I am so glad I played in Pulpi Prodigies, people seemed so much more chill there. I remember one of the Russian Warcors confronting another player outside the venue and calling him a cheater. Wasn't really pleasant to watch. I dunno if this was about this game or some other.
Now that's really racist, unless I'm somehow misinterpreting it and you didn't just imply all Russians are cheaters and they can't call out when other people cheat on them because they are Russians?
Maybe you guys could take the lead from players like plebian and Dr. Nick who, despite suffering from this supposed "cheating" first hand still have the humility and maturity to not just slander someone on the internet.
@Iguana There's a difference between implying a specific group is playing favorites (since Pupnik claimed that the "organization" allowed him to run an illegal fireteam) and saying that all players of a given race are cheaters.
@Iguana Btw no one from 40k, 9th age Russian competitve community plays Infinity, just for the heads up
Racism over a fucking judge's call in a tabletop wargame, christ this forum is becoming trash. But hey casual online racism is fine right? Nothing bad ever came from that.
I'm the first who has remembered doing something that was not right during the game hours after said game finished. In Friendly games. In a tournament? I've seen Hac Taos in the midfield coming out of Hidden Deployment, and Kitsune in my DZ.... Corrected the player, moved on. I also suffered a player not using his Kuangshi extremely impetuous orders (thus no ARO for me... which is a shame because I had his Su Jian in blast reach of 2 of those KS), etc etc. So, in a big tournament, second day of games, fifth round, no A/C working right (I heard that the Kraken zone was Mordor while the Pulpi zone was The Wall...), a Spanish player Vs a Russian one, and we saw that Pupnik's english is not the best (dunno about Dr Nick, but I assume it's not his first language either)... Seeing as the problem was corrected, I wouldn't read more into this, and I would stop with "stone throwing" a word that doesn't mean what you try to imply, since I think all the implied people are caucasians... -.- @psychoticstorm maybe it would be best to close this thread, since it has been so derailed?
So, do i get it straight - if some dudes form Russian WH40k, AOS, FOW, WM, 9th Age player base and who have no relation to our Infinity community are cheating in their respective systems (that Russian Ininifty community doesn't give a shit about) we (as Infinity players) share that responsibility and couldn't adress people in Inifnity who are cheating and breaking the rules? Are you serious?
@Koni @Bostria @psychoticstorm @anyone ... probably time to close the thread, take picture of screen, erase reponses and take some actions ...
Hecaton was the first to accuse the referees of deliberately favoring Pupnik for being Spanish. And then he is accused of cheating publicly. They are not ways of doing things and if you do not want to be accused of anything, do not accuse anyone either.