Hello Guys, so, I have "one more time" the Factions Numbers to this Interplanetario :) They aren`t still whole, because some players didn't upload yet the lists (probably they will not participate in the end :( ) I add Pulpis+Krakens in order to have the whole picture. Edit: I copy the image link, so you can do click and go to view it https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bazBsp93pxzdMpZC1m4Xfe7F0OxXsW8/view?usp=sharing I hope they aren't more problems to view it. Some numbers surprises me a lot. -¿Nomads as the most played faction? Amazing! -SSO one of the most played? Direct confirmation of what a lot of players said in the Forum "SSO rules". -¿Where is Varuna? ¿Only Six Players? ¿Really? -¿What about IA? Latest year was one of the most played, ¿Did this non IL extra? -Shasvastii the big winner. 9 player when in Interplanetary 2018 were only 3 braves. -TAK the numbers looks what most of us could be waiting but... ¿Ariadna? ¿What happening? It is a non IL tournament, so... ¿The Highly Classified hurt them so much? -The great looser "Invencible Army". I really find hard to believe that no one will be play with this sectorial. Numbers has been displayed... What do you think about them? Feel free to speak! :)
Thanks! It should be fixed now (I hope, I had a lot of problems with the "latest google-drive-interface").
I copy the image link, so you could do "click" on it and go to the image, I hope. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bazBsp93pxzdMpZC1m4Xfe7F0OxXsW8/view?usp=sharing
PanO as a whole is in good shape so it's not a surprise to see the 19 PanO players spreaded around the four sectorial and the generalist armies. If you add all the players of each faction, you'll find that PanO players aren't that far in count from Nomads. But I think that the lack of ForCo players really shows that PanO and Nomad players can't stand to play the units of the other faction.
As regular I like to do too the stats per faction, but the NA2 places me in an uncofortable spot. I really have not idea how to do it without make up the numbers for NA2. It looks wrong place all NA2 together. Or I'am wrong and I should place all in the same count?
I'm not. The sectorial really feels like CB didn't want it to be good; it created another sectorial (Dashat) for people who want to Tac Awareness w/ Zuyongs and win games. On top of that Uprising is still affecting the YJ faction popularity (and will possibly do so functionally perpetually).
Ey!! Great news! I haven't renew the graphics with the latest data, people in "Kraken+people in Pulpi", but I didt at tuesday for personal use and still no IA army. True I miss one player fron the total, I think it was an error or somebody who don't come finally or it will upload the list really late. If I have time I will check my script, maybe I have some kind of code mistake. Sorry. Could you tellme exactly when you upload the lists? Dead line? At 31 Juli? Thanks!!! Now I'am packing my bag and go to sleep early because I have a plane to catch tomorrow morning. I try to do my best effort and fix the graphics before, but I don't make any promeses. We will see you tomorrow, guys!!!
Hello, I had a bug in the script, so never the IA players had been count, sorry. Now it was fixed. I hope the script code be now really Ok. Sorry if not and someone is not counted. I miss still two players: "@Arenikus and @arrite" https://drive.google.com/file/d/18noD5Kfl-p71ntfjitCaT9cQa4_zxh5T/view?usp=sharing
Arenikus is playing Vanilla Haqqislam, he had issues uploading the lists to OTM, so we had to send them via email.
My guess is high ranked ITS players (kraken) / normal ITS players (pulpi, abbreviation from pulpito, diminutive form from pulpo; which means octopuss in spanish. )