board, so it's going to want more piles of rubbish, dumpsters, arcade machines and all the rest.

    Incoming event: Having decided that I already have the boards in place I'm running another event (just a tournament) next month on the basis that the work is already done, unfortunately I've now realised how much I actually want to make in the mean time to get the boards to a better standard
    xagroth, ZlaKhon, Shingen and 5 others like this.
  9. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Here's some that came to mind and are (relatively) easy to get since you can print them:
    • Cars (Hopefully sci-fi looking, i saved this link for when i get a printer, maybe these will do).
    • Dumpsters (Easy to find).
    • Vending machines (Also easy to find).
    • Utility robots (like cleaning ones and the like, this will require some designing as there's surprisingly few 28mm civilian robots, i've searched, but i think it's fully worth it, maybe using the chassis of Topo's Omnibot will help, otherwise i'm sure i saved a search once and could look up some).
    • Ad booths (there's a classic design using dice cubes, that might be enough, doubly so if you can put a light inside).
    Hopefully some of this should help :+1:
  10. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Good calls all:
    Car's I'm going to be looking for better ones but at the moment I'm still working my way through 30 or so I picked up in a discount store that scrub up ok.
    Dumpsters: I'm going to model a couple more, I've also got a generic bin like you'd find in a park to do at some stage.
    Vending machines, on that one found a great set of models (see the three painted red infront of the chichicarra lander in the first pic of the post above), I just need them to print properly 1 had one batch of 12 cock up at 80% (see the ruins in the post before last) and one at 98% (the ones in the picture)
    Utility Robots: YES, I need those, have a couple of delivery ones done so far (topo's omnibots in fact) but street sweepers etc would be ace. You're onto something good there.
    Ad booths, I could do with some 3D booths like you mention, I actually just an hour ago snapped off a batch of bill board bases for 5mm foam core ADs, thinking of doing some printed signage as well to go in them rather than faomboard billboards.

    I do mean to integrate lights somewhere in my builds, I could do with getting some cheap lights and having a bash.
    jherazob likes this.
  11. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    That's a pretty good list.

    You can also add some Blade Runner parking meters, from Shapeways.
    Aspect Graviton and jherazob like this.
  12. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My only problem with Shapeways is the shipping to Europe that typically triples the price, if they had a reseller or transportation hub or a second office with printers or something here in Europe i'd get so much stuff from them...
  13. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Shapeways ships from NL factory for European customers. But they negotiated poor (and worse as time passed) deals, and do not want to use plain post service for small things. Their shipping from one side to the other of USA is cheaper than shipping inside NL (even before VAT). France is one dollar less than Australia, explain that.

    The other problems with Shapeways is that their own prices skyrocketed in last years and the quality is not there when compared to properly casted resin (or pewter, or photetch... whatever fits the case). Some items are plain and simple silly to buy. People keep on thinking they can offer good deals to customers, even after some big shops with huge following admit the sales went down with the changes.

    But lets compare a real case, for example Civil War Ironclads mentions "fortune" for resin but printed means over 22 euros (includes VAT) in "sandpaper" Versatile Plastic (assuming production does not fuck it...), or over 46 in "smooth" and over 68 euros in "smoothest" (both tend to have at least one face rough, thus quotes for smooth, and are brittle).

    Compare to price and quality of retail kits (niche, but retail anyway):
    1 Monitor as photoetch 22 dollars (currently 17.59 with discount). Virginia would be a bit more if avaliable... but I doubt it would be beyond 30. Chinese product and origin (may attract import fees and VAT).
    2 Monitor & Virginia in resin & photoetch with diorama base 39 euros. Seems to be a Czech brand (the shop is, thus VAT included).
    What "fortune"? For really smooth surfaces and tiny details?

    Remember SW is manufacturer plus designer "money", while the others come via shops (another party involved, "more money") yet can keep prices comparable or lower for better finish and details, with packaging and basic instructions.

    jherazob likes this.
  14. Shingen

    Shingen Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I hope you can excuse me that shameless plug, but some time ago I was battling similar problem while building a diorama, hope the photos bellow may be of any help for you.

    All the plastics are 3d printed, however, the most interesting in my mind, i.e. the hover car and the bike were part of Antenocity’s .stl Kickstarter some time ago, rest is either self-designed or comes from Thingiverse.




  15. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    OOft. shameless plug accepted, looking at picking up some AW STLs next month, been looking for a decent kaneda's bike the models I've found thus far haven't been viable as 28mm prints.

