Straight to the point: I expect Tohaa to be folded into NA2 and not have its own territory. It would also help with the Schrödinger Spiral Corps situation that, depending on the context, it is either considered to be Tohaa or not. This mechanically makes sense easier for Corvus to implement from a fluff and technical point of view, but it makes me sad. What do you expect?
Yeah thats my expectation too that Tohaa gets folded into NA2 and combined will be the only alien army left. Honestly it doesn't bother me anymore really, Tohaa got enough units for me. It would be nice to get some rework to the whole army to make it feel better. After spiral I stopped expecting some future for Tohaa, still my only army and still a lot of fun to play. To be fair my local gaming group pretty much collapsed so I rarely get more than one match per month....
Sorry to hear that. Let's hope that N4 reignites the interest for Infinity in your group and you also get new players.
I expect vanilla Tohaa to be written off completely. Unless there is a massive increase in production and skus I can't see vanilla Tohaa re-emerging especially since they made room for O12. Also removing spiral doesn't actually free up anything for Tohaa. Fluff wise it also seems possible to write vanilla off given the state of the gate.
Well, Im almost sure Spiral will take their place on Asteroids, its new army and would be dumb to abandon it so early. But vanilla...It would be good, but as ChoTimberwolf, have no expectations for Tohaa for this one.
Can anybody here explain to me why would Tohaa be folded into NA2? Did I miss a memo from CB or something? There are already Tohaa in NA2 (Spiral kinda counts), so why would they move a whole faction to NA2?
Fluff reason Tohaa isn't big enough with the gate closed not many Tohaa troups are there to fight. Other reasons: After a long time what Tohaa got wasn't a sectorial it was a NA2 army that counts as human for gameplay reasons. All Tohaa only SKUs got discontinued, so my guess is that spiral is meant to be the tohaa future for the forseeable future. Main reason is that spiral was NA2 and not a sectorial. That gives the feeling that CB doesn't really want to expand Tohaa.
Oh, look, another “RIP Tohaa“ thread. We havn't had one of those in a week or so! If only people were as active and dedicated when it comes to the discussion of strategy, profiles and match-ups. That would show CB that there are plenty of active Tohaa players and lovers! Can't we just enjoy our faction and have fun with this wonderful hobby instead of “predicting“ a lot of things that may or may not happen?
I had to double check, just in case, but the title of this thread is still "Tohaa in Asteroid Blues". I was specifically talking about the upcoming campaign, I thought that was clear enough.
Please do note that there were more Tohaa players than YJ ones in the Interplanetario. And at least one among the top 10.
We will be there again to show that we are few but very well coordinated and willing to give everything
For what it’s worth I hope they are NA2 for campaign purposes. I’m playing tohaa and spiral right now and I’m not ready to choose one yet.
This is a tough one. I want Tohaa to be Tohaa for the event and not NA2. The problem with this is that with the number of Tohaa left in the Human Sphere it makes sense to have Tohaa and Spiral as one. If Spiral stays NA2 I could see them shoving Tohaa into NA2. Last campaign NA2 was huge. They don't need Tohaa to back them up, but if you force Tohaa into NA2 for this event it could make NA2 unstoppable. Personally I think I'd like Tohaa to have Spiral as part of their team separate from NA2.
I see a bit weird solution: make Tohaa second one "NA2"-like faction. According fluff Spiral Corpse and Tohaa are not suits to be sectorials to each other, but still Spiral have clear faction alignment (which is a bit odd for NA2 army even if they alignment is hidden). I would definitely happy to see this kind of separation, as I can tell, many of us considering these 2 armies as part of one
Well last two campaigns I played for YJ. Now I'll move to Tohaa, just to show that still have large numbers of players, as was shown in the interplanetary.
I am not sure how things will be scored this campaign. From what I have heard CB has been trying to get it so NA2 can fight and score for any faction, rather than being tied together. However, I have also heard there is some push back from Beasts of War, as this would require more programming because their campaign system is not designed for this type of scoring. They could also do something similar to what they did last year by having NA2 all be fighting for JSA, by having all NA2 score for Tohaa, (I think this framing makes more since as it implies that Tohaa are supplementing their lack of forces within the Human Sphere with Mercenaries, rather than the other way around). Regardless how scoring works out, I will be playing my Tohaa. I have taken a bit of a break from them to try out some of the other armies I have been collecting, (thus justifying my collection...), so it will be nice to put some of the new units through their paces.
I was talking about this at the Interplanetario with Bostria. Tohaa is going to be a faction at Asteroid Blues and Spiral Corps is going to be part of NA2 at the campaign. Just as it is in the Army and as it is gonna stay. Yes, it sucks that Spiral Corps earns points for NA2 which is not an actual faction and not for Tohaa, but is the way is going to be. Actually I asked him if I could register myself as a Tohaa player, play and report games played with Tohaa but play some games with Spiral and report them as if I were still playing with Tohaa. He said no. Tohaa is Tohaa and Spiral Corps is NA2. There's no discussion there.
Yeah, is something that doesn't fit at all with the lore. Spiral Corps is controlled by the Triumvirate, and the Triumvirate's modus operandi is to do whatever it takes to benefit the Tohaa. It makes no sense their points going to a faction that doesn't exist in the lore and no to the Tohaa.