To be perfectly honest, you might be missing someone competent at using them. It's very difficult to exploit any of a Hospitaller link's weaknesses, as they are better at shooting than an equivalent IA fireteam and doesn't have a natural weakness to casual melee for roughly the same price.
An incredibly resilient HI team without any weak links, great at dodging templates, stealth running through repeaters that had a doctor at the ready. And most of all, a decent support in TOFOOS, TO sniper and bulleteer with fusiliers pumping them to a respectable order count in two groups. It was the definition of a faceroll army that people here in out meta took when they wanted some easy wins at a tourney.
Yeah, the whole thing was kind of a shit sandwich. Dashat really needs the Tac Awareness profiles removed, because it gives the lie to the idea that TA is for armies that are low order count. They need to reevaluate what the fuck they're doing with all those NWI profiles in IA. Someone on 4chan hilariously mentioned that the bitching from the YJ community would be baseless and insufferable except for the fact that Dashat exists.
What's wrong with Varuna? Everything but the Kamau sniper in Fusilier links seems pretty reasonable to me.
OK, fair point. Jammers do need to be fixed to allow more face-to-face rolls. N3 mostly got rid of the "eat a Normal roll" mechanics of N2, dunno why CB re-introduced them.
Well it's more that if they can fuck with you without needing LoF, you should be able to fuck with them back. If they're in an inaccessible place, like on a rooftop, then in order to interact with a nearby objective you have to eat a normal roll from them. If it was a hacker, you could get your killer hacker in there and murder them in response. But there's no equivalent response to a Jammer.
The whole Jammers things really boils down to "they are kinda too powerful", IMO CB needs to make them hackable or something. Make them easier to attack (how about giving AHDs a way to blow them up? Suddenly you might be more inclined to take AHDs all together).
Make them Comms equipment and job is a gud'un. Then they're a viable target for blackout and have to be careful as they advance through hacking AROs
I still think they should lose the No LOF tag, too. If the EMP can't go through a wall, why can the jamming?
Here's my N4 ISS Wishlist: Internal balance in ISS is awful. Bao are basically unplayable (Rui Shi exist in the same faction, which makes Bao a non-choice), Zhanying only get taken as link fillers for Wu Ming or Hsien, most of the Pheasant profiles are useless, the Ashcroft Hunting Party link is just bloat with no purpose, and the Sforza profiles should be cleaned up into one profile (this change has already been made to Dahshat). ISS just feels very bloated as a sectorial -- so many profiles exist that even with link options just wouldn’t get played. There are 8 Pheasant profiles, for example, and I can only see 3 that I would ever consider at all. Bao have 6 profiles with only 2 I would ever consider regardless of how much their link options were changed. Why would I take a Bio2 BSG Contender Bao when for 1 point more I can get a Bio2 MSV2 BSG Bao? Why would I take an X-Visor MSV2 Combi+LSG Bao when for 4 points less I can get the Bio2 MSV2 BSG Bao? Why would I take any of these when for less cost across the board, I can get a Spitfire on a Rui Shi that is faster, just as good of a shot, can use supportware, and has almost the same ARM/BTS? (Yeah Bao are BTS6, something you would know if maybe you had EVER SEEN ANYONE PLAY ONE!) And hell, we might as well just let the Hsien HMG into a mixed core at this point. It wouldn’t be the most egregious jump in power in the last year. (I’m about 75% serious here.) We already saw it in Yuandun and it was strong but not oppressive there.