    Thanks for sharing.
  16. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Just stumbled onto this and this, maybe these will do for the purpose
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  17. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Not been up to much terrain wise in the last week since Asteroid Blues has now started so my hobby time is being taken up by admin instead,

    On the other hand part of that admin is making and photographing cool thematic tables so here are the three boards from my current campaign with a bit of helpful photo editing:

    All these tables are meant to be set in the Gallery maze, so ruined slightly crumbling industrial complexes in the asteroid.

    Intended as a disused platform the CA are using to smuggle in war materials to Novyy Bangkok, the idea was the ship and to show off some of the CA terrain bit's I've been printing as I'm offering some sets out as prize support.


    One of the original photos, This one I simply edited to remove the clutter etc in the background

    My favourite board so far, done to represent a deeper level abandoned facility with more of a heavy industrial background, editing the fissures was fun if rather time consuming! This location was being used as a waypoint between smugglers and Morats hiding in the tunnels.



    once again the unedited picture is just full of tat which is removed but this one then has more mood lighting put on it.

    The most recent board was to be a proper ricketty old death trap of a transit platform being used by the druze as a hideout, this game was a last minute thing so the terrain set is my flatpack cardboard demo set and some rocks I happened to have about




    This one was also to put in mood lighting but also to just generally remove some of the detritus around the board while we were playing

    JSA Table
    Meanwhile I've finally got hold of my red beam designs stuff:
    Only had the very littlest forray into this set for now but the MDF is cleanly cut, the building shown is about a third constructed and entirely dry fit, the modular cladding system they use really appeals to me as a gamer and continual board tinkerer.
    #77 Aspect Graviton, Sep 25, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
    xagroth, Section9, Usashi and 4 others like this.
  18. volgo

    volgo Usuario

    Aug 22, 2017
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    I love your boards. I find them very immersive, each with their own atmosphere.
    In addition, they are colorful, but not too much. They have some coherency that I like a lot.
    Great job!
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  19. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Those are epic boards!!!
  20. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Mostly been busy with Asteroid Blues so not much in the way of terrain but I do have a couple of boards to wave about:

    The idea for this board was a facility for breaking down and scavenging unrecoverable ships which you'd find somewhere in the Novyy Bangkok gallery maze, the board itself was great to play on, lots of low cover with a few spots of elevation if you were brave enough to take them


    The write up of the game is here

    There was another game on the board after which looked fun, lot of skirmishers and chicanery and quick dirty firefights down corridors.

    This board was a bit of a mish-mash, I'd got a game arranged on shot notice in my gaming room rather than the FLGS where 90% of my terrain is at the moment, but since my WIP pile is the haqq board I ended up with this


    Worked well, the caravansarii was a great defensive point but also ended up being a bit of a trap for my opponent who struggled to get out of it and make meaningful progress. A bit more scatter for it would go a way to improving it.

    Game is here

    From a game I'm currently writting up, this used a lot of my existing foamboard terrain and a lot of the 3D printed scatter I've been churning out recently:




    Great fun to play on, the scatter added a lot to the board

    In other news I picked up a glass bed for the Ender 5, crikey, I put a bit of adhesive on the plain glass side and the adhesion improvement it astronomical, I spent a good ten minutes this morning trying to pry some consoles off the bed so I'd consider this a resounding success thus far.

    I'm running a 20 man Tournament with unmasking on the 19th so:


    Project goals for the tournament:
    1. Consoles, got a batch of 6 on at the moment so that'll put me to 15 left, I do actually have some I've printed previously so 2 more batches for 24hrs printing total. so thursday assuming no runs cock up.
    2. Beacons (we're doing capture and protect) So I need to design some beacons and get 20 printed, got a couple of ideas. Smaller stations so hopefully not to long to print should all be done by weekend :s needs to be since I'm away next week.
    3. Non slip on the foamboard terrain.
    4. Get the New red beam JSA stuff built.
    5. Get some more scatter printed and finished if possible.
    Future stuff to get done
    1. Paint the Alcazbra terrain, this is going to be my nice show board, I'm very deliberately not going to rush it.
    2. Replace the foamboard terrain, I've got a load of 3mm expanded foam sheet on order the stuff I've built from it so far is tougher and less prone to flying across the board if nudged.
    redeemer, Berjiz, volgo and 3 others like this.
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